Sorry guys, I fell off the nero loop for a few days. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on food steph. It looks like the feast is going to occur at 6 pm sunday. This works out good, as it is also about the time of logistics. I have not yet decided what I will be bringing, but I will know by wednesday. And remember not everything has to be a huge filling item. If enough people participate, alot of people could just do tasty appetizers and such, and it would be a pretty filling meal. If someone is up for it, something like a ham or turkey, or possibily both could be an awesome addition. I know they are a bit spendy, so it could be something a group could go in for together split up the cost and the prep time. Just a suggestion. Other ideas would be salad, garlic bread, sparkling cider, pasta, dessert.
Also bringing things like goblets (even if just for yourself) and such really helps bring out the atmosphere. I know Haley is trying to encourage people to bring decor for the tavern. Simple stuff like table cloths, and maybe a few candle holders (easily picked up at goodwill) would be really awesome. It looks great, and odd as though it may seem it helps encourage people to keep the place clean. At least that is what I noticed in NW.
Please post what you are bringing asap, and if you can, its ingredients.