Is 144 the magic number to no longer be a newb?

That is what the internet says.
Sweet. each their own but....i gotta say....there's alot of scots on these here boards.....
Its true.

And some partial Scots.
i'm irish/german but i married a scot....i mean...clan name and everything...i didn't know scots were so "into" their heritage...even more so than us irish!
SO out here in Washington we have a tribe of native Americans who won the right to go out and kill a whale because it was a part of their heritage. I think I should be allowed to go out and celebrate my heritage as well. Since I'm primarily of Nordic decent? I think I should be allowed to take a long boat, about 20 of my buddies and raid Brittish Columbia!
sounds like a plan to me...but if you start killing and raiding little convents and monasteries we're gonna have to duel.... :D
As long as you stay away from Minnesota and and part of Ireland, I'm fine with it!
Well if I were supposed to go back to my heritage...I guess I could build some pyramids and sacrifice some people to the rain god Tlaloc...
Hmm... Mine is German, English, Irish and Scottish... It is like WW2 here.

Hubby is Italian and Navajo. I got me a savage with a taste for pasta.
i looooooooooooooooove portuguese...very pretty people..and lovely language.

Even I cannot permit myself the blatant racism that would occur should I post the first thing that popped into my head :-)
jeepers...didn't know we were getting into a racism type of chat...maybe we should change the subject.?


I'm just sleepy so my filter is working really well.