NERO Archery

4 out of 6 people responding a generally against. Noted.

I just brought it up because I had a lot of fun in Devia with the boffer archery I wanted to know what the community thought.

As for cost prohibitive ... I purchased my 30lbs bow for $50 online and 6 aluminum arrows for about $30 from Fred Meyers. I then converted those aluminum arrows into boffer arrows using a hack saw, pennies, hot glue, closed cell foam, open cell foam, carpet tape, and some socks; it was really quite easy and the people I shot actually preferred my home-made arrows over the SCA/LARP boffer arrows you find online. So, about $90 in materials. That's less than 2 events in cost, so if you want to make it happen just NPC two events. And the arrows were sturdy resisting being stepped on. I think I had one arrow bend (which means it is no longer of use) at the last event I used it, so replacing 1 arrow every 3 events isn't bad.

Fiberglass bows are also fairly sturdy. Bumping into stuff, diving into the bushes, etc. isn't going to break a fiberglass bow. A rogue can still be roguish with a bow strapped in. Arrows are the problem, not the bow.

I do see and recognize the injury concern. My limited experience resulted in no bow-related injuries and this thread's history suggests bow/arrow related injuries were not prevalent. I did not know that people had experiences to the contrary. In Devia, for instance, in order to use a real bow you had to demonstrate to an authority figure (at the time the staff) that you can (a) know when someone has approached within 20ft or so (because you weren't allowed to fire on someone inside that range); (b) your arrows are safe (generally by shooting said authority figure); and (c) that you can use a bow safely.

Additionally, it looks like prior editions did not allow blocking with a bow (nor did Devia). If you did the bow was shattered.

To me, it seems like bow/arrows would be a great addition to the game if (a) real bows and boffer arrows were optional, (b) safety requirements are instituted for the safe use of the equipment, (c) being allowed to use them means a safety review each event (arrows, demonstrate safe use, etc.).

But, since there seems to be an overwhelming stigma against them, it doesn't look like it is worth fighting for. :) I don't want my friends to stop playing because I want to use a real bow.
evi1r0n said:
People keep mentioning how "immersive" the bows would make the game. I'll buy into that notion when I stop seeing modern food wrappers and drink containers. There are a lot of things we can do to make the game more immersive that don't involve major rules changes.

"The dragon is attacking!"
"Wait, I must slam this can of energy drink first."

Oh, arrows are the only packets that don't count as hits when they strike an illegal area (head, groin, hands). I think that should be changed but that's a whole other bag of kittens. I certainly don't think those areas should be purposefully targeted but when it happens it should be just like gas or magic.

+1 mad props for the well placed snark.

I also play in a game that uses more realistic arrows... now, they actually use golf tubes with padding on the end, so they aren't actually the larp arrows that you're maybe used to seeing online. They're lighter, don't fly as well, and don't break so easy. However, they're big, clunky, and still can pack a punch if they hit you in one of the 'no' areas.

While they certainly look cooler, I do generally prefer the alliance boffer archery.
I once played in an SCA type of game with padded arrows back in cali a long time ago. But In the midst of a large scale battle the safety with Bows droped like crazy because people were sending arrows into the crowed and would hope to hit someone. about half the time it hit people either in the Eye or in my case my ear got hit and sent my head spinning. So not shure if I would like to play in a game that has real bows and arrows. And For the immurson thing I would have to agree with Ron on that one, There is alot of things we can do to change that with just the way we rep things in game.

How are bow mechanics to be utilized when it comes to pages?

ie: Can I still shoot a page with this new bow and arrow rep?
Can a page use a bow and arrow?

Just thinking out loud, not sure I'd want my daughter to take an arrow to the knee in a big fight. I would let her make the choice but it is interesting.
It'll never happen and that's been brought up. This is a hypothetical situation.

If it did ever change, pages would no longer be able to use bows and they shouldn't be shot by them. That's one of the big reasons it won't happen. Projectiles are unpredictable and we wouldn't want any of our pages to "take an arrow to the knee". That's Gabe's job.