Melwyn has good information there. Rumours had made it to me that the people in Elara and their leaders are holding the Dryads and Dwarfs of the Silk Leaf either somewhat or wholly responsible for the events in the jungles of Elara. On these rumours, I traveled home for the first time in many years to speak with my clansmen. What I found was mourning Dryads, a Sickly Clan leader and a relative disregard to the rumours. It seemed highly unlikely that the Dwarfs of the Silk Leaf would be a party to such treachery, lest they be under some form of insidious control, which based on my experiences, I will not discount. Sufficed to say the general look, and later information gleaned, it seems that those behind the wall are not inclined to defend the outer settlements and as such, far less likely to be actively participating or planning to participate in a campaign against Elara.
Bones: I believe that Gaius Red Cloud of the Brothers' Creed will be staying in the Ceriopolis with a contingent of worthy mercenaries from further afield. Though I will have to check with him at next I see him.
~ Grimmloch Red Cloud, Stout Minded Of the Kings Oath; Friend of the Ice and Wind
Seneschal of the Brothers' Creed