New 2.1 Rituals - Sneak Peaks! (FULL LIST!)

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Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Greetings Alliance Community!

If you've been paying attention to our social media, you may have noticed we've begun sharing some sneak peaks at the upcoming rituals releasing on July 1st 2024. This thread is going to serve as a consolidated list of all the rituals we've shared so far, and will continue to be updated as we share more. We will also be including the full ritual text here for those who are interested in the finer details!

All new rituals have now been revealed!
  1. Amplified Circle [General]
  2. Bloodthirst [Earth/Necromancy]
  3. Call to Ages Past [General]
  4. Charge Transfer [General]
  5. Critical Combined Strike [General]
  6. Defensive Buffer [General]
  7. Deflecting Resistance [Celestial]
  8. Duplicating Evocation [Celestial]
  9. Elemental Embodiment [Celestial]
  10. Empowered Meditation [Celestial]
  11. Encryption/Decryption [General]
  12. Energized Weapon [Celestial]
  13. Enhanced Discipline [General]
  14. Evocation Feedback [Celestial]
  15. Flexible Combined Strike [General]
  16. Foundation's Form [Celestial]
  17. Ghoulish Grimoire [Necromancy]
  18. Greater Metamorphosis [General]
  19. Healing Grace/Horrific Recovery [Earth/Necromancy]
  20. Homunculus [Celestial]
  21. Improved Flexible Casting [General]
  22. Intercepting Reflex [Celestial]
  23. Lesser Renewal [General]
  24. Mending Resolution [Celestial]
  25. Mercurial Weapon [General]
  26. Mighty Imbuement [General]
  27. Mystical Malleability [General]
  28. Opportune Rebirth [Earth]
  29. Partial Refit [Celestial]
  30. Planar Sanctum [Celestial]
  31. Planar Weapon [General]
  32. Portable Circle of Power [General]
  33. Portal of Summoning [Celestial]
  34. Prismatic Protection [General]
  35. Racial Transmogrification [Earth]
  36. Rapid Recollection [General]
  37. Relentless Mettle [General]
  38. Reliable Channeling [General]
  39. Reshape Ritual Magic [General]
  40. Restorative Resistance [General]
  41. Ritualist's Gambit [General]
  42. Safe Return [Celestial]
  43. Sanguine Sacrifice [Earth]
  44. Scour Necromantic Magic/Spoil Earth Magic [Earth/Necromancy]
  45. Shared Imbuement [General]
  46. Spirit Loop [General]
  47. Spirit Temper [General]
  48. Steal Strength [Necromancy]
  49. Strength From Guile [General]
  50. Suppress Ritual Magic [Celestial]
  51. Tempered Armor [Celestial]
  52. Transmute Catalyst [General]
  53. Undeath Denied [Earth]
  54. Unification Source [General]
In addition to the above 54 rituals, there were 4 existing ones which also received updates. See the document in this thread for details. The four updated rituals are:
  1. Copy Ritual Scroll: language added to clarify that the host chapter is responsible for printing the new scroll.
  2. Memory Strike: removed the requirement for the stored spell needing to be cast inside a Circle of Power.
  3. Monster Slayer: user may now perform an immediate meditation session after administering a Killing Blow to the appropriate creature type.
  4. Perfect Riposte: added the ability to proactively expend an Evade, Parry, or Dodge to fuel a Riposting Blow or Feint, and doing so for Feint allows user to select both options.

For organizational purposes, the above list will be kept in alphabetical order and may not represent the order in which these rituals get posted.
Last updated: 06/26/24

This list is now completed, and all new rituals have been posted! You will be able to find these in-game after July 1st, 2024!
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Amplified Circle​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location [Circle of Power]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual grants an increase to the Ritual Strength of the Primary Caster for any future Rituals cast within the Target Circle. The amount of the increase in Ritual Strength is dependent upon the Ritual Level selected by the Ritual Caster at the start of its casting.

Any Ritual cast within the Target Circle may only benefit from a single instance of this Ritual effect.

This Ritual will last until the Target Circle expires.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

5:5 Reagents - +1 Ritual Strength
15:10 Reagents - +2 Ritual Strength
45:20 Reagents - +3 Ritual Strength


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Energized Weapon​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Weapon]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual will create a rechargeable slot on the weapon it is cast upon. This slot can be Energized through the touch-cast of a Celestial spell on the Target Weapon. The possessor of the weapon must then incant “Absorbed”. Once Energized, the wielder of this weapon may expend a single stored spell to immediately make a single Weapon attack for “Weapon Strike [5 x spell level] Magic”. The spells stored can be of any combination of levels up to the maximum spell levels allowed by the Ritual performed (to a maximum of 9).

An Energized Weapon Target always starts an event empty.

This ritual requires a minimum of 1 reagent to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual should be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
1:1 Reagent - Energized Weapon 1
2:3 Reagents - Energized Weapon 2
3:3 Reagents - Energized Weapon 3
4:3 Reagents - Energized Weapon 4
6:4 Reagents - Energized Weapon 5
8:5 Reagents - Energized Weapon 6
9:5 Reagents - Energized Weapon 7
10:5 Reagents - Energized Weapon 8
11:6 Reagents - Energized Weapon 9


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Deflecting Resistance​


Catalyst Required:False
May Be Extended:yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the bearer of the Target Item to expend two of a single type of Resist to use a Bane against a specific Effect Group or Qualifier. A single casting of this Ritual allows for any type of Resist to be used, but they only function against the effect group or qualifier they would normally resist.

This ritual requires a minimum of 3 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Empowered Meditation​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Location [Circle of Power]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows a character with the Enhanced Meditate skill who is invested in the Target Circle to expend a charge from this Ritual and recover 2 skills over the course of a single Meditate. The entire Meditation must occur within the Target Circle. The time for this Meditate can only be decreased through the Enhanced Meditate skill.

This Ritual will last until the Target Circle expires.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Enhanced Discipline​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Source or Staff]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the wielder of the Target Staff or Source to expend a Signature Spell from memory and add the numeric amount of that spell to a Channeling attack cast through the Target Item. The numeric amount of this attack may exceed the wielder’s normal Channeling maximum.

Signature Spells expended via this Ritual may only add to the damage of the same school of Magic and must match the Aspect of this Ritual.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Evocation Feedback​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spell book]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the caster to double the numeric amount of one Evocation Bolt cast from memory, as long as the caster expends 10 Body Points. You may not activate this ritual if this damage would reduce you to less than 1 Body Point.

This Ritual may be combined with the Enhance Signature Spell High Magic.

If this Ritual enhances a spell over 45 points of damage, said spell cannot be put into a Memory Strike or a Spell Store or similar Ritual, nor can it be Counterspelled, as there are no 10th level or higher Spells.

This ritual requires a minimum of 2 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual should be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

5:2 Reagent - one charge per Logistics period.
7:4 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period.
9:6 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Spirit Temper​


Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:false
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:False
Role Play Only:False

The Spirit Temper Ritual manipulates a Target Spirit, allowing the affected player to partially rebuild their character card. The Target Spirit may remove up to 100 XP worth of skills from their character card. The card must remain valid at all times, though the character may change class throughout the process.

This Ritual Effect is instantaneous and irrevocable and the changes made last forever or until the character is the Target of another similar Ritual.

This Ritual may not be released as an LCO scroll or effect.

This Ritual requires 3 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Mercurial Weapon​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Weapon]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the Target Weapon to transform into at least one other type of weapon.

During the Ritual casting both the physical representations and the Weapon Tags must be present for all forms the weapon will be able to take. One Weapon Tag and physrep combination must be selected as the Primary Target for this Ritual. Any other Weapon Tag and physrep combinations are considered Secondary Targets. Only the Primary Target may have other Rituals on it before, during or after the Ritual casting, but all Weapon Tag and physrep combinations must be valid targets for any Rituals placed upon the Primary Target. At Base Difficulty, the weapon will have a maximum of 2 forms, and require two different physreps, each of which will be labeled with the same magic item number. For each increase in difficulty and Reagent cost an additional physrep and Weapon Tag may be added.

  • +5 to DC and +3 Reagents for each additional Weapon Tag and physrep combination beyond the first two

At any point after completing a 10 minute Focus, the bearer of this weapon may select from any of the Weapon Tag and physreps combinations that were targeted during the initial casting of the Ritual and determine which form the Mercurial Weapon will take for the duration of the Logistics Period. Any physreps other than the one selected for the current Logistics Period must be placed in an Out of Game area for the duration of the Logistics Period.

The bearer of a Mercurial Weapon may, at any time, return to the area where the additional physreps are stored and, with 10 minutes of Focus, swap out to a different version of the Mercurial Weapon.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Scour Necromantic Magic/Spoil Earth Magic​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:No
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Manipulation
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the caster to change any and all Necromancy Aspected Ritual effects on the Target Item to Earth Aspected Ritual effects, as long as an Earth Aspected version exists. If cast as a Necromantic Ritual, all Earth Aspected Ritual effects on the Target Item become Necromantic Aspected Rituals, as long as a Necromantic Aspect version exists.

Any instances of the Enchant Ritual that are targeted by this Ritual effect will have the spell contained in the item switched to the opposite Aspected spell.

Logistics should be notified in advance of the Ritual casting, so a proper experience may be supplied.

The following effects can be added during a casting, but all costs add to the base Difficulty and Reagent Cost. All additional Reagents must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

  • +10 Difficulty and +8 Reagent per extra Item Target

This ritual requires a minimum of 6 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.



Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:No
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Doll], Spirit
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Homunculus Ritual allows the Target Spirit to siphon off some of their magical essence into a small doll in order to fuel certain protective capabilities. Upon a successful casting of this Ritual, the Target Doll and Target Spirit become connected, as per Spirit Lock. The presence of any other Rituals on the Target Doll, when this Ritual is cast, will result in the Ritual failing and causing a backlash. The Doll may not be targeted by any other non-Instantaneous Duration rituals while the Homunculus effect is present. These Rituals will automatically fail, but not necessarily backlash.

If a refusable ritual effect would target the user’s spirit, the user may destroy the Homunculus and call “Resist” to prevent the effect. Note that while some rituals are instantaneous, other effects are persistent (such as certain aspects of the Spirit Link ritual) and may attempt to target the user’s spirit again if interacted with a second time.

Additionally, at the start of every Logistics Period, the user may expend a memorized Celestial spell of 7th level or greater, and mark it off with an H on their battleboard, to gain one of the following abilities:

  • Heightened Dispel: Each purchase of this ability grants the character one “Arcane Dispel” deliverable via touchcast packet. This ability can be purchased up to three times in a Logistics Period and any unused effects expire at the end of the Logistics Period.
  • Obscured Spirit: While this ability is active the Homunculus effect and the associated Spirit Link will appear as Unidentified Rituals, as if an Obfuscate was present on the Homunculus. A second purchase will act as an Obfuscate on the character’s Spirit. This ability may only be selected twice each Logistics Period.
  • Elemental Asylum: When activated at the start of the Logistics Period, the player must select from Stone, Lightning, Ice, or Flame, and will receive a Planar Asylum effect to the selected plane. This ability may only be selected once each Logistics Period.

This ritual requires a minimum of 7 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

  • 9:7 Reagents - Up to one ability may be selected each Logistics Period.
  • 17:13 Reagents - Up to two abilities may be selected each Logistics Period.
  • 24:18 Reagents - Up to three abilities may be selected each Logistics Period.
  • 30:22 Reagents - Up to four abilities may be selected each Logistics Period.
  • 35:25 Reagents - Up to five abilities may be selected each Logistics Period.
  • 41:27 Reagents - Up to six abilities may be selected each Logistics Period.


This Ritual can not be Spellcrafted.

Ghoulish Grimoire​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spell book]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the bearer of the Target Spell Book to expend a charge from this Ritual immediately after the successful resolution of a Cure Wounds or Cause Wounds spell cast from the bearer’s memory and have an amount of body restored equal to the numeric amount of the spell.

If the spell is touch cast on yourself, you receive both the effect of the spell and the effect of this Ritual.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 3 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

6:3 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period
12:6 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period
18:9 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Duplicating Evocation​


Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spell book]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false
This Ritual allows the bearer of the Target Spellbook to expend a charge from this Ritual and an Evocation Bolt in memory to immediately throw two packets, each using the verbal “Spell Strike <number> <effect>” where the number is equal to the amount of damage done by an Evocation Bolt of one level lower and the effect is any of: Stone, Lightning, Ice, or Flame. The element selected must be the same for each of the two attacks.

This ritual requires a minimum of 7 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
9:7 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period.
13:9 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period.
17:11 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Ritualist’s Gambit​


Catalyst Required:no
May Be Extended:no
Duration:Times Ever
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Spell book]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

After making the roll to determine the outcome of a Flaw or Backlash the Caster may elect to expend a charge from this Ritual and roll again until a different number is rolled, using the result of this additional die roll to determine the Flaw or Backlash. This new result cannot be rerolled by further uses of this Ritual effect.

This ritual requires a minimum of 5 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.
10:5 Reagents - One charge
12:6 Reagents - Two charges
14:8 Reagents - Three charges


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Partial Refit​


Catalyst Required:no
May Be Extended:yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item <Armor>
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:no
Role Play Only:no

Armor targeted by this ritual may be partially refit after 30 seconds, restoring it to half of its maximum physrepped value (rounded down), unless the suit of armor had more Armor Points left when the refit was started. Any time after 30 seconds spent refitting, the character performing the refit may state “Partial Refit complete” to indicate the use of this passive Ritual effect.

The Partial Refit Ritual is unaffected by any other ritual, skill, or ability that reduces refit time. Armor that has not been fully refit cannot benefit from any source of Bonus Armor and cannot be used to trigger any other ritual, skill, or ability that requires an armor refit.

This ritual requires a minimum of 2 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Strength from Guile​


Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any], Spirit, Body
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the Target Spirit, Body, or Bearer of the Target Item to, once per LP per charge, voluntarily negate all damage gained from Weapon Proficiencies and Backstabs for 10 minutes. In exchange, the character gains a number of immediately activatable Critical Attacks equal to half of their number of Backstabs (rounded up).

The character can end this effect at any time before the expiration of the 10 minute duration. Ending this effect also ends any active Critical Attacks.

This ritual requires 4 reagents as listed on the ritual scroll.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual must be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

6:4 Reagents - One charge per Logistics Period
8:6 Reagents - Two charges per Logistics Period
10:8 Reagents - Three charges per Logistics Period


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.



Catalyst Required:false
May Be Extended:yes
Duration:20 LP
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item <Weapon>
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

The Bloodthirst Ritual allows the wielder of the Target Weapon, upon dealing damage to a target with a Slay or Assassinate, to expend a charge of this Ritual and immediately touchcast "Activate Elemental X Healing" or "Activate Elemental X Chaos" on themselves. X is defined based on the level the Ritual is cast at and varies from 5 to 25.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 3 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

8:9 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 5 Healing/Chaos.
11:10 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 10 Healing/Chaos.
14:11 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 15 Healing/Chaos.
17:12 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 20 Healing/Chaos.
20:13 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period of Elemental Strike 25 Healing/Chaos.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1 (grants Elemental 5 Healing/Chaos)
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Unification Source​

Catalyst Required:No
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Source]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the bearer of the Target Source to expend 100 points from their Channeling pool to grant themselves a Ritual Strength of 1, exclusively for the purposes of acting as a secondary Ritual caster, in Ritual castings of the Aspect appropriate to the Channeling points expended.

Channeling points may only be expended in this way while the bearer is within a Circle of Power, and the granted Ritual Strength expires immediately if the bearer leaves the Circle.

While acting as a Secondary Caster the character may expend High Magic on Ritual Manipulations. Any purchased but unused Ritual Manipulations will be expended if the character leaves the Circle.

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Restorative Resistance​

Catalyst Required:no
May Be Extended:yes
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Any]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:false
Role Play Only:false

This Ritual allows the bearer of the Target Item to expend two of a selected Resist to touchcast a specific effect. The type of Resist that can be expended via this Ritual is selected during the Ritual casting as detailed below:
Resist Binding: Elemental Release
Resist Command: Elemental Awaken
Resist Curse: Elemental Cleanse
Resist Necromancy: Elemental Purify
Resist Poison: Elemental Antidote
Resist Spell: Elemental Dispel

This ritual requires a minimum of 4 reagents to cast.


Spellcraft Difficulty:1
Spellcraft Cost:1
Spellcraft Duration:5 days

Critical Combined Strike​

Catalyst Required:no
May Be Extended:Yes
Duration:20 LPs
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item <Weapon>
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:no
Role Play Only:no

This Ritual allows the wielder of the targeted weapon to add the damage provided from any active Critical Attacks to any attacks they make using Combined Strike.

If this is an Earth Aspected Ritual the additional damage also applies to attacks made with the Magisterium Strike skill.

If this is a Celestial Aspected Ritual the additional damage also applies to attacks made with the Foundation Strike skill.

This ritual requires a minimum of 6 reagents to cast.


This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.
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