
Thanks to all the people who answered the question to the best of their ability.
I think a simple answer would have been
These are the races against it
theses are okay with it.

mostly I was thinking about making such a character, (albeit carefully) and was wondering what races would be an option. obviously I would not make a dryad or high ogre necro. that is just dumb, even if you can bend the rules.

so to put it simply, could I get some list of peoples opinions of the top 3 candidate race? thanks.
you really can't make that list dude.

It differs from chapter to chapter based on the race packet. if you post this in the OOG section of the chapter you intend to play, you might get a better response, but i suspect you will most likely get a FOIG response. best advise = contact your chapters plot team for clarification.
Robb Graves said:
you really can't make that list dude.

It differs from chapter to chapter based on the race packet. if you post this in the OOG section of the chapter you intend to play, you might get a better response, but i suspect you will most likely get a FOIG response. best advise = contact your chapters plot team for clarification.
yeah sure seems that way
alright thanks anywho.
I'm sorry but I beg to differ.

I believe in a "generic" sense, and having played in 9 chapters here are several races that I think would be stereotypically "more" likely to be okay with necromancy.

My initial "most likely" races would be:
Biata, Dark Elf

With other possible candidates being:
Barbarian, Sarr, Kin, Humans

Any of these names however or subject to the local environment. But you certainly CAN know which have more of a "generic" leaning. Yeash, its the new player section, its not all that nice to just say No and FOIG every other post... :?

I will also go ahead and throw it out there that there are some chapters/plot teams that have come down VERY heavy handed on the anti-necro party line and have encouraged a good deal of IG zelots on this subject matter. So just know what your getting into, however it certainly can create some very fun roleplay. :)
Almost every powerful necromancer I've ever faced was human.

Just sayin'...
Fearless Leader said:
Sorry, I had just come back from an event when I wrote that and was exhausted and sleep deprived! :)

Okay - put this sticky on your keyboard: DO NOT OPERATE WHEN TIRED! :lol:
If there are races that, as a function of being a member of that race, are very not-okay with necro, I don't see why it would or could be a bad thing that some other PC race finds the use of necromancy acceptable, again - as a function of being that race. That said, as a rule-rule, there are no races (at this time) that are required to be okay with it in the way that ogres and dryads are required to be not-okay with it.
Fearless Leader said:
You are misreading what has been written about MWEs.

Any MWE who does not object to someone casting a spell that take away one's free will is not playing their race properly.

If this is true then every MWE on the east cost that i've heard stories of using sleep gasses are not playing there race correctly.
nah, Mike is saying that Command spells themselves are NOT the problem, it's casting them against "people" that's the problem. for example, if the Mystic decides that anyone who isn't a Mystic isn't a person, she can cast Command spells at all non-Mystics with no personal repercussions. presumably, the players you throwing Sleep gas were doing so at creatures they deemed "non-people". it's a fine line, but it's the current interpretation
geesh people, make a new topic called "proper race roleplaying" that would cover everything.
jomcf11 said:
are there any races who don't mind, or even appreciate it? all I've heard of are races that look down on or hate it.

To actually try and answer your question... ;)

The best thing to do would be to contact your local chapter's plot team. While we could give your generic answers, they may not be correct for your local chapter's race packet -- dark elves are actually a good example. While it's highly recognized that some dark elves have used necromancy, it doesn't mean every dark elf from every chapter is okay with it. So looking at your chapter's race packet and asking your plot team would be the best guide.

- Kelsey
Right, but like I said: every chapter has a different flavor. I can think of one race of sarr and two of dark elves that wouldn't use necro.
I have a MWE race packet from one of the chapters I play in (I won't say here which one as it is a FOIG -find out in game- piece of information for people who don't play that race) that permission of plot is required for a MWE to play a necromancer -- which is a pretty hard lined limitation on the required role-play requirements for Mystic Wood Elf in that chapter. So, yeah, if you are playing a race and the race packet in that chapter says "you can't use necromancy without permission of plot" or "you hate necromancy so much you will risk your own life to kill anyone who you see using necromancy" then, yeah, it's a roleplaying requirement in that chapter. At least, that is my humble opinion.
Ondreij said:
I have a MWE race packet from one of the chapters I play in (I won't say here which one as it is a FOIG -find out in game- piece of information for people who don't play that race) that permission of plot is required for a MWE to play a necromancer -- which is a pretty hard lined limitation on the required role-play requirements for Mystic Wood Elf in that chapter. So, yeah, if you are playing a race and the race packet in that chapter says "you can't use necromancy without permission of plot" or "you hate necromancy so much you will risk your own life to kill anyone who you see using necromancy" then, yeah, it's a roleplaying requirement in that chapter. At least, that is my humble opinion.

Well, the key is how that particular MWE culture is in the local chapter.

For instance, if you play a MWE who was born and raised in that culture, you should indeed follow the guidelines of that race packet. However, if you want to play a MWE who was born and raised in some outpost and has no contact with that culture, then you may not. In that case, the local Plot Committee should provide you with the National portion of the race packet only, since you are not a part of the local culture.

Mind you, with an attitude like that, you are sure to be shunned (or worse) by the local MWEs.
Fearless Leader said:
Ondreij said:
I have a MWE race packet from one of the chapters I play in (I won't say here which one as it is a FOIG -find out in game- piece of information for people who don't play that race) that permission of plot is required for a MWE to play a necromancer -- which is a pretty hard lined limitation on the required role-play requirements for Mystic Wood Elf in that chapter. So, yeah, if you are playing a race and the race packet in that chapter says "you can't use necromancy without permission of plot" or "you hate necromancy so much you will risk your own life to kill anyone who you see using necromancy" then, yeah, it's a roleplaying requirement in that chapter. At least, that is my humble opinion.

Well, the key is how that particular MWE culture is in the local chapter.

For instance, if you play a MWE who was born and raised in that culture, you should indeed follow the guidelines of that race packet. However, if you want to play a MWE who was born and raised in some outpost and has no contact with that culture, then you may not. In that case, the local Plot Committee should provide you with the National portion of the race packet only, since you are not a part of the local culture.

Mind you, with an attitude like that, you are sure to be shunned (or worse) by the local MWEs.

Just to roll on with this logic, does it then follow that to play a character who 'acts' like another race, minus the whole 'getting turned into a human by the plot team' worry, simply requires writing a backstory that involves them not being raised by the mainstream culture? I wouldn't think that was your intent, but it's a pretty big bag of badgers to open. Far as I was aware, the local race packets still had to conform to the national ones, or why bother with national packets?

Have I been misinterpreting things?
Wraith said:
Just to roll on with this logic, does it then follow that to play a character who 'acts' like another race, minus the whole 'getting turned into a human by the plot team' worry, simply requires writing a backstory that involves them not being raised by the mainstream culture? I wouldn't think that was your intent, but it's a pretty big bag of badgers to open. Far as I was aware, the local race packets still had to conform to the national ones, or why bother with national packets?

Have I been misinterpreting things?

Yeah, I think you are. I think what Mike is saying is,let's say I have a Mystic Wood Elf (MWE) I created in Caldaria -- and that Mystic Wood Elf was born and raised (back story) in the Eleytherian Forest of the northwestern part of the Calrdarian Continent, so he is an Ansconi (the dominant MWE culture in that place) -- then I would play the Caldaria race packet for Mystic Wood Elves.

Now, say I have a MWE I created in Caldaria, but my back story is that he was born in the wilds of Kurzinor (lands to the south of Caldaria in the Caldarian game) and was raised by wolf kin when, as a little baby, his parents where killed by the Kurzinor slaver scum -- then I would not play the Caldarian MWE race packet -- I would play the National MWE race packet, instead, keeping in mind that I had not been raised in any MWE culture. I could make adaptations for wolf kin behavior which does not violate the MWE National race packet.

Okay, so now I have a MWE I created and played in Icenia as having been raised among the dominant MWE cultire of Icenia, then I would play that character according to the Icenian MWE race packet.

Does that explanation help?

Okay, let's have some fun ... so I take my Icenian MWE, and I transfer that character to Caldaria (cause me, the player, moves to Rhode Island, and I know I will play Caldaria/CT much more often) ... do I play the Icenian race packet, the Caldarian race packet, or the National race packet?
Yep, that's what I was trying to say!

Basically all races need to abide by the national packet parts, but the local packets are about culture more than race really...

For instance, we have three different race packets for elves in Ashbury. They all use the national part but then each packet is different based on the culture. An Amani elf does not necessarily act like a Kiergani elf.

And if you wanted to play a solo elf who grew up outside of all the cultures, then you probably should just have the national part.

But no, that doesn't mean that you should take on the characteristics of another race, even if raised by them. That point is specifically addressed in the book.
Ondreij said:
Okay, let's have some fun ... so I take my Icenian MWE, and I transfer that character to Caldaria (cause me, the player, moves to Rhode Island, and I know I will play Caldaria/CT much more often) ... do I play the Icenian race packet, the Caldarian race packet, or the National race packet?

You play the National Packet in conjunction with the cultural/local packet of where your character grew up. Basically... after growing up in the US, your character moved to China. Doesn't mean they' won't be influenced by Chinese culture.. but they're still who they've always been.. unless you have some plot voodoo that does wonkiness to memories and such, but that would be outside the norm. :)