Pre-registration for May

Pantzike said:
All the tea for all the elves! This shall be legendary... or at least refreshing.

If anyone has recommendations, I do take requests :)
HEY! I will totally be PCing for this event! I have no clue if it is Jinx or the new character I want to make. All depends on if my custom leather dress from Ravenswood comes in time! IF IT DOES, YAY new person. If not, Jinx is up to bat!

I will pay at the door and will bring my trusty tent that fits an air mattress inside! I even got something to cover its obnoxious yellow color, less of an eyesore. WHOOO for NOT being in Kentucky for the WHOLE SUMMER!!!
Two words.... LEGEN-DARY.
Screw you tea drinking elves. I'll be sure to bring plenty of mud up from the creek to throw at you all.

Kiergani FTW!
Fun Fact time!
  • We have 62 PCs who are coming to this event
    58.06% of people prelogisted before the Tuesday 11:59:59PM Deadline.
    62.9% of the players have cards printed
I'm coming! I know I completely blew the pre-reg and pre-pay stuff. (SORRY!) But I didn't know until the last minute. Very excited! :)
Cool beans! It will be great to see you David.