Mystic Wood Elf name change

Its a popular-census poll. Not put up by anyone on ARC or an Owner, simply there to see what people feel like. It doesn't guarantee anything, nor does it require anything on any numbers or level.

Its a player's poll to see how other players' feel.
markusdark said:
Ah, I figured as much. Just wanted to point out that there were more people who wanted a name change - just that they differed on the name. :)

believe me, I am noticing.
Why not do this IG, Xchapter, and then whatever name that the PCs agree on or gets in circulation the most over the next year or so just casually change it in the rulebook. You know.. have something that is IG translate to something that is OOG - flying fully in the face of what usually happens. heh.

Alavatar said:
Fearless Leader said:
Alavatar said:
I vote "Woodfolk"

Seriously, I don't want the puns that would come from it.

"Yeah, I woodfolk her! Any time, baby!"

I see your point. But, I think anything can be twisted to that kind of meaning. I mean, MWEs already get a lot of "horny" jokes as well as jokes about their "mystic wood". Hoblings are always clamoring on about how they have a "two hander in their pants" (or maybe that was just Solomon...). Sarr and Scavengers have jokes about how many nipples they have. Dwarves don't have females, so there ya go (that's a local legend since we haven't seen any). Gypsies are often chided for being flirtatious. And elves ... well ... they're elves; can't get any better then that.

I still like "Woodfolk" the best. Just a personal opinion.

I'd pierce my scavengers nips but it's all hidden by fur - kidding.
What Dwarves don't have females? When did that happen and where do all the little Dwarflings come from? Quote from rule book page 13 "Dwarves... all have beards, although many females prefer a long goatee" Also Gimlie says it in LOTR Two Towers so it's like LAW right? Seriously I think all that written above (or experienced IG) encourages RP and that's cool with me :D
There's a blonde one on page 54 in the rulebook. Jen August as the Baroness from Caldaria. Can't remember her name though.
Marcena said:
I have seen a picture of a dwarven female from back before I started playing, they do exist!! I seen it! :D
Actally a few years ago My cabin had 3 dwarves in it. One of them female. You just dont find a huge amount of women who want to strap on a beard. (or grow one for the matter) But the seattle chapter did have one, and if rumor is to be beleved may have one again soon.
Marcena said:
Wait...she GREW one?! O-o

If you mean the one in the rulebook, I believe her beard is applied with spirit gum.