New player questions

Effective for a given (very passive) value of effective. I would 100% encourage you to play an event or two before deciding to start off deeply invested into crafting.

Given that the game has a fluid class system, if you decided to go artisan at a later date, your class would eventually naturally shift that direction anyway, as characters are considered to be of whatever class can purchase their current build most inexpensively.
To be clear, you can choose whatever class you want as long as you can afford the skills. Someone on the edge of Templar and Scholar, with Scholar being just a little more efficient, might pick Templar for the increased body and armor, for example.
Ok, so I have another question. I can't find anywhere in the rules that state that a weapon has to be held in the hand (it might be implied, but I can't find anywhere it explicitly says it). Therefore, could a short weapon be strapped onto your arm to provide cover for your arm as well?
I'm just kind of looking at some possibilities and trying to find the best weapon design I can.

Another question is: can I feign death? If someone is fighting me and I KNOW I cannot beat them, could I fall over after a hit, pretend to be dead, let them search me (assuming they don't check that I'm dead), and then get up when they walk away? I mean, being alive with no possessions is better than being dead with no possessions.
I think i know this one, though as a disclaimer I'm not a rules marshal.

A weapon must be held in hand to use so obviously you cant to damage with it but if it were strapped to your arm it would count as a personal item. If, for instance, you were holding something that were not a weapon or a weapon you did not know how to use, if someone struck that weapon you would still take damage even if they didn't hit you. I think this would work in the same way as if you had a sword strapped to your arm. All that aside I think it could also be a safety hazard and wouldn't recommend it on any level.

TLDR: Get a shield

I love your second question! It's pretty common to feign death (or play opossum) against some strong NPC but its fairly unlikely they'll search you. Be warned however that there are some pretty nasty guys out there who will make sure you die if you fall over.
Alright, then where do I register for the February event? I'm looking to NPC with a buddy of mine. Also, what does TLDR mean? I get it's a general recommendation, but what do the letters stand for?
I don't believe registration for the February event is up yet, though it should be soon.

TLDR stands for, Too Long, Didn't Read.
I want a shield, but 10 BP is a lot. I guess I could go fighter for a level or two until I can buy up some crafting. Or I could just NPC for a year. Yeah. I think that's the best option.
10 bp for shield refers to build points to purchase the shield skill, which you can do when creating your character, or you can wait and at a later time have someone with the "teacher" skill and the "shield" skill teach you how to use a shield. then you can buy a shield from any blacksmith that has a shield to sell to you.
David Raatz