Oregon Event in May

I was just wondering who all was thinking or planning on going to the Oregon event in May?
I am currently making a consorted effort to see if Johnathan can get some leave time to go to the Oregon event.
Considering my secondary is playing a fairly major roll in all the hoopla going on in that current plotline I think I'd be lynched if I didn't show up! Hope you guys do okay without Solomon there to bail you out, he's got some serious personal and legal issues to deal with right now :D.

also aka Nightsky
If I can get a ride with someone leaving Seattle in the early afternoon I might go, depending on school of course.
Shikar al'Basteua said:
If I can get a ride with someone leaving Seattle in the early afternoon I might go, depending on school of course.

Dan I might be able to help you out. Though I am not sure if I am going to be able to leave work early.
i'll be npc-ing. yay npc-ing!

does anyone know if there is a price difference for pages? if so what is it?

~Jacquelyn aka Aeris~
Aeris said:
does anyone know if there is a price difference for pages? if so what is it?

~Jacquelyn aka Aeris~

You should also check the Oregon Page rules ... I believe there are some differences.

Diera (and her life spells) will be unavailable... As Sarah is working on packing and things for her big move...
Yes... there are some differences... pages pay half price btw.

We use standard (out of the book) page rules. I don't have them memorized and I don't recall off the top of my head how old you have to be, but I think you are a page if you are younger than 15. The exception is if you are 14 and have passed the 8th grade. (to the best of my knowledge)

BTW... if anyone has any difficulty accessing our message board, please send me a message here, or email me at logistics@nerooregon.com

Thank you

yeah there is one other thing pages can't throw spell packets *sniff* all well
Bah, you're an earth caster! Half your spells don't get thrown most of the time anyway! :p
yeah so all I have to get is healing...no worries
I'll be there, in 35 lbs of black leather and metal.

Go fighters.
~Matt, OR variety