Mystic Wood Elf name change

I am one of those people. Pagans are everywhere, even in the woods... dressed as an orc... about to slay you.


As far as your point, it was not missed. However, as Mike has already pointed out, Alfs/elves are mythological in origin, so the name is already religiously as you put, just as Fauns. (By the way-whether they are named fauns or not Mystic wood elves look and act much like fauns, in stories do-so to me they have always been Fauns.) So, they already have a religous-y name as is.

You look like a fish, you swim like a fish, you taste like a fish, guess what? You are a fish... Even if someone names you elk.

I for one am not offended by the borrowing of Mythology; but, certainly wouldn't speak for all pagans. But ,it is my experience, (as long as it is not mocking) most pagans I have met, and I know many have a tenancy to be very mellow about the use of religious symbols and the like, we have to be. Mythology is everywhere. Movies, books, games etc.

the point of my first post and that long list in the middles, is to say there are already tons and tons and tons of things already in game that are religiously based. I think one more is not going to cause a pagan uprising. I am saying if everyone can live with the things already in there- Paladins/templars being chrisitan titles as well. Golems being Jewish in origins for example, than I think Faun is ok as well. And I say that as a person that is in that "fringe religion you speaks of.

as a side note- by census results around the world, its the fastest growing religion, behind Islam percentage-wise... weird eh?
Sigh.. My point... Mystic Wood Folk. Not very religious, if at all. Faun, immediately identifiable as religious in origins. If the name is changed, or a proposal for a name change is put up... in a game where we're supposed to avoid religious / mythological references... why go for something that is just that, when an option not go is available as well?
I see your point but, you not hearing mine. There are 400 things in game that have religious names. Is faun so appalling that it is far worse than any others? I would like to get away from Mystic wood_______ because it refers to something that isn't even in the game anymore.

We agree on many things, I think we are arguing very similar points. Though I just feel you are sticking your finger in the hole in the dam to save the town, even though it has already been washed away- if you know what I mean.

It's not to say we should name everything with quasi-religious terms, but, seriously nearly everything in the game has a religious application. This one thing is not going to make any difference.
how about...


has a ring, its -lings and wood together, eh? eh?

No religious overtones... says ' I am a strange and exotic creature of the forest' without saying 'I am going to do naughty things and have a name that is a pun...'
Celebolwa said:
It's not to say we should name everything with quasi-religious terms, but, seriously nearly everything in the game has a religious application. This one thing is not going to make any difference.

You have no idea how glad I am that someone else can vocally see this.

Yes, I definetly see your point that this is just one more tiny reference in a sea of things that already point at "RELIGIOUS" and "MYTHOLOGY" in giant, flashing, neon signs. But I keep trying to get someone in "The Powers That Be" draw that line of "We're okay with this sort of mythology/religious as a cut-off, anything past here cannot ride this roller coaster."

Yes, I ackowledge that saying "But, but, but, this one thing, while small, is still a thingy" is a fruitless fight, but people seem to ignore, selectively, what is religious or mythological and what isn't to what they want to get pushed through from time to time. And honestly? I'm kinda tired of it, for whatever one voice is worth.

When it comes down to it, I really don't care all that much what they end up being called. Yes, Mystic Wood Elf is confusing and gets tired of the "But your race says elf in it" lines, just the same as Stone Elf and Dark Elf do. But I really don't want people to pull a fast one on changing out a race's name for something that's been a point of debate here recently.
Oh but Stone Elf and Dark Elf really are just different sorts of Elves as far as I understood it.

Anyways Woodlings would be fine by me Fawns would be fine by me. I just think it would be nice to change the name to SOMETHING else. They are also the only race with 3 words in their name... =P If that matters at all. And since I've learned that the Mystic Wood actually referred to something specific in HQ at one point I would be all for a change to be more contiguous with the other race names.

This thinking is much along the lines of me being in support of changing Dragon's Breath back to Flame Storm to be contiguous with the other damage spell calls. Because to be honest as cool as it sounds I'd like a packaged system. Plus it would be easier for newer players, stone, ice, lightning, flame, bolts and storms. Storms are SCARY... (At least they should be f****** resist magic to hell... ^_^ *all in jest*) heck I should start a thread on this point. =D
Saephis said:
Faun, immediately identifiable as religious in origins.

I had no clue. Thought Faun's were young, deer. :P

The reason that religion was taken out of the game was due to the fact that it was too much of a headache to deal with when dealing with the 'general' public in reserving camps, talking to reporters and mothers and so on. Although the Wiccan religion is a viable religion, it isn't one of the big ones that could wind up bringing lawsuits against the game. In addition, if someone would actually be peeved off that a creature was called a "faun" due to religious beliefs, that person probably wouldn't be one that would be a benefit to the game.

And, yes I am also a Wiccan so don't tell me I don't understand. I also grew up strict catholic and one thing that taught me is that if you can't laugh at your own faith, yer in the wrong faith.

And on a personal note - I think a LOT of RP/gaming/story opportunities are lost having to remove religion from a game because people can't tell it IS JUST A GAME!
Celebolwa said:
how about...


has a ring, its -lings and wood together, eh? eh?

I think that we need to stay away from any name with the word 'wood' in it.
"Awww, he's a little woodling. Does he have a little woodling?"
I have to point out that if people are going to make racy jokes... they are going to make the jokes. =P Just having different names doesn't change it. Hell I'm a DE and I've gotten asked what color DE nipples are... 0.0
Dreamingfurther said:
I have to point out that if people are going to make racy jokes... they are going to make the jokes. =P Just having different names doesn't change it. Hell I'm a DE and I've gotten asked what color DE nipples are... 0.0

My Woodfolk almost asked a couple DE's that one. I think I went with sort of a "are you that color... all over?" It was not appreciated.

So, while I was getting root canal surgery (sympathy appreciated) you folks went after this thread like a Sarr after peppermint.

Now the official list is.

Mystic Wood Folk
Horny Buggers

More updates will follow, but for now, I rest.
That's a good idea. So far, I vote Mystic Wood Folk. So as to differentiate from the normal "wood elves" running around the east coast.
markusdark said:
I suggest come Monday, Warlock makes a poll of the existing names and we see which gets voted upon. Of course, it is still up to the ARC.

This is more of an owner thing to vote on, rather than the ARC, because it's not really a "rule" so to speak.
Fearless Leader said:
markusdark said:
I suggest come Monday, Warlock makes a poll of the existing names and we see which gets voted upon. Of course, it is still up to the ARC.

This is more of an owner thing to vote on, rather than the ARC, because it's not really a "rule" so to speak.

So, how would you like me to handle this? I originally said I'd give it a week, but I can wrap it up Monday if people think that is best. Would you then like me to poll or community here, or submit a list of names to you to be presented on the owners forums. Then people can lobby their chapter owners for the answer they like. Owners can decide whether to change it and if so, to what.
Warlock said:
So, how would you like me to handle this? I originally said I'd give it a week, but I can wrap it up Monday if people think that is best. Would you then like me to poll or community here, or submit a list of names to you to be presented on the owners forums. Then people can lobby their chapter owners for the answer they like. Owners can decide whether to change it and if so, to what.

Sure, do a poll, and I'll start a thread on the Owner's board for discussion.
Then the poll will be started some point on Monday. It'll give me something to do at work. Ladies and gents, you'll have till then to submit anything else for consideration.
Looking over the current status of the poll, I notice that the most votes are for 'no change' at 38%. However, that means that 62% believes there should be a change - they just don't agree upon the name. So, will that mean that the "No Change" needs to be 50% to secure no change or will it just need to be higher than any other percentage?