Our town must stay strong

It is of no concern... the cave had a needed reward for Briarpass. I may even be able to move it to a more assesible location if the town has interest....

The bandits were a concern of mine, but had I expected it to be a problem to all I would have tasked you with finding a group to do so. As it is, I asked a tribemate to step in and rally the town, that was the more important purpose. I am saddened that so few answered the call but I know the difficulty with which one follows one of my kind... together as a town we can work to overcome this.

Effram Rockfist
I did find that cave interesting and should I return I might be interested in re-visiting it in force with even more adventures to possibly get to the end of it.

As for the robbers I am sad that a large group did not get together to take them down however for what it is worth I would have been willing to go had others wished to. I agree that most folk need to get beyond their racial prejudice and as another often mis-understood race I know where you are coming from. I hope the bandits in question do not cause trouble and perhaps can be dealt with on the day we all gather.

- Eldarion -
I believe the cave they are speaking of is the one where we destroyed the necromancer for a second and I believe the third time. We did indeed get to the end of that cave this last market day.

I would like to say we are not understood but my dear Eldarion, one must try to understand before they can understand incorrectly. There are a few adventurers who have tried, most have not and would rather propagate rumors and false hoods they have, themselves invented through fear or self perceived inadaquacies. This was a hard lesson to learn when I first came to the surface. But now it is a fact of life and a prime indicator if someone will be a friend and ally or a liability. Are there any other choices?

YobunEnzeru Nanashi
Red and Black
I fear I may have retired earlier than I should have.
Entering into such a dangerous political situation with what were newly acquired allies was quite taxing.
I was prepared for rest after the confrontation with the Magistrates was resolved.
I heard nothing of either bandits, caves, nor undead. It seems there was little need for my help in combating this "Lady" however.
Though I was warned that some undead may remain in the area, I was satisfied by my patrol that there was no immediate danger.
I must strive to be more vigilant in the future.

May a warm light guide your journeys home,
Wolfram Eisenberg
Don’t worry Wolfram, while I did think of you when we dealt with these troubles they did not seem great enough to need to go to the cabins and rouse the rest of the town.

Nanashi I thank you for your words you seem to make a good point in these matter and I will keep them in mind as I talk and converse with others going forward. I just can't seem to quash my hopes that some may overcome their baser beginnings...

- Eldarion -
I am glad that there was a discussion on this topic. I do have a few things that I need to say. If anyone feels like I have stolen from them or wronged them please let me know so that I can rectify the situation. Stoneskull, as Regent Effram has stated the cave is my land and what happens inside is my responsibility. I will speak to Sheriff Hennessey on the matter and I will let you and Togashin know our decision. I have made mistakes in the past, and will make mistakes in the future. I am not perfect, I am only mortal. I am still young and wish for everyone's guidance in these matters. I was over zealous with my dealings with the magistrates and let pride guide my actions. That was uncalled for and I over stepped my bounds.

My actions reflect upon all of us and not just me. I humbly ask your forgiveness for my misdeeds. I wish to represent the town of Brair Pass and help those of my home in any way that I can. You have my word that I will listen to your concerns, or may I never become the Falling Star.

Liddia FallingStar
Young Fallinstar,

For once, your words make me proud... as I have done in the past I offer you my councel to help you grow into the leader you wish to become. You'd be surprised how many people wish you success in your endeavors.

Pokethulu said:
Stoneskull, as Regent Effram has stated the cave is my land and what happens inside is my responsibility.

An interesting tid-bit. Regent Rockfist, is it true that if one has been given land by your authority, you grant them full power within? Lady Fallingstar, I commend you for volunteering to consult the sheriff, however it's important to know that you may not have to. Though, be that case, i don't think people will be following you into the depths of your caves with such accusations afoot.

About which; As a third party ambassador, i would be more than willing to moderate a discussions between offended parties. I don';t mean to step on your toes, Sheriff, I simply am offering in case a conflict of interest is ever in question. I will be taking brief hospitality in the city of Arbor. Should you need the services of the Leaf Crown, simply send a messenger bird and i shall do my best to accommodate.

Domonil Zeniph
33rd Diplos
Leaf Crown
I think it needs to be made mention of that though Togashin and I are not always on friendly terms, that I indeed trust his honor -- and if he said it was an accident, then it was. Whatever his misplaced ire may be outside of battle, within battle he has shown that he can indeed make intelligent choices and act with respect and dignity.

That same evening, within the necormancer's cave, Togashin and I found ourselves fighting side by side, and I can honestly say that I was quite proud of us both that evening. We worked together well, and when aid was needed, the other provided. We put aside our personal differences of opinion and did what needed to be done -- and I would like to both thank and commend him. When I needed his aid, all I needed to do was call his name and he was by my side, offering what assistance he could. That, in my eyes, shows a true mark of character.

So thank you, Togashin.

I oftentimes think that we could all afford more to put aside our personal differences and problems and just do the work. I think many would find how rewarding a feeling it can be. Youth is no excuse for an inability to act responsibly. The mark of a true student is his or her ability to learn from every situation. There are lessons everywhere, and though I am fortunate enough to have had lengthy, lengthy years, I think that taking even that for granted would be unwise. One will never learn all there is to know, and though Lyddia and I do not always see eye to eye, I do admire her ability to make decisions, even when the concequences can be great. I hope to see her take more responsibility for the repercussions of her decisions, and I think her most recent words on the subject are a testament to her work on that facet of herself as well. As such, I applaud her humility and maturity in what could be a difficult situation.

I will only urge her to continue her growth and maintain her current track -- and not remark upon it further. I am sure she knows if she wishes my opinion, she has only to ask -- but I will not offer it freely in such a public forum. She cannot -- nay, no one would I think -- honestly hear those who attack her, no matter how right or good they may feel their intentions are. This is not the place nor the way to offer your opinions to or about Lyddia. Do so privately if you must -- do not make a spectacle. Doing this in front of others does not seek to guide her, but simply to make a show of "calling her out" and belittling her. That is not what she needs; no one deserves that. If you want to see change, if you think she has misstepped, then you must be mature -- and you must speak to her privately, and you must choose your words and tones carefully. Not because of repercussion, but simply because at some point, being accusatory loses its flair, and the mind tunes it out. Being dramatic is not the way to find change. Being rational is. I too would be quite defensive if such accusations were brought up in front of all to see and make note of -- Lyddia did not ask to be put on display for your amusement, retribution, or accusation. She has, however acted with dignity and grace in response to all that has been said.

Well done, Lyddia.

There is a saying: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Well, I will narrow it down for you.

"Be the change you wish to see in Briarpass."

Make that happen, friends, and the world will fall into line eventually. It is destined to happen.

But destiny is not given, it is gained. I'd say earned, even.

Consider with yourselves honestly -- what kind of destiny have you earned? Do you deserve all you have? Honor begets honor. Good begets good. Respect begets respect.

What sort of change would you like to see?

I have spoken of many changes I wish to see. One is maturity. So I have put away my childish things and have taken up my rightful adult mantle. I would say that it has seen much return since I decided to don it. I could not avoid my destiny -- so I have embraced it.

That does not mean I do not recall how to have fun. ;) It just means I know fun's time and place. I know that life is a great tapestry -- all threads of fate are woven together -- intermingled for all of time to see and appreciate, whatever their worth. Be a worthwhile piece of the tapestry, make your threads worth admiration, rather than disgust.

Rather than fling insults, I would like to see some honest answers as to which changes you wish to see in the realm of Briarpass. I'd imagine the good Sherriff would probably like to hear this too.

Just remember to not be personal, but to of course be honest.

Honesty is a sharp knife, but it does not need to be wielded as such. It can be very deft. I urge you to try your hand at this use of it, rather than as a wicked and cruel tool. Choose your words carefully. Think hard upon them.

You've got some time, and besides -- this is all a dream anyhow. The possiblities are what you make them.

You challenged me. I'm not backing down. So, we gonna do this, or what? Friday night, meet at the tavern. That work?

Garmok Stoneskull
Prophetess Moonstar - I disagree.
I am young and know everything there is that's worth knowing.
I refuse to put aside the fact that Kalin Silverhilt has short-ears and, as such, I'll never work with him.
Lady Fallingstar is wrong and will continue to be wrong until she settles down with a nice, wealthy elf and starts having kids.
And, I like to fling insults because I've yet to find a magic item which can Bane them back to me.

Other than that, I agree with everything you said. ;D

Dramthin Hartsboon
A Highly Farcical Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Elysia said:
I oftentimes think that we could all afford more to put aside our personal differences and problems and just do the work. I think many would find how rewarding a feeling it can be. Youth is no excuse for an inability to act responsibly. The mark of a true student is his or her ability to learn from every situation. There are lessons everywhere, and though I am fortunate enough to have had lengthy, lengthy years, I think that taking even that for granted would be unwise. One will never learn all there is to know, and though Lyddia and I do not always see eye to eye, I do admire her ability to make decisions, even when the concequences can be great. I hope to see her take more responsibility for the repercussions of her decisions, and I think her most recent words on the subject are a testament to her work on that facet of herself as well. As such, I applaud her humility and maturity in what could be a difficult situation.

I will only urge her to continue her growth and maintain her current track -- and not remark upon it further. I am sure she knows if she wishes my opinion, she has only to ask -- but I will not offer it freely in such a public forum. She cannot -- nay, no one would I think -- honestly hear those who attack her, no matter how right or good they may feel their intentions are. This is not the place nor the way to offer your opinions to or about Lyddia. Do so privately if you must -- do not make a spectacle. Doing this in front of others does not seek to guide her, but simply to make a show of "calling her out" and belittling her. That is not what she needs; no one deserves that. If you want to see change, if you think she has misstepped, then you must be mature -- and you must speak to her privately, and you must choose your words and tones carefully. Not because of repercussion, but simply because at some point, being accusatory loses its flair, and the mind tunes it out. Being dramatic is not the way to find change. Being rational is. I too would be quite defensive if such accusations were brought up in front of all to see and make note of -- Lyddia did not ask to be put on display for your amusement, retribution, or accusation. She has, however acted with dignity and grace in response to all that has been said.


Your words are wise. I disagree though. I've taken the private route with Liddia. Didn't work. She wants to be a leader, act like a leader... that means she has to show us why we should trust her. She does good things, but do they make up for all of the bad?

Liddia wants us to respect her. To follow her. It's as simple as this - she has to step up herself, fight her own battles, and show some dominance. I'm fighting Togashin, yes. Still means nothing in my eyes in how I view her. Togashin, yes. Not Liddia. She's supposed to be some big, powerful "Falling Star". If she is, she should step up herself.

As for Togashin... I wasn't afraid of Khale Blacklight. I wasn't afraid of Effram himself. I'm not afraid of you. If you have a problem with me, bring it. We'll settle it, and that will be that.

Garmok Stoneskull, of the Clan Rockfist
Marcena said:
But...how did it end with Khale Blacklight and Effram?

Khale has shown himself a coward, and has not shown his face. Effram defeated me.

Whats your point?
Do nye get me wrong, Stoneskull. I were afraid for thee then, I think that you should choose your quarrels more wisely now.
Marcena said:
Do nye get me wrong, Stoneskull. I were afraid for thee then, I think that you should choose your quarrels more wisely now.

I didn't choose this one. Togashin did.
Is nye my quarrel, Stoneskull. You have invoked my sympathy and love should you need it, but I end my comments. I shall speak nye further here.
While it is fine to meet others at the tavern ( I hope you would), no duels will take place at the tavern. I stand by Jara's wish to keep violence out of his place of business.
Thank You Millie,

Its nice to see someone still cares about making this place more than a drinking hole for rowdy folk who care nothing for peace or enjoyment. In this case, Lord Rockfist has made me aware that a proper honor duel wil take place and will be supervised by either himself, or his sheriff. I'll allow it this time in hopes of putting behind us a disagreement between two members of our adventuring committe.

That said, I trust both of em will honor our home and not allow their blows to spill out and effect the clientele or the building and I trust their companions to act with the honor the people of this town bestow upon em.

The Tavern Keep

BTW- I'll be holding a naming contest for the tavern, write em down and Millie will get em to me... Person who wins will get 3 great rewards one being the honor of naming Waysides Premier Entertainement establishment.