Mystic Wood Elf name change

As was pointed out on some other thread Faekin sounds a lot like fakin'... and the sound of it should be something carefully considered... its like naming a baby!
See? All those times those MWE's acted all into you .... they were only "Faekin"
tieran said:
As was pointed out on some other thread Faekin sounds a lot like fakin'... and the sound of it should be something carefully considered... its like naming a baby!

yeah, don't name them Robb Graves. thanks mom.. thanks... ::cries::
Here are a few names I have used for races in the past:

Aislings [AZ-lings] (with a long A) - Gaelic for "Dreams"
Kaiden [KI-den] - Japanese for "Ghost Stories"
Faetyr [FA-teer] (long A)- The Fae of Tyrra and looks similiar to Satyr
While *I* don't mind it, I know a few friends that'd be bothered as they follow an Other/Fae-kin type of belief. So, if the religious beliefs sort of thing (in general) is to be stuck away from, may want to keep that grouping in mind.

Disclaimer: No, I don't know much/anything about it, I just know a few things that I've been told and overheard. Its just something worth noting. Don't yell at me for using some term incorrectly or something, since I really don't know any, any, any specifics.
Well I wouldn't really like having the Fae bit in the name since Fae (I'm not sure I'm spelling the names right at all) as I understand are supper powerfull other worldly being that often interact with the world.

Personaly I'd be a fan of the change never really liking the name MWE as it stands and Mystic Wood Folk gets my vote. It feels like it really embodies the race while not being too different or strange.
If you are going to change the name go all out. Get rid of the 'mystic wood'

I like Fauns
Celebolwa said:
If you are going to change the name go all out. Get rid of the 'mystic wood'

I like Fauns

In mythology fauns are male. What about female MWEs?
Mythology also starts crossing the No Religion border, no?
Saephis said:
Mythology also starts crossing the No Religion border, no?

It can, but we need a soft line there. Otherwise we'd have to get rid of Elves and Dwarves and basically most of the stuff that makes a Fantasy setting.
Telokh_Amdo said:
Saephis said:
Mythology also starts crossing the No Religion border, no?

It can, but we need a soft line there. Otherwise we'd ahve to get rid of Elves and Dwarves and basically most of the stuff that makes a Fantasy setting.

Sure, but Faun is pretty blantantly mythological, and thus religious. Elves and Dwarves are more fantasy than mythology from what I've seen.

For instance... You can have a fantasy game without Fauns. You can't *really* without Elves and Dwarves.

Besides, no one wants to draw where that soft-line really is. Otherwise, people could point out just how many directly-religious references and terms there are already, down to the rule book itself.
Fearless Leader said:
Alavatar said:
I vote "Woodfolk"

Seriously, I don't want the puns that would come from it.

"Yeah, I woodfolk her! Any time, baby!"

I see your point. But, I think anything can be twisted to that kind of meaning. I mean, MWEs already get a lot of "horny" jokes as well as jokes about their "mystic wood". Hoblings are always clamoring on about how they have a "two hander in their pants" (or maybe that was just Solomon...). Sarr and Scavengers have jokes about how many nipples they have. Dwarves don't have females, so there ya go (that's a local legend since we haven't seen any). Gypsies are often chided for being flirtatious. And elves ... well ... they're elves; can't get any better then that.

I still like "Woodfolk" the best. Just a personal opinion.
Saephis said:
Sure, but Faun is pretty blantantly mythological, and thus religious. Elves and Dwarves are more fantasy than mythology from what I've seen.

The original spelling of Elf is Alf (Old Norse, plural Alfar). They aren't exactly a race as we view them in fantasy, but more a type of otherwordly being, part spirit and part flesh. There are three types.

1) Ljossalfar (Light elves) who represent a higher mental state and live in an abode close to Asgard, the home of the Gods in Norse mythology. Their nature is akin to Odhinn who is the only God of Poetry and Inspiration that is also head of a pantheon.

2) Svartalfar (Black Elves) who reperesent a lower, earthier state. Often equated with Dvergar (Dwarves in Old Norse). They live underground and were excellent craftstmen, like our fanstasy Dwarves today. Their abode was closer to Hel, the realm of the dead.

3) Dokkalfar (Dark Elves) live in burial mounds and are, essentially the spirits of male ancestors. One could visit them at their mounds and ask for guidance and wisdom. Unlike our fanstasy Dark Elves, the Dokkalfar are pale of skin and hair, representing their essence and spirits as well as pigment loss due to lack of light.

Modern fanatasy owes just about everything to Tolkien. Tolkien got almost all of his mythological references from the Old Norse. Since we have mythology at our roots we simply have to be careful how blatantly we use it to create our game.
Thank you Mike E. you typed what I was going to type. I wholly agree.

Fantasy games=mythological reference hence religious reference to some degree. That is just how it is.

If you wanna start saying Faun is too close, there is always pagans that practice Fairie magic, the fact that MWE look like satyrs/fauns/our game also has dryads/druids/paladins/templars/magi/wizards/ogres/orcs/goblins/giants/dragons/magic/ressurections/necromancy/rituals/Magic-etc. I am not advocating taking any of these things out. I am not saying you are wrong for pointing out that Fauns appear in religions of old. But There are so many things that appear in fantasy I am sure I could spend 20 more minutes and find more. I am saying that we have to understand that some of these things are going to appear and we as players have to allow for some things that cross over. You can't take religion completely out of the game because it is part of the human condition, and our language/customs/world has a lot to do with the groupings of people that believed in the same things, long, long ago. I believe Mike's intent is to not overtly try to mimic religions or religious beliefs or to poke fun at modern religious thought.

I figured that most people would be ok with Fauns, since faekin had been suggested already and no one batted an eyelash.(By the way Nymph(greek/roman) is the feminine counterpart in many mythological tales I believe but, I am sure some people can't hear that word with out snickering, so I didn't bother mentioning it.) Sub-groups include dryads, hamadryads, naiads, nereids, and oreads, Sirens etc the way I am not trying to start an argument or make anyone mad. I am just saying my opinion. No one is wrong, its more of a 'we have to work with what we have' situation when It come to language.
Celebolwa said:
If you wanna start saying Faun is too close, there is always pagans that practice Fairie magic, the fact that MWE look like satyrs/fauns/our game also has dryads/druids/paladins /templars/magi/wizards /ogres/orcs/goblins /giants/dragons/magic /ressurections/necromancy/rituals /Magic-etc. I am not advocating taking any of these things out. I am not saying you are wrong for pointing out that Fauns appear in religions of old. But There are so many things that appear in fantasy I am sure I could spend 20 more minutes and find more. I am saying that we have to understand that some of these things are going to appear and we as players have to allow for some things that cross over. You can't take religion completely out of the game because it is part of the human condition, and our language/customs/world has a lot to do with the groupings of people that believed in the same things, long, long ago. I believe Mike's intent is to not overtly try to mimic religions or religious beliefs or to poke fun at modern religious thought.

I think my point was missed. We have something that is not religiously / mythologically based and people are suggesting going TO something that is. There are already several points in the game that have such references that we really don't need to add more to an already sensitive subject.

Yes, I'm all for changing the name.
No, I'm not for changing it to something that is more Mythologically/Religiously based than it currently is.

It was also pointed out in a thread weeks to months ago that people do still follow norse/roman/etc mythology. Their numbers, while not anywhere near other "mainstream" religions, are still out there.