Pre-registration now open for June 1st-3rd!

If you need a brown wig with dreads, I know a certain Dryad that is glad he never has to use it again....
Dreamingfurther said:
AllianceCHI said:
Heya Tim,

Allright Volpe!

I'll be playing Fern, Jehan is just not as much of a sucker for punishment as he used to be. I am also tossing a DE Fighter or a High Orc around in my head for an eventual secondary.


Would you really be happy doing the full makeup Paul? I mean if so, awesome! It's just a big commitment as I'm sure you are aware. :thumbsup:


I've done full makeup for most of my gaming career. I played a DE in Nero for a while and Jehan is a Wolf Scavie. I don't love the full makeup... but I also don't mind it if I find a way to keep it out of my eyes and honestly the RP is more of a reward than the pain of putting on the makeup.


I refuse to wear that... :P

If you're taking the makeup route, go High Ogre: They're under-represented and frickin' awesome. :thumbsup:
I agree completely we need more high ogres...I think I have meet as many high ogres as I have unicorns which in my mind means we need more ogres..
They tend not to last long, given how many powerful undead are around most places. :)
Hey all,

Pre-reg submitted.
Victor will be at the June event.
I hope to bring the tea tent again, so check it out if you havn't already and watch out for the duck!
Yes! The tea tent was awesome!! I will be there too. June can come faster now.
List updated folks, keep them coming in! Remember we use this list to determine how much food to buy, and for plot plotting purposes. Prereg early, pre-reg often!
Please change me from NPC to PC, I just resubmitted my forum.
Bringing 3 newbies to June. 1 PC and 2 NPCs (both completely new to the larp scene)
YAY! new NPC's are great!

And more NPC's are great in general. Honestly guys having enough NPC's to run a couple things concurrently and have a sizable enough force to give an adequate 'town fight' is pretty huge... :thumbsup:

As always, we GREATLY appreciate and seek to reward folks who fence jump!
Trying to motivate myself to decide whether I want to PC or NPC... For some reason I just haven't felt like playing as Icey lately...
I'd rather not PC a new character til I have something with at least 50ish build, haha >< Plus no equipment for him at the moment..
Thorador likes icey
Then I'm REALLY glad we didn't untie Thorador when he was Enslaved XD
Icey said:
Trying to motivate myself to decide whether I want to PC or NPC... For some reason I just haven't felt like playing as Icey lately...

NPC! It's awesome! We will give you cool roles and do our best to make sure you have a fun time!!

Plus tbh we can REALLY use the numbers... :thumbsup: