
I'll be there, and Sean Metzler too, I believe.

And possibly some gypsy girl with really long, multi-colored hair.

All NPCing, I think.
If you count me as a Deadlands person, I'll be going and NPCing my butt off. :>
Dude, you have the best life item in the game there. As long as he's up (and no one kicks my leg out from under me), we'll be fine. All else fails, it's recall/SW time. Yeah, the not blond but may as well be will be there along with the twins. Just like old times :)
Eldarion will be there, Dark Elf'ing it up to the hilt! As you can see at the moment the current Elf team (Joe, Jen, Dave, Brennon, Kirsten, and me (David) makeup about half of the PC's! :D Although I'm sure we won't when all is done and finished. ;) You should totally come Nic! (sry I really don't know your OOG name :? )
Deadlands said:
And possibly some gypsy girl with really long, multi-colored hair.

The man is not subtle.

Yeah, if I can get my move-back-to-school schedule and packing all sussed beforehand, I'll be there for most of the event, more than likely NPCing. Unless Nicodemus can think of a reeeeeeeally good reason for Nadarin to be there... Come on, Nic old bestest buddy, I'm sure you can come up with something!
Actually babe, I was kinda considering that if I, just maybe, although I almost certainly can't, made it to the National Event, that I would join the dark side for the weekend..... (the other dark side you bastards, Nic's not evil!!!!)

When else could I do things like murder Sun and Eldarion and not get executed for it??? :D
Darkside it, yo! It'll be great.

You'll get an opportunity to murder Metzler's PC too -- one of my favorite hobbies.
Hey, you're one of the few people with a mark that she has seen and hasn't attached/tried to attack on site. But unlike recent events, she now had her bodyguards. I'd say bring it, but lets be honest, unless I find a good scroll, I really can't do much damage. Although... last time I chapterhopped, I did kill a liche with a web, so who knows... Come out with the ability to only use claws, swinging death, and lets have a stalemate! Want to up the anti, ask for the dagger of morganna. done! Seriously, more people better be coming!
Oh Jen... you don't need to remind everyone how ridiculas Sun is... ;)

Shhh said:
Actually babe, I was kinda considering that if I, just maybe, although I almost certainly can't, made it to the National Event, that I would join the dark side for the weekend..... (the other dark side you bastards, Nic's not evil!!!!)

When else could I do things like murder Sun and Eldarion and not get executed for it??? :D

I knew it! Nicodemus is going to come hunting us with Necromancy! :D
psssst, Samara, I think you should NPC with me. I'm being left all alone in NPC camp by that mean, mean boyfriend of mine... ;)
Alas my friends, the final ruling has been made and there will be no National for me this weekend. Too much to do and my sister is in town from Georgia with my baby nephew. In short, you're all getting ditched so I can play the cool uncle.

Dreaming, Sun, just be patient, I'll kill you with necro in September. :o

Gary, sorry man, I really wish I could see what plot bits you're going to contribute to the weekend. I have no doubts you're going to leave the entire Alliance talking about the Deadlands.

Smara.... be bad.

Everyone else, have an awesome time. Sorry I won't be there to help the Deadlands represent. But go forth and display our awesome.

Flyaway Bird said:
youthculture said:
What! What about me!

We're MARRIED. That's different.

Lauren and I have to represent the House Geffrin cookie-charge!

I'm so proud of the House Geffrin Cookies....Lead on younglings....lead on.