I am one of those people. Pagans are everywhere, even in the woods... dressed as an orc... about to slay you.
As far as your point, it was not missed. However, as Mike has already pointed out, Alfs/elves are mythological in origin, so the name is already religiously as you put, just as Fauns. (By the way-whether they are named fauns or not Mystic wood elves look and act much like fauns, in stories do-so to me they have always been Fauns.) So, they already have a religous-y name as is.
You look like a fish, you swim like a fish, you taste like a fish, guess what? You are a fish... Even if someone names you elk.
I for one am not offended by the borrowing of Mythology; but, certainly wouldn't speak for all pagans. But ,it is my experience, (as long as it is not mocking) most pagans I have met, and I know many have a tenancy to be very mellow about the use of religious symbols and the like, we have to be. Mythology is everywhere. Movies, books, games etc.
the point of my first post and that long list in the middles, is to say there are already tons and tons and tons of things already in game that are religiously based. I think one more is not going to cause a pagan uprising. I am saying if everyone can live with the things already in there- Paladins/templars being chrisitan titles as well. Golems being Jewish in origins for example, than I think Faun is ok as well. And I say that as a person that is in that "fringe religion you speaks of.
as a side note- by census results around the world, its the fastest growing religion, behind Islam percentage-wise... weird eh?
As far as your point, it was not missed. However, as Mike has already pointed out, Alfs/elves are mythological in origin, so the name is already religiously as you put, just as Fauns. (By the way-whether they are named fauns or not Mystic wood elves look and act much like fauns, in stories do-so to me they have always been Fauns.) So, they already have a religous-y name as is.
You look like a fish, you swim like a fish, you taste like a fish, guess what? You are a fish... Even if someone names you elk.
I for one am not offended by the borrowing of Mythology; but, certainly wouldn't speak for all pagans. But ,it is my experience, (as long as it is not mocking) most pagans I have met, and I know many have a tenancy to be very mellow about the use of religious symbols and the like, we have to be. Mythology is everywhere. Movies, books, games etc.
the point of my first post and that long list in the middles, is to say there are already tons and tons and tons of things already in game that are religiously based. I think one more is not going to cause a pagan uprising. I am saying if everyone can live with the things already in there- Paladins/templars being chrisitan titles as well. Golems being Jewish in origins for example, than I think Faun is ok as well. And I say that as a person that is in that "fringe religion you speaks of.
as a side note- by census results around the world, its the fastest growing religion, behind Islam percentage-wise... weird eh?