This game has brought me no small number of memories that I will undoubtedly carry with me for the rest of my life. I can easily trace my closest friendships, relationships, and even meeting my fiance back to this game... To say that it has enriched my life wouldn't quite express the effect that it has had on me.
Over the years John has functioned as the glue that has kept chapters, and ultimately the Alliance as a whole together.. smoothing over our the quibbles, be they plot problems in his own chapter, issues on the ARC, or massive inter-chapter feuds, John was there to help keep administrate the lot of it. To keep us all friends...
To say that John was an amazing writer, pales to express the reality of the thing... John created lavish worlds that many of us have taken part in, and gone away with smiles on our faces for the journey. From Duke Bryan, to Dimmsdale to Lord Calimar, John created characters that you loved (or you loved to hate

) John did a huge part in creating the world we play in, and making it fun for everyone.
I'd like to take a moment and just say Thank You, John for your part in creating the world that *I* live in. Thank you for the friends you've helped me to meet, and for the memories that I'll carry with me forever.
We'll miss you buddy.