Hey everyone, this is Taios. I don't like doing this normally, but I am going to explain a bunch of stuff about the Elemental Wars, the Planar Knights, and the Guild of the Gifted because I am worried people aren't going to have the information that I do. I want people to know what is going on so that we don't f**k things up or have issues in the future. After I say all this I am going to leave and not look at this again-if you have any questions send a missive to Banradi, Avacyn, or Ardos and they'll contact me. So here goes:
A very very long time ago, we had the elemental planes of Order and Chaos as well as the ones we have now. The planes, for lack of a better term, floated, through the Aether, which from what I am given to understand is the stuff that makes up reality or magic or something. Then we hit a cloud of Void, and it was a bad thing. Reality was gonna be snuffed out. The elemental planes needed a plan. The one that they had at first they decided they didn't want to do. So they went with Plan B. The plane of Order sacrificed itself, and using power sacrificed by the other elemental planes (except for Vacuum because that f**king place is a bag of dicks apparently) created the Order Wall. This wall stands to this day, encasing reality and shielding us from the Void Cloud we wandered into. The interaction between the Wall and Void is responsible for the Oni and the Outer Planes that they call home, and the Wall itself is the source of their power, or at least the lawful ones.
Anywho, a long time passed, and eventually a group of prime material beings called the Guild of the Gifted showed up. They decided to try and keep balance between the Elemental planes and keep the Elemental Wars from breaking out on the Prime Plane. They also started to amass knowledge about the Elemental Planes for this purpose. Well, some of them got to thinking, 'The Elemental Planes went with plan B way back when, but what was Plan A, and why didn't they do that instead?" So they started looking into it. Lo and Behold, they found out that the Elemental Planes were dicks. Apparently, there was a way for the Elemental Planes to work together to funnel the Void Cloud into the plane of Vacuum. They are close enough to each other by nature that Vacuum and Void would end up annihilating each other, with Vacuum coming out on top. So Vacuum would be weakened, this particular Void Cloud would be gone, and the elemental planes would continue to exist, but they would not be able to as easily exert their power on the Prime Plane. This plan would have worked, and still would today.
However, the Elemental Planes didn't want to relinquish their ability to gain an easier foothold on the Prime. I can understand that, but still, **** off Planes. Anyway, they went with plan B because if it failed they could still do Plan A, and they wanted the control. So in the end Order was gone, the Void inside got turned into a vast ocean of Chaos, and we got dicked. The Guild of the Gifted split on the issue. Some of them believed that they should still keep things as they are-that changing anything wouldn’t be morally right. Others believed that, should they act accordingly, they could make the Elemental Planes do Plan A instead. Doing so would reduce the natural occurrence of the Elemental incursions that we treat as normal life, even when they claim countless innocent lives. That the number of naturally occurring Undead would decrease, and that Order and Chaos would be brought back into balance as a result of Order returning to set things right. Plus the Oni will no longer exist because their source of existence will be gone-though the ones here may change into something else which I admit I am interested in seeing myself.
They had a schism over this issue and are now at open war with each other, with those seeking change abandoning the Guild of the Gifted and forming the Planar Knights. I support the Planar Knights’ cause because I believe it to be just-that the number of lives lost now will be beaten by the number of lives saved by our actions. In addition, I believe that we can do more to prevent the loss of life that will occur when Order returns and Void hits. We can use preventative measures to make sure the Elementals that will have to attack the Prime Plane do less damage to the actual people living here, and reduce the amount of damage the Prime takes when Void hits. Which is why I am trying to also negotiate a cease-fire with the Guild of the Gifted so that they can help us save lives. I’m hoping they don’t choose to throw their lives away and instead choose to help us.
I have chosen to back the Planar Knights, and as of this past Market Day, Mathis, Naomi, and the Pride (though Lord Lucas and Collette were not there so I am hoping to get their support as well) have backed that decision. That being said, I think this is something that everyone needs to decide for themselves. Both sides of this conflict are right in some way-I believe the Planar Knights to be more right than the Guild of the Gifted. They can also both be really big dicks. That being said, a side needs to be picked or else things will devolve out of control even more than they already have.
So one last time, I will clearly state the situation as simply as possible:
Either join me, others, and the Planar Knights in their plan to return the Plane of Order, and fight Void. Fight for short term Imbalance for Long-Term Stability. Many people will die up front-I will fight to keep that number as low as possible, but it will happen. But we deal with it now, instead of leaving it as a potential problem for future generations who may not be able to succeed.
Fight with the Guild of the Gifted. Go against me and others to maintain the Status Quo. Prioritize the lives here now over the lives saved in the long term. Less people die now, but we lose more people over time.
I've said my piece, feel free to talk here as much as you like, but I do not want to discuss this more here.
A very very long time ago, we had the elemental planes of Order and Chaos as well as the ones we have now. The planes, for lack of a better term, floated, through the Aether, which from what I am given to understand is the stuff that makes up reality or magic or something. Then we hit a cloud of Void, and it was a bad thing. Reality was gonna be snuffed out. The elemental planes needed a plan. The one that they had at first they decided they didn't want to do. So they went with Plan B. The plane of Order sacrificed itself, and using power sacrificed by the other elemental planes (except for Vacuum because that f**king place is a bag of dicks apparently) created the Order Wall. This wall stands to this day, encasing reality and shielding us from the Void Cloud we wandered into. The interaction between the Wall and Void is responsible for the Oni and the Outer Planes that they call home, and the Wall itself is the source of their power, or at least the lawful ones.
Anywho, a long time passed, and eventually a group of prime material beings called the Guild of the Gifted showed up. They decided to try and keep balance between the Elemental planes and keep the Elemental Wars from breaking out on the Prime Plane. They also started to amass knowledge about the Elemental Planes for this purpose. Well, some of them got to thinking, 'The Elemental Planes went with plan B way back when, but what was Plan A, and why didn't they do that instead?" So they started looking into it. Lo and Behold, they found out that the Elemental Planes were dicks. Apparently, there was a way for the Elemental Planes to work together to funnel the Void Cloud into the plane of Vacuum. They are close enough to each other by nature that Vacuum and Void would end up annihilating each other, with Vacuum coming out on top. So Vacuum would be weakened, this particular Void Cloud would be gone, and the elemental planes would continue to exist, but they would not be able to as easily exert their power on the Prime Plane. This plan would have worked, and still would today.
However, the Elemental Planes didn't want to relinquish their ability to gain an easier foothold on the Prime. I can understand that, but still, **** off Planes. Anyway, they went with plan B because if it failed they could still do Plan A, and they wanted the control. So in the end Order was gone, the Void inside got turned into a vast ocean of Chaos, and we got dicked. The Guild of the Gifted split on the issue. Some of them believed that they should still keep things as they are-that changing anything wouldn’t be morally right. Others believed that, should they act accordingly, they could make the Elemental Planes do Plan A instead. Doing so would reduce the natural occurrence of the Elemental incursions that we treat as normal life, even when they claim countless innocent lives. That the number of naturally occurring Undead would decrease, and that Order and Chaos would be brought back into balance as a result of Order returning to set things right. Plus the Oni will no longer exist because their source of existence will be gone-though the ones here may change into something else which I admit I am interested in seeing myself.
They had a schism over this issue and are now at open war with each other, with those seeking change abandoning the Guild of the Gifted and forming the Planar Knights. I support the Planar Knights’ cause because I believe it to be just-that the number of lives lost now will be beaten by the number of lives saved by our actions. In addition, I believe that we can do more to prevent the loss of life that will occur when Order returns and Void hits. We can use preventative measures to make sure the Elementals that will have to attack the Prime Plane do less damage to the actual people living here, and reduce the amount of damage the Prime takes when Void hits. Which is why I am trying to also negotiate a cease-fire with the Guild of the Gifted so that they can help us save lives. I’m hoping they don’t choose to throw their lives away and instead choose to help us.
I have chosen to back the Planar Knights, and as of this past Market Day, Mathis, Naomi, and the Pride (though Lord Lucas and Collette were not there so I am hoping to get their support as well) have backed that decision. That being said, I think this is something that everyone needs to decide for themselves. Both sides of this conflict are right in some way-I believe the Planar Knights to be more right than the Guild of the Gifted. They can also both be really big dicks. That being said, a side needs to be picked or else things will devolve out of control even more than they already have.
So one last time, I will clearly state the situation as simply as possible:
Either join me, others, and the Planar Knights in their plan to return the Plane of Order, and fight Void. Fight for short term Imbalance for Long-Term Stability. Many people will die up front-I will fight to keep that number as low as possible, but it will happen. But we deal with it now, instead of leaving it as a potential problem for future generations who may not be able to succeed.
Fight with the Guild of the Gifted. Go against me and others to maintain the Status Quo. Prioritize the lives here now over the lives saved in the long term. Less people die now, but we lose more people over time.
I've said my piece, feel free to talk here as much as you like, but I do not want to discuss this more here.