Pre-registration for May

I'm suddenly getting room reservations all at once! Argh! Can't help everyone.

You HAVE to be pre-registered as a player first -- the rooms are for PCs over NPCs. It says so on the page.

Seriously, I don't know what else to do! Here's what I got today:

5:16 -- David Balsome wanted the Water room. I emailed him back immediately and said he needed to register as a PC first.

9:07 -- Bill Gibbs asks for a private room. I emailed him back immediately and said he needed to register as a PC first.

9:11 -- Kelly Allard asks for two private rooms. She has two PCs pre-registered and says she will have at least 7 players there.

9:14 -- Joe Siegel asks for a private room which will have Ash Forest overflow from their cabin. He is pre-registered.

Not sure why everyone did this all at once. It is clear that we're going to be crowded. Hopefully those of you who have reserved rooms and cabins will be willing to share if you have extra space.

There is also a "common room" which can sleep 6 which is first come, first served. And tents can be brought, of course.

These are the assignments, but obviously people can trade and make deals on their own if they want to move around. So post here if you have room or want to trade or anything.

And I'm sorry, but I just couldn't accommodate everyone. Refunds and/ or credit can be given to those who paid and didn't get a room.

So far, the rooms and cabins are all reserved but we only have 17 pre-registrations, so I know more people are coming. Please share and be kind! Thanks.
Just refund my money then. There isn't a logistical difference between me as a pc or an npc cuz I still play the one character and spend all my time in the kitchen.

Since that's apparently an issue, you can just give me the room money back, I'll bring my tent.
dreadpiratebill said:
Just refund my money then. There isn't a logistical difference between me as a pc or an npc cuz I still play the one character and spend all my time in the kitchen.

Since that's apparently an issue, you can just give me the room money back, I'll bring my tent.

We need to hang a hammock in that side room in the kitchen, like you're on a ship.

Sorry BIll, I'm just following the policy that was posted.
I'll make a 15 build artisan and wait in the logistics line so you can put me in the PC list, and play the tavern keep all weekend. Cuz that way I'll be "PC-ing".
No matter what decision was made, someone would be unhappy.

If I gave the rooms to people who had not registered to play, then the registered players would be upset because I'd be violating the policy that they had followed. Instead, I followed the policy and now the others are unhappy.

As I said, I hope maybe players can talk among themselves and work something out.
Mike that was not me that pre-registered, it was my brother.

I do have a question thought

Mike Ventrella said:
Pre-register here:

1. Samantha Bertrand
2. Erika Noach (Kailani)
3. Michelle Stagnitta (Ezri)
4. Kathy Rosenblatt (Mouse)
5. Joe Siegel (Simon) + $60 food donation
6. Kyle H Spriggle (Grim)
7. Scott Kondrk (???)
8. Michael Guarino (Ket) + $50 food donation
9. Eric Stehle (Baron Ivan)
10. Kelly Allard
11. Dustin Crewell
12. Danielle Darwell
13. Robert Kinlen
14. Elizabeth Wallace
15. Dan McKiernan (Cyprus)
16. Susie Lee
17. Craig Fiske + year membership

Fire: Craig Fiske
Water: Kelly Allard
Earth (no beds -- yet): Kelly Allard
Air (no door -- yet): Joe Siegel

Phoenix: Ash Forest
Gryphon: Gilded Claw
Dragon: Vanguard
Pegasus: Blythedale

how can 17 people be pre-reged when each cabin requires 4 pre-reges and each room 1. wouldn't that be 20 people?
Lanna Rose said:
Because Blythdale gets the cabin that they paid for every event unless they say they wont be there.

K, thanks for the info.
I will bunking with Kelly's crew in the earth or water room
Avian will be there. To sit in the tavern, drink tea and play guitar. good time shall be had by all.
Jevedor said:
Avian will be there. To sit in the tavern, drink tea and play guitar. good time shall be had by all.

+1 tea drinking elf. I have a new favorite I will be bringing with me.

See you all in a few weeks.
Oh heck yes!!!! Two awesome elves I haven't seen in a long time!!! :D I can't wait, guys! And yaaaaaay more musics!!! :D SO EXCITED!
Please place me on the list for Garathon.
Emily and I will also be bunking with Kelly. I've sent my transfer request, and Emily is player her HQ stored character. We'll be paying early next week.
Re: Pre-registration for May: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Hello from San Francisco!

I just pre-regged for the May event. It'll be my first time playing outside my home chapter and I'm looking forward to it.
I hadn't originally intended on going but it turned out I was going to be visiting with Kelly and Dustin the couple of days before it, and, well... what the hell. :) I'll rely on them to keep me out of too much trouble.

I'll be bunking with Kelly's crew. And fortunately the airline didn't lose my armor when I checked it.
Re: Pre-registration for May: DEADLINE SUNDAY

We really could use some more donations for food. Come one, everyone pitch in $5 -- you'd spend more than that on food for a weekend even if you stayed at home. :thumbsup:
Re: Pre-registration for May: DEADLINE SUNDAY

And actually, if I had a hammock and Scott was cool with it, I'd TOTALY sleep in the kitchen as Donovan. Anyone have a hammock?