John Finnegan - The Best of Us All - Rest in Peace

Duke Frost

Today has proven to be a tragic day. The family that is the Alliance Larp has lost one of its best. Today John Finnegan passed away.

John was an amazing if not the best writer and director to ever run a larp game. He was a peace maker and facilitator of all that the Alliance has been since day one. Without him we would not have this crazy game we all love.

But more importanly, John was one of the kindest and gentlest people that has ever graced our lives. John was a caring and loving person whose goal was always to make sure everyone had a great time. He was adored and loved by everyone he met.

I'm still in shock and words are failing me. Please join me in any way you feel appropriate in honoring him, praying for him or just plain thinking of him. Please keep his family in your thoughts.

We love you and miss you John.

Colleen, Patrick, and both families; you are in our thoughts.

-Ali and Michelle
I too am in shock. I have known John since around 1990, when he first started playing NERO and I saw his potential and had him writing for me almost immediately... he was always the yin to my yang, smoothing my edges for me.

I will post more tomorrow; I hope you will all forgive me for not writing more at the moment.
I never met him but he helped me a lot with getting going in NJ chapter
I was so looking forwaqrd to meeting him :(

You will always be in our hearts, John.

To Patrick, Andrea, and most especially Colleen: If there's ANYTHING you need, just let us know.

We love you.

Michael and I are stunned. I don't know what to say.

All our love to the Finnegan and Capuano families.

- Jen
My sincerest and heartfelt condolences to John's family and Alliance family as well. I did not know John very well, but what I did see was a kind, caring, and talented soul. You will be missed, but never forgotten.

I have known john for just about 15 years. I am to numb and shocked to talk.

To Colleen, Patrick, Andrea what ever you need please let me know

I LOVE YOU JTF. May you be in a better place now

Danny Perez
I write this with tears in my eyes. John was like a big brother to me when I really needed one.

I'd write more, but I can barely think straight.

Colleen, you have all my love and sympathy.

From Mike: I can remember meeting John at my first event. Ten years ago, WOW. His presence at an event was always felt. From his writing, to his kooky and/or creepy characters, to just John as himself OOG. I looked forward to all three at every event. I saw him precious little outside of NERO/Alliance and the thought of never seeing him again leave me at a loss for words.

From Maria: I cannot express the sadness that overwhelms me right now. He was always someone that I really looked foward to spending time with when at an event. Funny, Kind and Genuine. His presence will be deeply missed.

To Colleen: Anything at all that you need, let us know.

We have lost one of the best.
John could see your potential, even if you did not. He could foster it and help it build. He always encouraged you to do better. He was one of the hardest working men I know... and one of the funniest. I loved how his mind worked--he was an incredible person to brainstorm with. He was an incredible friend.

He leaves behind a legacy that will not be forgotten.

Colleen--my heart breaks for you. For his closest friends and family--I grieve with you. If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. For now I will remember... and share those memories and smile.

I know this will sound like a cliche, but those who know me know I have said this many times.

John Finnegan was my hero.

Like most of us, I met him playing this game. It was the early 1990's and I was instantly awed by him. My eagerness to earn his approval was one of the reasons I played my character the way I did. When driving to events early in my LARPing career, I would plot ways to interact with him in-game. It might sound creepy, but honestly, that is what hero-worship does to you.

As I became friends with John, I learned what an awesome person he was. As others have said before me, he was warm, generous, kind, caring and funny. I never heard him say a bad thing about anyone. Few people have had such an impact on my life and he will be missed greatly.

I love you, John. You will always be my hero.

--- Eric Stehle
1st, Scott, on behalf of my family thank you for posting this.

I tried to call everyone I could. I apologize to all of John's friends who I couldn't personally deliver the news to, who had to hear it from the grapevine.

We are all here, at John's house. The hours pass and it's sometimes heavy tears, other times a numb, shell-shock daze. I helped carry John out so that it would not be all strangers taking him away...and I still cannot accept that my best friend, my brother is gone. Forever.

Simply put, I never met a greater person than John T. Finnegan...a paragon of all that is good in human beings. There is now a permanent shadow upon the world where once was the radiant light that was John Finnegan.

I want to say something of the epic loss I feel, but my muse fails me, the tears take away my self-control, my fingers are too clumsy upon the instead, I'd like the immortal words of W H Auden to represent my feelings here:

"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good."

Right now, I don't believe truer words could ever be said or spoken.

I'll miss you forever, Brother...

-Patrick Von Raven
Words cannot explain the sadness I feel. John was NERO. His great writting, his advice, his fairness and love of the game can never be replaced. To Patrick and Colleen and the rest of his family and friends my heart goes out to you. You will be missed John, but not forgotten.
People keep asking me if im ok. I keep telling them its not me to worry about. Worry for his family and for Colleen for she lost her husband and her best friend.

I know im supposed to write some heartfelt response. But I feel sick and numb.

Something great and wonderful and magical has left this world. And theres nothing anyone can do to make it better.

Patrick please send all our love to Johns family and to Colleen and hers. Hug Colleen for me and let her know how much I love her.

I know how barren I feel. There is no idea how you all must be feeling.

Colleen... Patrick... I can not articulate what John meant to me as a mentor and a friend. His death is indeed a shock, as he is one of those people you want to live forever so he can touch more of the world with his inner magic.

He always managed to make me smile and helped nurture my crazy ideas from something outrageous to something workable. I will now forever cherish the last hug I ever got from him and his last words of advice to me: "Live your life, Susan. Don't let anyone hold you back from your dreams. Be safe, I'll see you soon."

Rest in peace, John. May all you have touched understand your magic and may you live on in our memories forever.
I am sending my love and deepest condolences to John's family.

John... this one is for you.


I still can't believe it. My heart goes out to Colleen. May she be provided with all of the love and comfort she needs during this extremely difficult time.

Sandy B
I only met him a couple of times, knowing him mostly via postings and emails. And I am too in shock over it all. He would be one of the people I would have named if asked for the top 10 'experts' in the LARP field.

If it is not impolite to ask - what happened?