I'd be happy to post what I received and what we had printed, but I have no guarantee that it's the final product, so I'd rather wait till I know 100% for sure that it is. I suspect it will end up being a post here in the forums as they are the official location for items and then back linked in a post on Facebook that is announcing it.
Speaking to Strengthened and Silvered Items:
There is an additional cost over production that drives the mark up on those way up and normally only by the extra production that is there. I get funny looks as Radulfr when I state the following prices:
Market Pricing (Easy Coin Conversion) [Service Fee past the material cost]
Long Sword - 60 Copper (6 Silver) [3 Silver]
Silvered Long sword - 240 Copper (2 Gold, 4 Silver) [4 Silver, 5 Copper]
Strengthened Long Sword - 660 Copper (6 Gold, 6 Silver) [8 Silver]
Silvered and Strengthened Long Sword - 840 Copper (8 Gold, 4 Silver) [9 Silver, 5 Copper]
Anything that isn't in that [Fee Bracket] is all production cost to make it.
A lot of people miss the 1 Gold 5 Silver in Silver Pieces as additional materials for Silvering and the 5 Gold in Silver Pieces as materials for Strengthening. That's in addition to the production costs, so it seems to spike it up a lot, but you can't expect that material cost to not be passed on. Market Price as I've understood it has always been double base production. So half of what you are paying is the material cost and the other half is the service of having it made/stocked/delivered/available. If the merchant in question wants to haggle that's another thing, but you better believe they're going to want something of value equal to the discount somewhere along the line. I've heard people state that they want it at cost, which is not a way to do business