John Finnegan - The Best of Us All - Rest in Peace

March always brings me a great deal of sadness as I remember my friend, taken way too soon. I, too, still find myself visiting this thread at low times. He is often my inspiration in all things... both game and life... With that:

Hey John,
I opened up a chapter in Denver. It's doing really well and we are hoping to get around 80 people an event once the season begins in April. The plotlines are coming along nicely. We have both short and long term arcs that the players are (hopefully) enjoying. There are some hard feelings between the nobles and commoners right now as the game is still newish and seeking its balance in that regard. We have 4 total plot members now... and we are striving to be the 4 horsemen. I have several desk people that I trust, and a GREAT player community. They host their own costume making nights, combat practices in parks, in game dinners, and more. I've been told that I am the source of many friendships and that feels pretty fantastic. We are doing a MODULE day this Saturday and it's our first. I remember back in Brooklyn when you first asked me to join plot when you saw a module that I had run there in the basement. That was the start of it all pal. Good times. I could definitely use some inspiration and summon a patronus like yourself. At times when I need that creative muse after a long, hard day at work, I recall many of the plotlines and world we created, be it on the phone or in meetings with our team. I recall discussing the Vaccarans at the faire day with you, long into the wee hours, and long before Pirates of the Caribbean stole our idea. LOL. Thanks for all the great memories. Thanks for being so positive and teaching me patience, forgiveness, and kindness. I tell myself that a part of your creativity lives on in me.
- Jesse Grabowski
I didn't browse these forums yesterday, because I couldn't bear the memories. I know it is a day late, but I still miss you my friend. I tried to spend yesterday enjoying life the same way I know you would have.

I've definitely been out of the NERO loop for far too long as I just learned about this tragic news yesterday. Or maybe I heard it once in passing years ago, but I blocked it out. I feel silly for writing now, so long after, but grief and fond memories know no boundaries. After reading all of these beautiful tributes, I had to add my condolences even if far too late.

I am terribly sorry for this tragic loss. I feel deeply for John's family and dear friends and can only hope that your fond memories of times together have helped you through the darkest of times.

John and I were once close friends, and I was saddened that we parted ways due to youth, stupidity, and whatever other reasons got in the way. Still, I always thought of John as a wonderful person with a beaming smile, beautiful voice, and tender heart. His creativity, passion, and dedication showed through in all he did. He certainly lit up the room (or play field), and I'm sure the countless wonderful memories of him will continue to light up the hearts of all who loved him.

My best to all,
Emily C.

Baroness Alicia Hollymsong - Ashbury
Lady Leilah Clairborne, Neridia
Taliesyn - Ravenholt
Happy birthday John. I miss you buddy.
Well John it's been almost 12 years since you left us and I know your birthday is coming up soon. I thought you'd get a kick out of this attachment. Resized_20200208_122850.jpeg I just moved into a house and drove past it the other day.

The game has changed a lot and really wonder what direction it would have went in had you still been with us.

Well I have to go but I'm always thinking about you buddy. Take it easy and I'll try and post again on the 22nd. That's my wedding anniversary also but if not I'll say happy birthday now.
Happy birthday John. So much has changed. We all still miss you.
13 years ago yesterday. Dam. I'm sorry that I didn't sign on and leave another message. I wish you were still here to share with us your wisdom.
We're gonna make you proud buddy.

Happy birthday John. I can't believe its been almost 14 years since you tragically left us. We all miss you a great deal.

The game is still evolving and I'm trying to make you proud of what the Alliance has become. Oh could I forget, Matt and I are rewriting the dedication page of the rule book. I'm going to read over this whole thread for some more inspiration and then go back to writing.

Miss ya buddy.
March 17th....this day will always be in my mind. It was 15 years ago today that the Alliance and the world lost an amazing, kindhearted man, John T Finnegan.

Hey buddy, we all miss you so much, even the people that you've never met. Wow 15 years. So much has changed. Matt and I as co-presidents and Doheny as head of ARC, I know you never seen that one coming John. I hope we all make you proud of what the Alliance has become.

To this day I still think what would have happened to this game if you were still around. I know you would have been in my shoes without a doubt and everyone would have loved it. Well I got to get ready to go to work. Take care, we miss you a TON and as always, I love you buddy.