May event pre-registration: CLOSED

Dom Alioto to PC as Dr. Crassirostris
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Dan Gelerman to NPC!
Robert Stoel to play Hal
HtM to PC Brightoak, Danielle.. I *think* she is playing Anna (not sure).

Please reserve Gryphon for myself, Michelle (Ezri), Danielle, and Erika. Mich says she'll take a credit on the room. Reminder: I still have room credit kicking around as well which I will NOT use at this time. : )

please add Kyle spriggle to play grim and christine maudlin to play gwendara... also is this accurate? like has it been updated
Just sent our money in!!

Please apply the $40 credit (from the private room we did not get) towards the purchase of 2x May Ashbury weekend events ($120) plus $10 of Food Donation ($5 each) for Lauren Keener (Faelwen) and John Perkins (Altohtaro Armand).
(($120 2x event + $10 Food = $130 sub-total - $40 credit = $90 Final Cost))
i would like to take the open room please.
Luke Goldsmith to play Valím. I hope. Everything is looking good right now, though.
Please reserve a cabin for myself, Lauren, Luke, and Vincent. Thanks!
(Imladar and friends)
I will not be able to attend the May event. Please record my payment as a credit for a future event. Thank you.
Unfortunately due to a last minute medical issue Noelle and I were unable to attend. I want to still use the room credit for Duffy but I would like to request that the payment for Noelle Lequatre and I be used toward the July event. My apologies for causing logistical issues.