Name that flick/song, etc.

All I can think of is "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"

"I won't tell you that there's nothing beneath your bed. I won't tell you that it's all in your head. This world of ours is not as it seems. The monsters are real, but they're not in your dreams. Learn what you can from the beasts you defeat. You'll need it for some of the people you meet."
oh, he's good times: great compilation of modes and genres. just heard his Star Trek parody album and thought it was a lark
Good Night Demon Slayer, Voltaire

Bats in my belfrey and rain on my roof
Even my teddy bear stays so aloof
Flies that go flying on leashes so long
Even my parakeet wears a sarong
They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!

"I'm the Order of the Batleth, son of Kaless, your family has no honor, but I couldn't care less! I was born to kill Federation swine and I celebrate, with a barrel of bloodwine!"
"Worf's Revenge Song" Voltaire. got a thing for lobsterheads in bandoliers, ¿eh? i always thought "Klingon Pain Stick" was the coolest name for a cattle-prod; you gotta respect a culture that doesn't mince words. "Good tea. Nice house."

speaking of not mincing words:

"What the [fudge] happened to you, man? Your [tookus] used to be beautiful."

[edited for the kids at home]
Jackie Brown?

"How odd that it should end this way for us after so many stimulating encounters. I almost regret it. Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level?"
"Try the local sewer." oh, i love that scene. "You wanna talk to God, let's' go together. I've got nothing left to live for." "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc"

"Hey you're s'posed to be the fastest thing in the Valley man, but that can't be your car. It must be your mama's car! I'm sorta' embarrassed to be this close to ya!"
Marcena said:
"if I die and go to hell real soon, it will appear to me as this room."

Say Anything - "Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too"

That's right. -I- knew that.

Wow. Now I'm torn with where to take that -- let's continue with a song.

"That's just like me, when everything's gone wrong -- to latch on to something less stable, less good. I needed an anchor for my sinking ship, it's just like me to attach it to my heart instead."

"At home, drawing pictures of mountaintops with him on top. Lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V. The dead lay in pools of marroon below."
Pearl Jam "Jeremy". always thought that one was a bit overwrought, but ¿who am i to say?

"I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane?"
((dissect girls??? heheheh that reminded me of sin city but the guy who did that didn't talk so i know its not that movie!))
That is Sin City.

I will riposte with:
"True! Who are you, Perry Mason!?"

Which is a quote I use -socially- forgodsakes. :D
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace. Sucked just a tad harder than "Attack of the Clones".

"They call me School Boy. The name stuck with me since sniper school, my mates won't stop calling me it no matter how many people I shoot"
"Rambo" meh, as The Italian Stallion goes, 'twasn't bad

"Holy chrome!"
Haha. No. Better than that.

That's an (more or less) expletive from Ralph Bakshi's "Wizards".

That's right. I are teh uber geek. In a place like this, skills like these only make me cuter, right?


Let's follow-up with..."We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude -- I expect you to chin the bitch."

Which is from a -superb- movie.