Specific plot teams have every right to deny racials to Wylderkin transferring in, whether or not they do so is up to them. I trust the plot teams I'm familiar with to have good reasons for their choices and more importantly the last thing I want to do is piss off a player who gets into the logistics line and gets told that the racials they've been playing with aren't approved, it's a crappy first impression and it's not worth the fight with the player and especially not the other plot team. If said player pre-regged for the event and I had some advance warning I might ask for the home plot team's justification though, but as long as there's a reasonable rationale I wouldn't take away a player's skills. It's a customer service and "Is this worth the drama?" call. I have yet to see an insane animal/ability combo sent over for transfer, though I'm sure Jesse is even now transferring a walrus-kin with dodge and resist binding over in order to mess with me :shades: , and while I might not think some choices are the best ones for a specific animal type I've never had Dodgy McSlotherton sent to me by my logistics for approval.