Possible Feast

Okay, by popular request I'll bring a batch of my world famous (well, north american anyway, all three countries, and technically france, switzerland, japan, greece, and germany) turkey chili. I'll make it relatively mild but bring some tobasco and rooster sauce for anyone who wants to take it to the next level.
Alrighty I will be bringing fruit salad....mmmmm....fruit salad.

Oh and by the way alot of you monkeys said you were interested....so jump on the wagon and add to the list.

Well, I'm not going to be bringing anything, unfortunately. I have managed to catch a very nasty illness, so I definitely won't be cooking.

Of course, I may be there late or not at all. I'll try to get together in time for the event, but I don't know how well it's going to work. I hope I can be there.
I don't know if I'll have TIME for cooking. But I might bring some storebought pie or something to pitch in.

Or I could make homemade pecan pie. mmmmmmmm.
Store bought is ok. Things like garlic bread, pie, potato salad, veggie trays....they take minimal time, if any at all, at the event to prepare and would be great additions.


I'll be bringing a pan of fudge (just original chocolate) for a desert for the feast. Can't let Diera slip off to nowhere without one last sugar overload on the town.

I'll be bringing ... something. Whatever looks good at Costco on Friday, possibly a roaster chicken or 2 for Adam's and my contribution to the Cause.

jpariury said:
Count me in for my cabin standby food:
ten or so french bread rolls

Hey freanch bread goes great with my manocotti. And this time I will make four pans instead of two. That is if I can find an 11 inch by 7 1/2 inch Pyrex glass pan by then. If I could borrow one for the event that would be great.