Paragon Packages Update

stonegolem said:
The Tier 2 High Orc package doesn't work when you're already at 1 Body. If you get hit again while you're at 1 Body, you still fall over. It's good, but not "2 build for parries" good.

Also, bear in mind that you actually have to Resist Fear for the healing to kick in, not just expend the skill, so you can't stand in one place and tank-heal yourself with your resists.

High Orc
Tier 1: Resist Fear x2, Slay
Tier 2: When hit with a damaging attack that would reduce the high orc below 1 body they may use a Resist Fear to call "Reduced" and instead go to 1 body. Any additional effects such as a carrier will still resolve.
tier 3: +15 Body; Heal 15 Body when Slay resolves (successfully or not)

Sorry to nitpick.

I don't see anything in the currently language that would disallow using it at one body other than the phrase "instead go to 1 body". There is not current stipulation which states "if you are already at 1 body, this ability cannot be used".

I do not see anything under the 15 body healing effect for resolving using slays which also involves resist fear. As currently written with enough Resist Fears it does appear you could tank soak large amounts of damage using resist Fears (poor man's parry if you will) and then heal yourself by using Slay's (As even if the slay is parried/dodges you appear to get the healing buff).

I don't play an orc so it doesn't really matter to me. I do think regardless of how it is finalized that any version of these abilities are neat, Happy Orcing!

Edit: On second look at the abilities I think you are reading the Ogre T3 ability which includes "Tier 3: +15 Body; Heal 15 Body when expending any resist skill ", Having the Ogre T3 ability and the Orc T2 ability concurrently would be... inappropriate.
I apologize if the wording isn't entirely clear; it was mine and I will try and make it more plain. That being said, the description does state that the appropriate game verbal is "Reduced", indicating that some damage is taken, but less than expected. Going from 1 body to 1 body wouldn't be reduce damage, it would be negating it. I will draft a new description.

We may have a wire cross as far as the tier 3 healing ability. We'll work that out.
Being able to negate an eviscerate with a resist fear is pretty good.

I think this pretty amazing.

With that said, I don't think it is imbalanced. I like it a lot.
I want to thank everyone for the positive and critiquing feedback we've gotten so far, both via this thread and in other mediums. I do want to remind everyone that this is still a work in progress, and in an effort to provide some unique benefits outside of "I cloak that and that and this" we are experimenting with various ideas that may well require tweaks and even redesign at times. I just want to be clear that as this is a work in progress we do expect to continue to revise aspects of the packages over time. Please do trust that we have the best interests of the game and our player base in mind. I don't want to discourage the feedback, I think it's been quite helpful so far. I just want to assert that we are also talking constantly among ourselves about what our goals are and if we're meeting them and what we can do better. It's unlikely that many further changes will be made before the next event because we'd like to see the packages in use; we think they're compelling, affordable and worth trying and we look forward to receiving feedback from people who have tested the packages and totally rocked them.

This message brought to you by the number 11 and the letter teeth.
Of course. I think this is a great set of ideas.

I look forward to seeing how it goes.
However, if there are any more questions about how any of the powers or special benefits are supposed to work, we're happy to answer! Post here with your Special Queries.
Will people receiving an elemental paragon package be marked as (element)-touched? Also, will they be subject to extra damage from elemental/extraplanar slayers? Also, are the effects of pure lords on people with paragon packages FOIG, or are there specific effects we should be aware of? Being around the severed? Life-touched in the presence of ravenous?
The one large question I have regards the Severed Prime ability:

Must the player take one death each time they use it... or is it one death to "join the club" and then they have unlocked the use of that ability for future events?
wowy319 said:
Will people receiving an elemental paragon package be marked as (element)-touched? Also, will they be subject to extra damage from elemental/extraplanar slayers? Also, are the effects of pure lords on people with paragon packages FOIG, or are there specific effects we should be aware of? Being around the severed? Life-touched in the presence of ravenous?

Only people who are elementally touched may purchase the associated paragon packages. Being elementally touched does not make one an elemental and thus does not qualify for an elemental slayer.

The paragon packages are not magical in nature and are not affected in any way by the magic-suppression presence of a pure lord.

There are no mechanics/rules related effects on a paragon associated with proximity to a severed elemental; this is not to say that there may not be non-rules ramifications, or a rules related effect arising from more direct interaction with a severed.

Likewise, there is no hard rules effect stemming from having a ravenous on the field for a life-touched or any other elemental paragon. Ravenous only generate role-play effects.

Pantzike said:
The one large question I have regards the Severed Prime ability:

Must the player take one death each time they use it... or is it one death to "join the club" and then they have unlocked the use of that ability for future events?

The intention is that making use of Void's Contract results in significant damage to the user's spirit due to the tremendous destructive power of Void. This may very well result in the user needing to resurrect afterward; this death and resurrection are not guaranteed, but should be expected. Repeated exposure to the raw power of Void may well result in multiple resurrections... or worse.
If you purchase and use the Void's Contract ability enough times that you actually perm because of it, I guarantee you will get a trophy. In fact, you will get this trophy:

And on this day I announced my retirement from Alliance, because it can't get much better than that.

I just snarfed at work...

On a serious note, do the elemental touch plot requirements need to be met in Deadlands?

Riddick is homies with Great Mountain in Caldaria. Can his Fire/Stone power come across the mists to me in Deadlands in the form of Paragon package access? or no?
Send an email to Plot and we can discuss it.
That's the one!
For the race packages that allow the character to treat a carrier as normal (Elves treating Command carriers as normal, for example), is it still possible for said character to use resists to avoid the damage all together? Like if I'm hit by a 70 Sleep slay, can I use a Resist Command to avoid the damage even though I'm technically not going to be effected by a Command?
Vry_Young_Pup said:
For the race packages that allow the character to treat a carrier as normal (Elves treating Command carriers as normal, for example), is it still possible for said character to use resists to avoid the damage all together? Like if I'm hit by a 70 Sleep slay, can I use a Resist Command to avoid the damage even though I'm technically not going to be effected by a Command?

"Treat <effect group> carrier as Normal" is the shorthand we used in emails to describe the idea that a character will not take the effect when delivered by weapon carrier. The intention is that the attack be treated like an effect of the same effect group that does nothing. Take, for illustrative purposes, the Flame descriptor. It can be cloaked or baned as a Flame effect and resisted with Resist Element, but it has no effect other than the damage it deals. Similarly, when the paragon ability "Treat <X> as Normal" is in use, the effect group remains the same (Command, in your example) but the game effect is negated and does not apply. The result is that appropriate racial Resist abilities as well as cloak and bane of the correct type may be used to defend against these attacks. This further means that if a character were immune to the effect group in question (Elf in a construct, High Ogre with a Ritual of WOE active, etc) they would NOT be forced to treat the damage as Normal and be injured. Lastly, it does mean that in the circumstance that a character is immune to Normal, they are not subsequently unaffected by the damage of an affected carrier.

Once I come up with a clearer wording that is still concise I will change it in the main post.