Pre-registration for the June 24 event: CLOSED

Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Missed the notes field. The payment sent from too_one_dee was from me: Dan Aldi playing Delaldur, member #1901.
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Next weekend's weather calls for 50% elves.

It will be an Elfapalooza. Drak and the Wacky Wild Elves will be playing Stage 3.

Watch out Evorra.
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Remember, NPC rewards are currently grotundously good. C'mon people, let's kick some prissy elf arse!
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

I imagine the Blythedale Boys (and girls, if present) will hop the fence for you at some point over the course of the weekend, Toddo. :thumbsup:
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Duke Frost said:
Next weekend's weather calls for 50% elves.

It will be an Elfapalooza. Drak and the Wacky Wild Elves will be playing Stage 3.

Watch out Evorra.

Woot! I missed last year's elf-fest, so Elfapalooza should be an awesome consolation!
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Forgot to mention: I'd like to blanket Hamalammy for this event.

(That's, uh, Hamaliel.)
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Uh oh! ... Just heard back from the State College School District people. I wasn't offered an official interview (yet!!!), but they told me that they are reviewing applications THIS Monday, and interviews are going to be from June 23rd-June 30th.

Knowing that, I think it is safe to assume that I can not make it to the event, just because there is a chance that I could get a job offer! Slight chance!!

... Though I could pre-pay for this event, and if it turns out they DO ask me for an interview, I'll just put the money towards the next event? Ummm... I need to think this through. Ok, one official question, just to clarify! If I DON'T pay and at the last minute realize I CAN go, what are my options for paying at the door? Can I write a check? How much more is it?

Aaaagh life is crazy!
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Hokay, slight change of plans! Since the tiny one is NPCing, I'll be playing Luka and not Gabe :)
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

Cozy said:
Hokay, slight change of plans! Since the tiny one is NPCing, I'll be playing Luka and not Gabe :)


Everything is transpiring according to MY design!
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE SUNDAY

So the "rezzing of sir Eros " plot is still happening ?
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY

We have Lutzes! Ugh I wish I was PCing!!!!

**big hugs** I miss you guys!!!!
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY

Good news! Yesterday I got a clarification email saying they will not be interviewing on Saturday or Sunday, so I am still gonna make it to the event!! :D Sorry my last post was a little frantic, haha. But now I am all paid up, and I even remembered to put my name and player number in the note section of paypal! Woohooo!!
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY

46 PCs to 6 NPCs eep! :shock: You guys are gonna be mad busy. If you need some fence hopping let me know.
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY

Time to help the dark side then. (I hear they have cookies.)

See you in 5.
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY

*grumble grumble* Why do I even bother to send e-mails anymore?

I am NPCing + 3 more
Feel free to shower me with love.

Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY

Yes, we have missed ya also. life sooo busy. we will be +1 but he cant prereg. if avaliable we would love a cabin. Cant wait to see you all. semi secret return :shifty eyes :
Re: Pre-registration for the June 24 event: DEADLINE TODAY


Just pre-regged. I will be playing as Flint. Thanks!

Justin Coggin