

Thank you -- your answer is pretty much what I expected, but I am glad we got an answer before someone ELSE asked the question and the answers just "went and gone off in all directions".
This is going to sound like a foolish question to add in but can Necromancy be used in a posative way or no? (Example Bring back a fallen foe to save a friends life)
Desecrate prevents you from being harmed by melee attacks from living things, which is generally fairly positive, particularly if you use it to save the town. Control Undead is great for keeping beasties from attacking your friends. Cause X Wounds is always great for killing bad guys. Kinda depends on your definition of "positive", really.
Brouga said:
This is going to sound like a foolish question to add in but can Necromancy be used in a posative way or no? (Example Bring back a fallen foe to save a friends life)

Adventurers slaughter thousands of things in 'keeping the town safe'. A thing's no more dead from a sword through the neck than if necromantic spells destroy it's life force. Necro is a tool, nothing more.
Wraith said:
Brouga said:
This is going to sound like a foolish question to add in but can Necromancy be used in a posative way or no? (Example Bring back a fallen foe to save a friends life)

Adventurers slaughter thousands of things in 'keeping the town safe'. A thing's no more dead from a sword through the neck than if necromantic spells destroy it's life force. Necro is a tool, nothing more.

That's actually a matter of how Plot manages it. But unless they give you an explanation? Yep, that's basically it. Dead is dead, unless your local chapter determines it's the equivalent of toxic waste, permanently rends the barriers between the dead and the living, spontaneously calls Great Old Ones to tentacle-molest the women, whatever.
Yep. Healing Arts doesn't 'allow you to determine death by poison, necromancy, or the use of spells or similar inobvious means.', after all.
Just read the section entitled "Necromancy" on page 101 in the rulebook, it gives the IG reason that Necromancy is illegal/evil.

Of course, I like the OOG reason on page 87:

"We can’t
have necromancy legal because
then everyone would want to play
an earth caster"
markusdark said:
Just read the section entitled "Necromancy" on page 101 in the rulebook, it gives the IG reason that Necromancy is illegal/evil.

Which is a lot of yes it is/no it ain't stuff. And after all, there are places where necromancy are legal- they're just never places where the game is based.

Of course, I like the OOG reason on page 87:

"We can’t
have necromancy legal because
then everyone would want to play
an earth caster"

I've always thought that necromancy should be required to have bad, nasty environmental effects (that can vary by chapter) that are known side effects of tossing chaos around. Since necromancy HAS to be illegal in Alliance games by the rulebook, at the least there should be solid, logical IG reasons to do so- even if they vary by chapter.

"Oh, we had a bad necromancer near Ashbury- by the time we caught him, half the village wheat crop had blighted with tombstone fungus and failed. That's how we knew one was around, it only flourishes near necromancy being used."
Talen said:
markusdark said:
Just read the section entitled "Necromancy" on page 101 in the rulebook, it gives the IG reason that Necromancy is illegal/evil.

Which is a lot of yes it is/no it ain't stuff. And after all, there are places where necromancy are legal- they're just never places where the game is based.

Of course, I like the OOG reason on page 87:

"We can’t
have necromancy legal because
then everyone would want to play
an earth caster"

I've always thought that necromancy should be required to have bad, nasty environmental effects (that can vary by chapter) that are known side effects of tossing chaos around. Since necromancy HAS to be illegal in Alliance games by the rulebook, at the least there should be solid, logical IG reasons to do so- even if they vary by chapter.

"Oh, we had a bad necromancer near Ashbury- by the time we caught him, half the village wheat crop had blighted with tombstone fungus and failed. That's how we knew one was around, it only flourishes near necromancy being used."

We've played it that way in Ashbury. Whenever players go to places where necromancy is legal, the land is damaged.