New policy - skill sell back

Possible issue: If players only have Weapon Master as a weapon skill, attempting to sell it back could cause issues if they have skills that require a weapon skill.
Possible issue: If players only have Weapon Master as a weapon skill, attempting to sell it back could cause issues if they have skills that require a weapon skill.

Yep. We'll need to detect when selling certain skills back would break prereqs and force you to pick a skill to buy that fixes it.
Weapon Master doesn't include Archery and Thrown Weapons. While not ideal, the way it's written you'd have to buy one of those before you could sell back weapon master.

Let's avoid getting to letter of the law here. Technically you must sell back when buying weapon master but could buy any of the included skills back while having Weapons Master as there is no wording to prevent this.

A better solution would be to modify the wording of the rule to note that the resulting card must adhere to all rules after selling back the skill but you are allowed to repurchase any 'include skill' immediately when selling back Weapon Master or Style Master
Weapon Master doesn't include Archery and Thrown Weapons. While not ideal, the way it's written you'd have to buy one of those before you could sell back weapon master.



"Selling back skills does not allow you to violate prerequisite requirements. As such you must sell back those skills first so your character remains 'valid'."
You have to either buy one of the other skills first, or sell back the other skills dependent on your Weapon Master. This may not be as intended, but it sure is as written.
Skill Sellback is now available to try out in the CMA. The option will only appear if you have at least 60 GS in the character's home chapter, and the option hasn't been used already this month.

To access this, view a skill you have purchased. The Skill Sellback section (if available) will either show you a bright red "Remove purchase" button or describe why the skill can't be removed. If you want to sell back spell slots, links to the individual skills have been added within the spell pyramid interface.

If you sell back a skill by mistake, this can be undone using the usual Undo option, which will also refund the GS.

There's not yet any special options related to selling back Weapon Master (and related) skills, but most weapon masters probably also know some ranged or style skills and shouldn't have a problem meeting their prerequisites in practice. I'll see about adding something for this at a later date.
Do I understand correctly that this rule is not in the new rulebook? I can’t find it, but maybe the wording changed?

Pinging this again. (I’m rebuilding my character before the Kansas event in a few weeks, and beed to know how careful I need to be.) If someone is looking into this, please confirm.
Pinging this again. (I’m rebuilding my character before the Kansas event in a few weeks, and beed to know how careful I need to be.) If someone is looking into this, please confirm.

It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the current draft of the Player's Guide, but it definitely still exists. You can use it in the CMA once per month as long as you have the stamps.
Pinging this again. (I’m rebuilding my character before the Kansas event in a few weeks, and beed to know how careful I need to be.) If someone is looking into this, please confirm.

And was a policy voted in by the owners and formally announced. For it to be removed, it would also need to be voted on, and it would then be announced. So you can count on it being there unless there is an announcement of going away. (And if this concerns you, ask your owner about it. But I don't think you have any reason to be concerned.)
I can guarantee it has not been removed. Just a detail that needs to get cleaned up in the beta books.
Can you sell back spell slots as long as your pyramid is in order? I wasnt seeing an option for this on the CMA
Can you sell back spell slots as long as your pyramid is in order? I wasnt seeing an option for this on the CMA

Yes. Open up the spell pyramid interface and each level should also be a link. That will take you to the individual skill, which can potentially be sold back.
Oh gotcha! Thanks guys, didnt realize the levels were links as well!
Y'all are awesome!