It's been a frustrating year for me as writer and as a player of Alliance. I've sort of lost my way. I have all these ideas in my head I want to get on paper and I want my players to enjoy and I've been completely incapable of articulating my ideas. On top of that, six months ago I got a job that restricted my weekends and I was no longer able to play. To go from someone who played Alliance 23 times a year to nothing, it was more that frustrating. I couldn't see the people who I considered my family, my closest friends. I moved back to Rhode Island, away from those who supported me emotionally for the past four years. I hit a horrible depression streak that almost broke me.
Things have been better lately. I'm happier and healthier, but I still can't write.
I frequently come back to this thread. Today, I did it again. I read through everyone's stories about JTF, some of which I recall, most I don't. What stuck out to me today was how prominently he effected the lives of people who are now plot writers that I admire and emulate, or memories of things John wrote or played. I read them and I think about what I recall of him and I go: Yeah, I want to be that guy.
I want to write and play things that people love, I want to put passion into everything I do, and I want to give back to the community. I don't know anyone who can measure up to John's shoes, but I do think I can be a better person in this community by trying to remember the way he affected it. I want to emulate the things in John that helped move our game and make it better; I want things like that to be around forever, and to touch our new players who never got to meet John.
My first event of the season (and in six months) is coming up in a few weeks. I am going to try writing again. Reading this thread and remembering what's important about the game and the people who effect it was the thing I needed to remember, I think.
Thank you, John.
Things have been better lately. I'm happier and healthier, but I still can't write.
I frequently come back to this thread. Today, I did it again. I read through everyone's stories about JTF, some of which I recall, most I don't. What stuck out to me today was how prominently he effected the lives of people who are now plot writers that I admire and emulate, or memories of things John wrote or played. I read them and I think about what I recall of him and I go: Yeah, I want to be that guy.
I want to write and play things that people love, I want to put passion into everything I do, and I want to give back to the community. I don't know anyone who can measure up to John's shoes, but I do think I can be a better person in this community by trying to remember the way he affected it. I want to emulate the things in John that helped move our game and make it better; I want things like that to be around forever, and to touch our new players who never got to meet John.
My first event of the season (and in six months) is coming up in a few weeks. I am going to try writing again. Reading this thread and remembering what's important about the game and the people who effect it was the thing I needed to remember, I think.
Thank you, John.