Pre-registration for June Event: PRE-REG CLOSED

You can still pay at the door, but it will be $10 more. And of course, you can still donate for food and goblin stamps or reserve one of the rooms.

1. Scott Kondrk (Find'rth) (Prelogisted)
2. Dee Kondrk (Kiri) (Prelogisted)
3. Eric Stehle (Ivan Drake)
4. Kyle Spriggle (Grim) (Prelogisted)
5. Maggie Lee (Luka) (Prelogisted)
6. Susanna Lee (Nikhujo) (Prelogisted)
7. David Demartino (Kantil) (Prelogisted)
8. William Duffy (Balls) + $20 food donation
9. Donna Hellmuth (Rionna) (Prelogisted)
10. Michael Guarino (Tem) (Prelogisted)
11. Nicole Angelo (Ruis) (Prelogisted)
12. Chris M (Pippin) Credit used (Prelogisted)
13. Jacob Miller (Monty) Credit used
14. Kris Kitts (Jovunn) + year membership
15. Francis Coyne (CHulainn) + $50 food donation
16. Christianna Church
17. Chad Winters (Kogara) (Prelogisted)
18. Scott Babcock (Castlebur) (Prelogisted)
19. Caleb Shaw (Xander) (Prelogisted)
20. Aaron Bonito + event membership (Tinder)
21. Miranda Whitham (Elara) + year membership
22. Brian Whitham (Garathon)
23. Jaimie Tooker
24. Willow Achtermann
25. Frank Willig
26. Amy Resele (Prelogisted)
27. Drew Resele (rowan)
28. Sarah Heimbach + year membership
29. Tracey Smith (thorn)
30. Kelly Allard (taryn)
31. Dustin Crewell (Gawain)

1. Joe Siegel
2. Mike Ventrella
3. Angel Belford
4. Bill Gibbs
5. Tom Haswell
6. Illana Ogan Navas + $20 food donation
7. Dave Tengdin
8. Greg De los Santos
9. Noelle Lequatre
10. Michelle Stagnitta
11. Ken Swartz
12. Alex Koziak
13. William MAnn
14. Amanda Troy
15. Mike B.

1. Joseph Seigel + $100 food donation
2. Onitt Hernandez + $50 food donation

Water: Drew & Amy Resele
Earth: Chad Winters

Phoenix: Kyle, Frank, Jacob, Mike
Gryphon: Duffy, Chris M, Krista C., Dave
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

PCing Luka :3
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

NPC-ing as per plot request.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Sign me up. I may have to be out of the country, but we'll see.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

I'll be back to my normal troublemaking status NPCing :-)
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Please put me on the NPC list.

Ken Swartz

Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Please put Gregory de los Santos onto the NPC list.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Re: Pre-registration for June Event

NPC'ing (maybe) either way ill be there, but for now put me down for NPC'ingp lease and thanks!
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

PCing Nikhujo! Wish me luck, lol! Can't wait for what a crazy change this will be!! If anyone has any Florentine, rogue-y or sarr-y pointers for me, lemme know! :D
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

KialdaLoa said:
PCing Nikhujo! Wish me luck, lol! Can't wait for what a crazy change this will be!! If anyone has any Florentine, rogue-y or sarr-y pointers for me, lemme know! :D

run a mile, it will really toughen you up.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

BAH. ROBB GRAVES. How did I not see that coming?! Why do I always walk right into your jerk-face-ish-ness?! Yeesh!

... <3
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Add Noelle Lequatre to the NPC list, please. Thanks.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Dave D - PC'ing Kantil
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

KialdaLoa said:
BAH. ROBB GRAVES. How did I not see that coming?! Why do I always walk right into your jerk-face-ish-ness?! Yeesh!

... <3

Run that mile uphill, as I think there are hills at the site.

Don't buy any bows or throwing weapons and don't bother with waylay tips.

Lyonshel, all day long, lyonshel.

Buy a ship.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

most importantly.. remember that you can't do back stab damage unless you're physically behind someone (breaking the invisible plain made by their shoulders). cause otherwise.. you'll be me.. and not know any of the rules of the game you've been playing for 15 years.

shield magic. :emo:
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Put me down for PCing