Solrex, after trying to get a response in, but people speaking before he could, sorta cutting him off since he couldn't find the right moment to jump in, he finally found a place in the conversation to do so.
He turned to the alchemist Phalenopsis, and quickly returned, "That's alright, I'm not in the mood to get drunk. Also, nice seeing you again." Indeed, Solrex wanted to distract his mind from his problems, not just delay them to later. Being drunk was cheating your way out of your emotional problems.
Turning to the first voice that spoke to him, he responded, "With all the fun? Well, I've nearly died several times over, and I've felt real fear. To be honest, it's scary, but I've never felt more alive. You know, opposites make each other more visible. The fear of death makes life so much more valuable, wouldn't you say? What would life mean if there was no risk of death?"
Solrex heaved, breathing in, trying to calm his nerves, talking to people was a bit of work, but it was always worth it to get these skills trained and practiced. Person to person interaction is necessary for life, so it is a skill that Solrex trained regularly, as necessary.
He turned to the alchemist Phalenopsis, and quickly returned, "That's alright, I'm not in the mood to get drunk. Also, nice seeing you again." Indeed, Solrex wanted to distract his mind from his problems, not just delay them to later. Being drunk was cheating your way out of your emotional problems.
Turning to the first voice that spoke to him, he responded, "With all the fun? Well, I've nearly died several times over, and I've felt real fear. To be honest, it's scary, but I've never felt more alive. You know, opposites make each other more visible. The fear of death makes life so much more valuable, wouldn't you say? What would life mean if there was no risk of death?"
Solrex heaved, breathing in, trying to calm his nerves, talking to people was a bit of work, but it was always worth it to get these skills trained and practiced. Person to person interaction is necessary for life, so it is a skill that Solrex trained regularly, as necessary.