stonegolem said:The Tier 2 High Orc package doesn't work when you're already at 1 Body. If you get hit again while you're at 1 Body, you still fall over. It's good, but not "2 build for parries" good.
Also, bear in mind that you actually have to Resist Fear for the healing to kick in, not just expend the skill, so you can't stand in one place and tank-heal yourself with your resists.
High Orc
Tier 1: Resist Fear x2, Slay
Tier 2: When hit with a damaging attack that would reduce the high orc below 1 body they may use a Resist Fear to call "Reduced" and instead go to 1 body. Any additional effects such as a carrier will still resolve.
tier 3: +15 Body; Heal 15 Body when Slay resolves (successfully or not)
Sorry to nitpick.
I don't see anything in the currently language that would disallow using it at one body other than the phrase "instead go to 1 body". There is not current stipulation which states "if you are already at 1 body, this ability cannot be used".
I do not see anything under the 15 body healing effect for resolving using slays which also involves resist fear. As currently written with enough Resist Fears it does appear you could tank soak large amounts of damage using resist Fears (poor man's parry if you will) and then heal yourself by using Slay's (As even if the slay is parried/dodges you appear to get the healing buff).
I don't play an orc so it doesn't really matter to me. I do think regardless of how it is finalized that any version of these abilities are neat, Happy Orcing!
Edit: On second look at the abilities I think you are reading the Ogre T3 ability which includes "Tier 3: +15 Body; Heal 15 Body when expending any resist skill ", Having the Ogre T3 ability and the Orc T2 ability concurrently would be... inappropriate.