Name that flick/song, etc.

*sniff* You HAD to come up with a Carlin quote didn't you?! That's Dogma.

"Do you want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating twinkies and maybe go out for field hockey. You know what? No one ever knows what they want to be when they grow up. You know it takes a little, little while to find that out, right, Jim? And you... yeah, you. Sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well, you know what? Maybe... you should lift some weights, or uh, take a karate lesson and the next time he's tries to do it, you kick him in the balls."
Its true.

You missed his.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

"My thanks, on behalf of those who died in the name of better mechanical amusements and commercial opportunities. "
tieran said:
"My thanks, on behalf of those who died in the name of better mechanical amusements and commercial opportunities. "

Should be The Last Samurai

"Infinite goodness is creating a being you know, in advance, is going to complain."
The Ninth Configuration? Captain Cutshaw, yes?

"Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue! And trim that scraggly beard! "
is that Pirates of the Caribbean? I'm not giong to leave a quote until i know i'm right.
It is definitely Sparrow, but it sounds more like one of the later movies. I can't place exactly where it is. Maybe in Tortuga when they run into the COmmodore again?
i think you're right doverman its definitely not the first movie..
It is from world end

They are talking about Barbossa

Captain Ammand: Shoot Him
Captian Jocard: Cut out his tongue
Captian Jack Sparrow: Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue! And trim that scraggly beard!

"Listen. You listen to me. You see that city over there? THAT'S where I'm supposed to be. Not down here with the dogs, and the garbage, and the f***ing last month's newspapers blowing *back* and *forth*. I've had it with them, I've had it with you, I've had it with ALL THIS - *I want ROOM SERVICE*! I want the club sandwich, I want the cold Mexican beer, I want a $10,000-a-night hooker! I want my shirts laundered... like they do... at the Imperial Hotel... in Tokyo. "
2001 A Space Odyssey

Isn't it? I won't put a new quote, just in case I'm wrong. (That wouldn't be fair, now would it?)

and the new quote from chriso?
Then here is my quote:

"The coachman smiled down at me when he saw I was behind him.
He said, "Your brother Raven lives, but I think you'll never find him.
And Owl still watches all around but he listens more than speaks
And he'll never understand that it isn't you he seeks."

He said, "You can go back home and never face the dangers
Or continue towards a life you will live among strangers."
His eyes softened for a time, I could barely hear his voice:
"It isn't easy to decide but few get the choice.""

Major points to anyone who doesn't cheat! ;)

The Raven Owl and I. Not sure who it's by though.

"I'm in my tree talking to the Dixie Chicks and they're making me feel better."
Marcena said:
"I'm in my tree talking to the Dixie Chicks and they're making me feel better."

I Heart Huckabees

"You're like an energy vampire. You suck the life out of people and take the fun out of being a lawyer."
It's either All of Me or Daredevil.

"Now place the ring on his hand. A ring is like a circle, it goes on forever. It's not like a triangle, triangle have corners. It's like a circle."