
I'm thinking about racials for an Eagle Kin, they are strong and fast, so my initial thoughts were Racial Prof, and Racial Dodge. Wondering what other people think on that matter?
I'd be more inclined to Racial Slay (or assassinate) and dodge rather than prof. Raptors in general rely on their own weight and surprise to land a killing blow than brute strength. You'll get no argument from me for dodge for any Kin based on a bird, but unless you're playing a cassowary with a DAMN good rationale and character history I'd be hard pressed to approve racial prof.
Eagles can carry away goats, that's kind of what I was thinking about that.
Eagles can push goats off cliffs and eat the fruits of their labor (I assume you've seen the same youtube videos I have) but even a Haast's Eagle (which could get to about 35lbs and is extinct) would be hard pressed to fly away with a 15-20 pound goat. Birds of prey do not rely on strength but rather on speed and impact shock. If you were building a Swan-kin I'd approve prof since they will use their wings to defend their cygnets and said wings can break human bones. (My college was on a game preserve and letting the freshmen be maimed by the local swan couple every spring was as close as we got to hazing). Eagles have strong wings, but the wings have nothing to do with how they fight or kill.
hmm a Swan is an interesting idea, I like the idea of a black swan kin. An Ostritch would probably also be able to get a prof too, they are pretty tough birds, not to mention fast. :)

That said though I still have some ideas to justify a prof for an eagle, but thanks.
Ostritches and Emu's have extremely powerful kicks. I can see prof for them.
Dreamingfurther said:
That said though I still have some ideas to justify a prof for an eagle, but thanks.

No doubt you can justify it, it's just mot the way I'd go. :) Discussing Scavvie racials and trying to come up with the "correct" combination is just something I geek out with buddies about for hours on end. Example:

Walrus: Resist Element and Racial Slay? Discuss. :P
jpariury said:
Gilwing said:
How could I have one set of resists one event and another set another event. No other race/class can change your build).
Same way you're a fighter one event and a scout the next. Or, you know, ""WOOOGY MAAAAGIC".

But yeah, I agree. Having to get approval for your race every time you play a new chapter is weird.

Can I carry you with a 3 count and blame it on ""WOOOGY MAAAAGIC". ;) Just messing with ya bro...
Toddo said:
Walrus: Resist Element and Racial Slay? Discuss. :P
Pretty much just sums up all of my thoughts on Walruskin right there. I have a reoccurring dream (which I'm not sure if it's a nightmare, considering I like when I have it, though the dream itself is utterly terrifying) in which a furious walrus is flopping its blubbery way through the tundra after me, and that for me just clinches the Slay for Walruses (I also believe the proper plural for walrus should be walri). I've personally always wondered what racials a Whalekin would get.
I'm with toddo - given how they usually catch prey, I would also say dodge and racial slay or assassinate. Or y'know. Claws for talon reps.. :)

Depends on the whale. Orca and toothed whales would have no doubt in my mind about racial slay/racial prof.

Baleen whales? Not so sure.
zehnyu said:
Depends on the whale. Orca and toothed whales would have no doubt in my mind about racial slay/racial prof.

Baleen whales? Not so sure.

My Whale Picks:

Orca- Resist Element/Racial Prof (Cold Water Whale)
Sperm Whale- Prof/Slay (Big angry Whale)
Blue Whale- R Element/Resist Binding (The Law of Bigness)
Narwhal- Racial Slay/Claws (Cuz it's funny)
Bottlenose Dolphin- Resist Command/Dodge (Smart and Quick)
I love where this thread is going! :P
If you write up stats, I will npc an orca for you :P or a narwhal.

Just no sperm whales. You should reserve those for Spare. I don't meet the minimum height requirements.

Ah, the great ideas for whalekin. The thing is, I'll probably never play one, being a thin little guy myself. It just seems wrong to be a skinny little whale. Considering my physical being, I would probably be best fit as a snakekin (which I see having Racial Dodge and Resist Poison, or something along those lines. Regardless, I wouldn't be playing one for a long time, should I play one at all) or something.
Just wanted to chime in about the eagle kin racials since my secondary is an eagle kin scholar. The racials that always made the most sense for me for an eagle was resist element, racial dodge, claws , and racial slay. I ended up choosing dodge and claws to emphasis the eagle's nimbleness and the effectiveness of an eagle's talons.
Resist Element for any scavvie/kyn always seemed weird to me. I don't know of any fire-resistant eagles (just a for-instance, not picking on you in particular), and electric fences have always seemed the mainstay of keeping away unwanted animals (or keeping desirable animals contained). I wish Resist Element were replaced with Resist <Element>, and you had to pick which one you were resistant to with each purchase.