July Favs


I had a lot of fun this weekend! Thank you to everyone involved. I have a lot of favorite moments for this weekend, but I think my favorite part was playing Maeve after a five year absence and being remembered! :). More to come after a long nap...


IG: Maeve Widdershins
I don't normally post faves, I usually feel like it's not entirely appropriate. Since I wasn't at the event, it's SO inappropriate I feel compelled to do so.

Hearing from all the various people who passed on goodwill via Stace. It means a lot to me, truly it does. I'll be looking forward to seeing each and every one of you at the work day in August if at all possible, and definitely for the sure-fire kick-*** September event if not.
I'd like to once again thank the staff and NPCs for a fun event. All of your hard work really shows.

- Finally getting a chance to sit and talk with people IG for more then 3 minutes at a time without some life or death situation taking place.
- Getting some different opinions on some of the rules changes that are being talked about for the next rulebook.
- Getting rifted out Saturday night so I could head home. This was in front of the town while I was explaining that I was going to go investigate some sounds in the woods. It was great to hear several people say oh no.
- The food at the NPC camp barbecue late Saturday night. Well done.
- Getting home and finding out Jen and the kids had a great day hanging out with friends at one of the local lakes.

- Way to many rocks.
- Realizing the two purify potions I used Saturday night were actually shield magic potions during the tag hold after I used them. (I'm hate being a cheater so I'm going to hand over two purifies next event)
- Having what I thought was a fully healed left elbow start acting up after about half way into Saturday. At least I was able to throw arrows and block weapons without it hurting.

Michael Hynes
In no particular order, there were so many but here's a few!

1. the three italian "family" gypsies selling hamburgers and hotdogs, me wanting to buy the entire tray of food to REsell and they wouldn't let me
2. The Big Sven song ('nuff said there)
3. Lil' ol' newbie me healing the assistant healers guild master twice in 10 minutes on saturday night
4. although i couldn't toss gas packets (i hate page-ing) I thoroughly enjoyed seeing many things needing to be killed that actually had metabolisms
5. final scene with all those folks with hands and fistfulls of alchemy....i wanted to hug them all
6. Lord Orin yelling at the biata
7. No horrible effects for gypsies so far!
8. Vry telling the story of what he saw via Mave telling him what to say ( so cute!)
9. two rat scavvies and a mouse! i love rodents!
10. deb and brian although i don't know them hardly at all they made mike and i so very happy finding out about the september event and how mike and i actually get to play outside!
11. SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love that little elf!!!
12. getting my rituals performed with NO backlashes (refer to #11)
13. oog moments in tavern with simara - getting blown away oog...heheh its good for me to get shocked every now and then.
14. meeting tova FINALLY
15. finding out who Squire Koshi?(sp?) is FINALLY
16. all things Paladar "well we can resurrect an we'll just keep coming back and killing you again"
17. Wynn - "Azmaranthus - you're obnoxious but you'll do, you head up that group" & Seelie to Wynn "you mortals are so frivolous with the lives of others" Wynn "no we're not....-rubbing his face with both hands to compose himself- "well okay maybe we are"
18. asgar finally finding some barbarians to share a drink with
19. Thrace my tavern hero!, Thrace always concerned for the lives of others, Tzydl to Thrace "We have three votes to burn the bodies"/ Thrace "well i have four votes that says no"/ Tzydl "what four?"/ Thrace "me, I'm four votes"/finding out some of them could be resurrected so I spose its a good thing we didn't burn them HUH? Thrace and Tzydl TNT! (and having someone to Page with)
20. Mistress Keely teaching Tzydl the first bits of knowledge about earth magic healing
21. BARDS GUILD!!!!!!!!!!!!! our first meeting
22. Michael Hynes my marshalling hero!
23. Brian and Deb war wound stories
24. Pizza with tova, mave, meve, wynn, thrace and roth (hahahahhah used your IG names!) Seriously cool stories
25. Finding out I finally get to see this Chiram's Hollow - the things legends and songs are made of
26. The AMAZING job the staff and NPCs did despite the treacherous terrain
27. Doug, Kelly and RyAn at logistics..you guys are so nice to me!
28. KING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sharing a blueberry muffin with him
29. all things THOMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30. Chipmunk Farmer and the thought of eating stone infused chipmunks (if you feed a giant chipmunk laugh alchemy does it taste funny?)
31. Everyone picking on the hobling about eating too much
32. coming home with coin!!
33. having to do emergency shopping with stephanie IN COSTUME

More later
One question....why is it every time we were waiting for a battle or waiting for something we were at the BATHROOMS????? stinkiest buggiest place to gather and there we all are...too funny
From the NPC side....

1. King Me. omg I could NOT keep a straight face
2. This will sound awful, but the "thousands" of unconscious PCs at the end of the Sat. night wave battle...it filled me with sick glee
3. The Sat. afternoon wave battle and the helpful bottleneck that allowed ten NPCs to take on twenty some odd PCs
4. Improvising plot!! (e.g. Ray coming up to us after the PCs destroyed the barn's "farm" and saying "Quick! Go to the town and play a corpse!!")
5. On some levels, the site (though I'm quite glad we're not going back!)

Thanks to everyone for their HELP and patience for this newb! I had a fantastic time!!

From my end this event was a mixture diamonds and coal.

Things I didn't like:

The site- It was pretty, but deadly and dark.

The lulls- We did our best, but the lack of some key staff members made it a little slow. For example, you could easily tell when Sean was there and when he was at army. Speedy recovery to Dan. We need ya, buddy. ;)

The camp staff- What a pain in the ***. Part of me wanted to drive them off site with a paint ball gun.

Things I did like:

The players- You guys did a great job being patient and RPing your hearts out. It was great to see everyone really stepping it up to make the most out of everything.

Kelsey and Ryan- If we didn't have you two in NPC camp this weekend the event could have been a complete bomb. You guys were great. Thank you so much.

Christopher Walken- "I'll stick a fudgy cake in ya eye." I want to record that impersonation to use as my ring tone.

"To Forge a Bastion"- The battle to create a circle of power was epic. Well fought, well earned.

Hearing stories of Sean's ravenous making people lose their composure.

Having my GM vanish on Friday night while I'm freaking out in the parking lot, assuming of course that she’s in a ditch somewhere, only to find she's been setting up NPC camp for two hours.

Getting to see a certain someone, who fortunately will be NPCing most of the time. ;)

Thanks to everyone. Thank you, Corey for writing the event and toughing it out through several logistical challenges.

Again, I apologize for when we dropped the ball and I give thanks for when we held it together. I hope to see you all again in September.

I rarely post favorites, cuz usually the event is one big blur, but this event really had quite a few awesome moments.
In no particular order.
1. The helplessness of watching so many people rez saturday night, being thankful I had a snake-head man looking out for me.
1. The march from the glade to the ward with the Shard of Void. Hopefully I didn't overdo it, but I felt it was the most epic thing Koshi has ever done.
1. Using Puriel twice, each time to momentous effect. Thanks Ben. Hitting undead in the back for 16's then having them turn around and hit them in the front for 16's:)
1. "What's with the tooth under the rug?" "What?" "good answer"
1. Having to wait 2 weeks to see what Wynn's letter to Duke Frost entails
1. Finding my second and third traveling magic items. Searching kills is a new concept for Koshi
1. The rough rough rough barn battle, and hearing "we're not leaving w/o Koshi"
1. Nearly using all 6 of my teacher cards
1. Hearing that I was the nemesis to many of the npc's, not in a bad way:)
1. Waystepping. And hopefully learning to be an apprentice pathfinder.
1. Gary rationalizing on the battlefield after killing me, "Well I really wouldn't know what this sword does, what the hell" 1000 vengeance...poof. and having his loot fall on me.
1. "I really wanna become a squire, but I don't think I could be a Koshi caliber one" Best compliment:)

Thanks alot everyone for an awesome event, with only a few minor injuries due to terrain, but there was definitely enough dirt to rub in those.
Many thanks to plot and the NPCs. Even with all the killer terrain and the lack of fighting (never a bad thing to me) I think this may have been one of the best weekends I've had since I began playing Medb. Here are a few favorites in no order.

~Meave! It was weird to have someone with me the whole event, but I was so glad to have Shannon playing with me again.
~Drinking with Tova and the description of two ripe hams.
~Disscusions at the GOTECH cabin.
~Being part of my first ritual and it being EPIC!
~The whole MOD just for Medb and Meave, I didn't think I would be able to cry like that over a character! but it was awsome, thank you Jen and Kelly for making that one of the best expierences I've had in game ever!
~Adding to that, the advent of "Mama"
~Finding out about the Claremont site happening way ahead of schedual...
~All things Deborah and Ivar. The walk back to town from the mama MOD was intense!
~Nadrin and the reasons we click.

Ok I think thats all I have for now. I can not wait for September!

I had fun for the short time I was there.

A) the nice welcome when i got there
B) When terrible things were happening, and like 6 people got vanished by Wynns sword. I look at Vri and said " At least theres now more room in the tavern and more wine for us"... "Always look at the good side of things Young pup"

C) Pan pan pantzikie, i love this guy.
B) Snake head man, Drenton, Koshi.. i always got your backs (Koshis fav: The rough rough rough barn battle, and hearing "we're not leaving w/o Koshi") Heck no brotha I looked at Jesse and told him that, and together we tried to rally others to press forward.
D) Not really sure what was said, but i over heard some sexual, rippling, muscle, thingy comments about me here and there from varoiuse peeps, and Humbly say thank you.
E) All the new players, and doing my best to get people involved even if that mean stepping off a mod to get a newer guy in
F) Watching Vri, aka young pup break a killing blow someone was trying to administer to Ithica. 2 N.H. games in a row this guy saved my butt.


P.S. I sincerely apologize for any rude or crude comments Ithica might make, that may offend people IRL . On my way home I thought about that and do realize that regardless of RP or not that perhaps some things that are meant in fun or RP could be rude on a OOC perspective, and do apologize if I offend anyone.
toddy...if Ithica ticks us off we'll take it out on him..heheheheh
- Private IG conversations, whether using real words or talking with my hands.

- Delicious food! Big huge thanks to Mike & Gena for the veggie chili and bread and cheese, and to Deb & Brian for various snacky yummies. Mmm, eggs.

- Thwacking Ansgar upside the head for turning all wolfy. Dumbass.


- Getting to go on the "lowbie mod" (oops!) to find the Grove. Doing recon and feeling generally useful.

- The fabulous circle of chatting at dinnertime. Nicodemus and Galloway's various debates, Thomas' running "commentary" and his jelly beans, Ansgar trying to convince Galloway to visit North Fortress (and race-change), bonding with the Pathfinder and with Elderman, being razzed for drinking and for not talking, actually letting Nadarin really laugh and enjoy people's company.

- Discussing using Toddy as a weapon. Can "rippling pecs" be a legal carrier?

- Skylar: "Only two are the possible catalysts. Sir Wynn, or the one who opened the portal."
Kainen: "Who opened the portal?"
Skylar: ::points::
Nadarin: ::waves::
Kainen: "Oh, you're fucked."

- That whole situation from start to finish, especially the almost palpable sense of relief from everyone in the circle as Skylar turned back into Galloway mid-ritual.

- Sam's puca!

- "Naddy Gallows" and the resulting... confusion.

- My ever-so-graceful swandive into Ratalion. Just TRY and corrupt that circle, bitch!

- My first res! Dying for a worthy cause, being one of the first to reappear in a brand new circle, Nicodemus performing the resurrection, opening my eyes and seeing a starry night sky, then seeing Paladar. If a res can ever be good, this one was rockin.

- Great OOG and IG conversations on the GOTEC cabin porch.

- King Me. Corey, you're a trip.

- Paladar, Nicodemus, Ansgar, Medb, Keely, Elderman, Wynn, Thrace, Casey and many others I'm sure I'm forgetting -- so much awesome RP. You guys made the whole weekend an absolute blast; the more I play Nadarin the more I love this game. I'll be missing you like crazy from my place on the dark side! :(
This was a solid event for me. My fav's in the order they come to me:

Funniest Moments: Sven and the first Prepare to Die 50 Slay... the prices. Hernando and I just lost it laughing and couldn't stop. RPing with Sven and his buddies for the next few hours on and off. Haggling to get a gas below production cost... and then remarking later to a potential buyer... "He's not kidding... I can honestly state that if he continues slashing prices likes this, he WILL go out of buisness". It was lots of fun. Also, overhearing a Destroy Undead Gas being sold dirt cheap and RUNNING into the tavern to buy it before somebody else did.

On a similar note... THROWING ACIDS. It's nice to see some love for the alchemists in the chapter that doesn't breathe. Awesome idea, I am excited to see what other cool ideas you churn out.

A related fav: Buying wins against Gary with Drenten, and coming up empty. The ribbing was all good natured Gary, honestly it was awesome fighting something that really could only be stopped the way we did it.

Keeping the thought train going.... Interesting Chat with Drenten Saturday night. I really enjoyed the RP, as I'd never really been able to talk candidly with you IG like that before.

Feeling better when I found out I wasn't the only one who almost fell asleep during the LATE night mod on Sat. Having to lay down and hide on the ground, and be quiet, at 4am was the same thing as telling my body to goto bed, so I had the added challenge of fighting fatigue to follow that plot line.

George as Alliance's version of V. I wish I'd been more involved in that arc as it seems REALLY interesting.

Casting the ritual to build a bastion... that fight was amazing sounding... I wish I'd been able to participate more, but realizing about 2/3's of the way through that as each person dissipated, the chances that they could corrupt the circle and insure the dissipation of all casting the circle grew... it was truly scary.

Hearing Kienan charge his battery and the side discussion amongst the ritualists of why he did it.

The willingness and pride so many new adventurers had in sacrificing themselves to insure the casting of the ritual. We have a good crop of new adventurers IG and and even better crop of players OOG.

DWARVEN 2 HANDER.... and the hilariousness that it created. That was one amazing hammer rep... don't change it, it's amazing looking. (Just build a new rep for actual fighting)

Handing off my short mace to said Dwarf for his sparring with Amaranthus. The look on his face when he actually realized how much it weighs, or doesn't weigh.

Pantzike's first 2 complete games of chess. And OOG the first 2 games of chess I've played in a few years. Thank you to both my opponents. And a related thank you to Mike and Jenna for having a chess set in the tavern. AFter last event I noticed it and that I hadn't used it... so I made a point to prearrange a chess game for this event and left the set out after we finished...

Thank you to the tavern staff for making something out of nothing and having refreshments available without an actual kitchen to work with.

Thanks to Joe for his contribution to my dinner too :)

Giving Eldarian my elemental research. I hope it is useful to you at some point Dave.

Healer's guild meeting. Having a good crowd and some good discussions. I put a lot of work into the Charter and its been well received by those I've shared it with over the last 2 events. I unveiled the "final" copy this time. Also, during the quesiton and answer portion of the meeting, having candid discussions about tactics with Thrace. I'm looking forward to seeing Steph come out of her shell over the next year and become a powerhouse backpack... I know you can do it you just need practice.

RP with Nicodemus. Realizing that I may not be able to just dislike him and move on after all. After I encouraged him to come to the meeting he informed me of a mutual organization we were in... that spun my world around.

Ryan/Hernando. You had a rough week before the event. It made me happy to see you happy and know I had at least a small part in it.

Ansgar chomping at the bit to take down Skylar... this Barbar is going to do great things as he comes into his own.

Discussions with Ansgar about the potential downsides of Lycanthropy. Seeing flashes of sad realization cross his face, then seeing flashes of glee about the potential damage he can do to his enemies. A truly interesting plotline... glad to see it out there.

SAM! Seeing her at the midday battle on Saturday, and having a casters duel across 4 lines of fighters was pretty awesome. Using my skills at storm dropping during said fight to drop or distract quite a few of them.

Sam's pookah later that evening. I'm glad I got a chance to interact with you... Pookah are my favorite type of fey.

Great RP with Amaranthus at several points during the weekend.

OOG watching Kienan pulling out the stops to try and get be back after I was engulfed.

Warding a building in a pinch. Old trick to many, but I'd never done it myself before so it had the new trick scent. Sadly it turned out to be not as needed as I'd hoped... but it was good practice.

Meeting the Governess. Having a chance to talk and share some ideas with her. Sadly I doubt I'll be able to follow up with any of them due to the nature of travel to her city.

Teaching Meave magic. It's not a good weekend for me lately unless I get at least 1 lesson in.

Being "teacher" throughout the weekend quizzing potential healers about what to do when you find a body on the ground. Watching the repetition start to take hold as people got faster and more sure of the answer. Made me proud for my students.

The RP that will come out of Nicks OOG mistake.

Watching Wynn experimenting with town tactics... they didn't all work great but it's nice to see the attempts are being made, as it shows the town it's strengths and weaknesses.

Gary's description of "You get halfway there... Craig does some math... and then you go back"... it made me laugh.

Trying in vain to learn to be a backpack. SOMEDAY I'll get it right. I just can't follow people around very well.

Explaining Scourge to Kienan... and us realizing the problem we'll have next time Kienan is in town.

Asha and Masha. Various moments throughout the weekend, always a good time.

Taunting the darkness... then regretting it.

That's all I have time for now... it was great having so many favs come out of just over a day of game. See you all in September (or sooner in other chapters)

-Craig aka Pantzike
Boy oh boy, what a weekend. I had SOO much fun this weekend and there was not a point where I wasn't happy or unsatisfied. I definitely had a lot more fun this event than I did last event, even though the site was not great on any level. There were so many favorite moments I had and I don't know where to start, so I will start from the beginning,

- Waiting in line for logistics and everyone being mad at Ryan for pre-logisting. Also getting gobbies from Jaimi for the helmet, that was really nice! (Side note - it was awesome seeing an NPC wear it in game!)

- Being ordered around by Sir Wynn and Paladar Fridat night, made me feel somewhat important!

- All things Squire Koshi. From fighting Saturday morning without shoes on to his random burping, he just kicks so much ***.

- Being taught Florentine by Sir Wynn and his worthless dagger.

- GOING ON MODS!!! I only got to go on one my first even which really dissapointed me, but I felt reall important this time around. Being a part of the group who found the grove was awesome, so was seeing the look on Gary's face when he found out our APL. Good times.

- Trying to tell the story of finding the grove as Vry, while being told what to say by Medb.

- ITHICA!!!...for like 5 minutes. I loved how he showed up right after we made the groups to defend the town, and someone called dibs on him. Also, saving his sorry *** for the second time during the Barn fight. The look on Gary's face when I interrupted his killing blow on him was priceless. He looked at me for like 3 seconds like "Do you know what the hell you just did???" and then he started swinging 15 fears at me.

- Being laughed, feared, and nauseated all in one day.

- BEST NPC's EVER, Big Sven and his two partners. Their slaying prices and giving people heart attacks with their discounted prices had me losing it. But the biggest thing that made me laugh was the line "It's a darn shame". Everytime they said it I had to walk away covering my face to prevent myself from dying of laughter.

- Speaking of awesome NPC's, the food salesmen Saturday night. It's too bad I didn't get a chance to buy a hotdog from Christopher Walken. Vry - "How much is a hotdog?" Christopher Walken - "That would be 1 silver" Vry - "Okay.." *fishes around pouch and pulls out a gold* Christopher Walken - "Oh, that'll work too!"

- The Spirit Catcher mod with Medb, Meave, Gavin, Far, the Dwarf Alchemist, and the Dwarf Spirit catcher. Again, the look on Gary's face when he found out that each person with a weapon can only swing 2 normal. But I was soo happy to be a part of the mod and the role play with the spirit while Gavin, Far, and I were holding off the monsters was amazing, probably the best I've ever seen.

- The sparring sessions with Far, the Dwarf with the huge-*** Hammer. I'm surprised he never said "It's Hammer time!" while in combat, albeit I'm glad he didn't.

- Preventing the circle from being corrupted and then RyAn killing me. Vry's first death (my second event no doubt) was definitely worthwhile. Also, the story I was told (sorry I forgot your name!) was awesome and made rezing enjoyable.

- KING ME!!! "I decree..that breakfast is delicious!" "I decree..that all fuzzy people are invisible!" "I decree..that the sun is very hot and should not be touched!" King Me going around sharing the King's bounty and defeating Sir Wynn in muffin combat.

- Coming to the conclusion Sunday morning that Gary's mom in a crazed killer. "Um, Gary, I killed some people..." You had to be there.

- Medb allowing Vry to weild "Mama". That was really nice of you, and I really thank you allowing me to do that. I think I'm going to start calling the sword mama too.

All in all this was a GREAT weekend, I had soooo much fun!! I can't wait for the september event! I'm thinking of NPCing at Calderia, but does anyone know if I do if my character gets points as if he PC'd? Because if so that was be AWESOME!
Vry_Young_Pup said:
- Coming to the conclusion Sunday morning that Gary's mom in a crazed killer. "Um, Gary, I killed some people..." You had to be there.
It's the only sensible explanation as to why Mike and Gena are missing a set of knives from their supply box. And garbage bags... And rope...

"Gaaaary, I bawrrowed some of yah friends' stuff, I had to go kill sum people..."

(for the record she got a kick out of it ;) )

Yes, if you NPC Caldaria you get a max out, which is the same amount of xp you get for PCing. You just have to indicate that you want the max out to go to NH, and to your character in particular.

You definately showed some gusto this weekend. I hope you bring it with you for September. You're gonna need it. ;)
Deadlands said:

Yes, if you NPC Caldaria you get a max out, which is the same amount of xp you get for PCing. You just have to indicate that you want the max out to go to NH, and to your character in particular.

You definately showed some gusto this weekend. I hope you bring it with you for September. You're gonna need it. ;)
Alrighty, cool.

And you don't have to worry about that, but enlighten me, why exaclty am I going to need it? ;)
Because the September event, due to it's IG and OOG location, has a lot of meaning to several of the players and staff members, myself included. Therefore, we will be doing our very best to make it a challenging and dramatic event. To sum it up: It's Chiram's Hollow, the town the game use to take place in for several years, so we have A LOT with which to work. If you can't tell, I'm uber excited about this one.

Well I had an absolute Blast this weekend. It was fun PCing, and great to go from the guy with the huge face (NPCing the last deadlands event the day after getting my wisdom teeth out) to the guy with the huge hammer :)

I really appreciated all the more experienced players who try'd to get us new players involved and made it such a great time.

Some of my favorites were
- Squire Koshinara's teaching Gavin and myself critical attack "In game aim for the head... Out of game, DON'T aim for the head."

- Friday night being ordered around by Sir Wynn and Squire Koshi and fighting with Gavin and Sako

- Having Ithica call me the "worst dwarf ever!" for not having dwarven ale or resist poison, also having him call "good dwarf," ever few moments to get me involved in things including the circular scenting mod

- Ansgar Taunting Skylar, with his response being "actually, I kind of like you"

- Koshi muttering "*******" after miming frantically at me when I came out of my cabin saturday morning having forgotten my beard

- Big Sven and company, so hilarious! Cats shooting lighting from their claws, slaying prices, etc...

- Sparring with Vry, again and again, and just hanging out with him saturday evening

- Sparring with Gavin for about 6 minutes without landing a single hit on each other (shields are so OP)

- Spirit Catcher mod: fighting close quarters with Gavin, Vry, and Sako - seeing intense RP from Medb and Meave - watching Kelly pull off her amazing Jasper accent - getting picked to go as "that dwarf with the hot-dog in his mouth"

- Paladar's jedi moves dodging a spell packet (if you saw it you'll know the time I'm talking about)

- being told to guard the Pathfinder by Squire Koshi and spending half of Saturday's barn battle dragging around and watching over a pole-arm (the other half feared and peaking around corners wondering if Gary was still there)

- Everything about the epic battle to protect those creating the circle of power. From the moment we showed up on that eerie field with the single light and all of the wandering spirits, to the preparation - forming a circle around the ritualists and realizing how few of us there were, especially given our lack of healing
Then, fighting with Mosha standing over my shoulder with her spear doing five silver and fending of the un-dead for ten minutes before even taking a hit, finally dropping when the enemy surrounded us completely and I was struck from behind.

- Rezzing: Just rezzing with 12 other people after such an intense fight, and hearing the living as they observed the number of us that had died was epic. Deborah's story for my resurrection was really impressive and fully immersive, + Ansgar: "THat was ******* Awesome!!!! You HAVE to rez Young Pup, tell him the same story you just told me!!" haha

- Dinner at applebees afterwards, especially Jesse's hobling stories

So all in all, yeah, a really REALLY fun weekend! And thank you very much to all the people who made it so, both PCs and the NPCs and staff.

I probably won't be able to go to the september event since I'll be back in school, but am trying to figure out if I can go to Calderia, if so, hope to see many of you there
first, and formost the ride down ryan/hernando gave me and vry down there, thanks again

not gettin hurt at the event
seeing everyone again and having some fun ingame and out of game
going on the mod with medb and meave to the grove and using my brand new slay :P
fighting the fatty fat fat lizards
king me- that was so funny. i saw him defeate sir wynn in muffin combat that was the best. and sir wynn gave him a silver and king me gave him a key and some coin i wonder what that key is for?
going to the grove for the great circle battle and going "we's all gonna die." but it was sooooo worth it
and while doing my death count going,, *sigh*
" but look at it this way, aint no way im going to be the only one." he he he :P
and i wasent, 12 others died too.
i loved the story i was told too
all about mountains of cheese and no cats anywhere and trying to pay attention to mine and not listen to tova tell one to some one else, tova, you'll have to tell me one of yours when i die again *knock on wood*, they are too funny.

during that werehouse battle and though i was feared and then waylayed... and lying there listening to the front line draw closer and closer and then pass over me, panzikie who was at my feet and scourge who was on my left, who were both out too. i was so worried about being consumed. but i wasent... lucky me
pantikie was though and poor scourge was killed and then raised as undead. when i came around, the line had fallen back down to the werehouse and i rejoined the battle

but basically i just loved the whole weekend thanks guys and i can't wait for the next one!
Normally, I don't do these. I know, I know. Everyone says that. But I really don't.

It's not because I didn't enjoy the event, but ... I dunno.

Anyway, I have a few.

First, The Pathfinder. I really loved playing this part. Corey came up to me at one point, and asked me if I'd like to play the role, basically just a mod hook. And I had a previous NPC in mind that I thought would be perfect... and look what it turned into. I had so much fun coming up with the nuances of his power, and the beliefs behind it. I really hope you guys enjoyed him as much as I did, he was posisbly one of my favorite NPCs to play, as simple of a part as it was. Thanks for the opportunity and interaction you all gave him. Really.

Gary: Ryan, I may have to Perm your PC so that you won't have a choice but NPC for us for ever.
RyAn: .... Balls.

Hearing people mention missing Darius while I was in game. It made me smile to know his presence is enjoyed =)

I suppose I'm done for now. Thanks for listening to me ramble.
