Pre-registration for June: CLOSED

Re: Pre-registration for JuneL: DEADLINE SUNDAY 6/16

hurray huleens back
Re: Pre-registration for JuneL: DEADLINE SUNDAY 6/16

Hello! Please put down the following as NPCs:
Erika Noach
Sam Bertrand
Akiva Blickstein
Jackie Blumenthal
Rocky Weintrob
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE SUNDAY 6/16

I will be NPCing.
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE SUNDAY 6/16

Playing Quyri
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE SUNDAY 6/16

Please add William Duffy and Jess Cutter to the NPC list.
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE SUNDAY 6/16

Just registered to PC. I'll be playing Folonius or Mist depending on whether my magic item pick is approved in time or not.
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

Fyi if it comes up I'm happy to swap to a no bed reserved room if need be. At this point I don't think who I'm planning on staying with will need the beds. Thought I'd just mention it in case there are folks who'd use the beds. Feel free to PM me or just find me friday night to ask if we can swap. :)
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

I pre reged and paid for a private room a week ago and have yet to see any confirmation about the private room. Just need confirmation.
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

dreadpiratebill said:
I pre reged and paid for a private room a week ago and have yet to see any confirmation about the private room. Just need confirmation.

Found it! Sorry. Sometimes when we get more than one pre-reg in a row, google mail lists them like they're one and I miss the second one.
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TOMORROW SUNDAY 6/1

ok, I have paid a 3 month trial through paypal for me and my friend to NPC next weekend. (Matthew Mendoza and Justin Collins) is there anything more I should do? do i need to fax the signed waiver or can i just bring it with me and turn it in when i get there?
besides that is there anything else i should do? I'm excited and cant wait...
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TOMORROW SUNDAY 6/1

Matthew Mendoza said:
ok, I have paid a 3 month trial through paypal for me and my friend to NPC next weekend. (Matthew Mendoza and Justin Collins) is there anything more I should do? do i need to fax the signed waiver or can i just bring it with me and turn it in when i get there?
besides that is there anything else i should do? I'm excited and cant wait...

You're all set (assuming you're both over 18) and you can sign your legal release when you get there.

If you haven't read the Rule Book, you should because you will get so much more out of the game that way (either as a PC or an NPC).

Otherwise, feel free to ask any questions in our New Player section!
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

Patrick Penderville and Alex Alexander -- NPCs (First timers)
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

Awesome guys! Welcome to alliance!
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TOMORROW SUNDAY 6/1

Mike Ventrella said:
You're all set (assuming you're both over 18) and you can sign your legal release when you get there.

If you haven't read the Rule Book, you should because you will get so much more out of the game that way (either as a PC or an NPC).

Otherwise, feel free to ask any questions in our New Player section!

Yep, both over age. I'm in the 70s page wise of reading through the rule book. I'm not sure how much Justin has read of the book. see you in a week.
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

Brendan Oates is NPCing!
Re: Pre-registration for June: DEADLINE TODAY SUNDAY 6/16

Kevin Bertrand and I just pre-reged for this weekend's event as a Player-character.
Can't wait to see everyone there!