Why shouldn't humans have heroic mythical figures of the past?
I would suspect that a national human packet should have roleplay and costuming restrictions (no colorful clothing, no being too flashy and gregarious, no furs with superstitions, etc.), It could also include suggestions for ways to modify your own physical appearance that does not run afoul of other racial costuming or makeup. (For instance, if I don't grow out a beard, I can't play a human with a beard, but what if I want to play a human with six fingers on one hand, or large dopey ears, or massive scars, etc.) Maybe there should be a story indicating that humans were once the dominant race, but they've been overcrowded by all these crazy other guys.
As much effort as is put into defining what it means to be an elf in Alliance (as opposed to the Forgotten Realms, or the Tolkienverse, or RiftsWorld, for example), I don't think it untoward to ask "What does it mean to be a human in the Alliance mythos?". Why shouldn't there be Alliance-specific human racial ceremonies that don't exist in the real world, much as the Gypsy packet is filled with them?
I suspect people aren't offering specific examples of what should be in the race packet because it isn't particularly clear what it should mean, other than being a human is apparently boring and a punishment.