Pre-registration for June Event: PRE-REG CLOSED

Re: Pre-registration for June Event

mguarino said:
Just paid, sign Ketemycos up to PC! :D

Elf boy that carries my stuff!!!! I'm so happy!!! Ahhhhhhhh
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

paid up and ready to PC Riona, awww yeeeah.

- Donna
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

PS Donna I am SO SAD to be missing Riona's debut! Us red haired dwarven celestialist chicks gotta stick together! ^_^
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

oh, we will. we will. :twisted: there are many an unsuspecting victim to set on fire!
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

awww yea, NPC's currently outnumbering the PC's! :thumbsup:
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Nah, i'm actually Pc'ing they should have gotten the money today. but im sure they just having gotten around to change it.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

i saw the info chris. Ill change it when i get home tonight.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Sign me up to PC as Ruis!
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

Oh good I was wondering whose stuff I was gonna carry. Problem solved.
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

I'll be in as Jovunn! :D
Re: Pre-registration for June Event

I am going to attempt to PC this upcoming event.

Re: Pre-registration for June Event

I was at the April season opener with the rest of the Binghamton Larp convoy. I plan on attending the June event as an NPC provided I can find a ride there. I am from the NYC area if anyone can help me get there I can help pay for gas. If there is a better thread to post this is let me know!

Looking forward to seeing/meeting more of you guys!

Re: Pre-registration for June Event

I attended the April season opener with the rest of the Binghamton Larp convoy. I plan on attending the June event provided I can find a way to get there. I live in the NYC area and can help pay for gas if anyone can provide a ride. I may even be able to meet up elsewhere. If there is a better board or message thread for this then let me know.

I look forward to being back for my second event!

Re: Pre-registration for June Event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Khorwyn Brey said:
PCing! Sign me up as Khorwyn Brey, the second best archer of all time. :D

I am glad you can be honest enough with yourself to recognize that Esten is the best archer of all time. :thumbsup:

Re: Pre-registration for June Event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

On behalf of all the dual soldiers. I vote you should play the galanthian... er.. ex galanthain.. who has absolutely no valuable intel about the enemy.. i am sorry for the holes in your memory in advance.