*the following flier appears posted outside of the tavern*
Ladies and Gentleadventurers! I am now open to your business!
Thanks to the brave and definitive actions of four of your number, I am now free to travel between Eloria, Nu'Adah, and your little community. Finer-crafted poisons you will not find anywhere in the Mists, and in your line of work I imagine having a store of blade coatings is very useful.
Again because of the adventurers who provided me an escort earlier this month, I've been able to reduce my expenditures and thus lower my costs of production, and I am pleased to pass on these savings to you.
Although I specialise in poisons, I sell ALL standard alchemical creations, so if you are interested in purchasing any of them, please leave your order written here by May 4th when I will pick up all requests. Delivery will be on or around May 11th, payment required at that time.
I am also pursuing the creation of some decidedly non-standard alchemical creations, though they are far from ready. If you are interested in assisting in this alchemical experimentation, please come see me when I come to your encampment for deliveries. Anyone who contributes to my discoveries will be compensated appropriately.
Thanks to the brave and definitive actions of four of your number, I am now free to travel between Eloria, Nu'Adah, and your little community. Finer-crafted poisons you will not find anywhere in the Mists, and in your line of work I imagine having a store of blade coatings is very useful.
Again because of the adventurers who provided me an escort earlier this month, I've been able to reduce my expenditures and thus lower my costs of production, and I am pleased to pass on these savings to you.
Although I specialise in poisons, I sell ALL standard alchemical creations, so if you are interested in purchasing any of them, please leave your order written here by May 4th when I will pick up all requests. Delivery will be on or around May 11th, payment required at that time.
I am also pursuing the creation of some decidedly non-standard alchemical creations, though they are far from ready. If you are interested in assisting in this alchemical experimentation, please come see me when I come to your encampment for deliveries. Anyone who contributes to my discoveries will be compensated appropriately.
- Master Jorkahaath, Alchemist Extraordinaire