Pre-registration now open for June 1st-3rd!

Kay, Pre-regging now.dfgdsjfghsjg. WAIT. NO. CHO KO NU HAS TO BE THERE. D: Whatever will Katira do?!

Anywho, freak out done. Pre-regginggggg.
And anyone who wants to NPC we have a whole mess of cool roles that people could get! :D
Now...I know a lot of you like to wait till the last minute...<eyes clock nervously> but this is it....this is the last minute! Prereg now or the boggles take over Pratorak, I'll do it, I'm crazy!
just saying kinda want to see a boggle invasion... ;)
I should clarify, if you don't pre-reg the awesome boggle invasion will be done off camera, if you DO pre-reg we'll do it on camera...maybe...
Please pre reg... I love boggle hunting... stupid boggles. :P
Psssst..its gonna be Peter D. a.k.a. Tork's birthday this weekend. You didn't hear it from me; )
Kendra_1stBarb said:
Psssst..its gonna be Peter D. a.k.a. Tork's birthday this weekend. You didn't hear it from me; )

Neat! Did you know, statistically speaking, we should always have one birthday on, or within 2 days of each and every event!?
Lurin said:
Kendra_1stBarb said:
Psssst..its gonna be Peter D. a.k.a. Tork's birthday this weekend. You didn't hear it from me; )

Neat! Did you know, statistically speaking, we should always have one birthday on, or within 2 days of each and every event!?

Well never mind then. If people would like to hang out with us after the event at our place (in St. Paul) they are more than welcome to. We can have cake. It will only be a lie for me, don't worry.
Aww I can make you a cake that isn't a lie! I have the supplies, I can make it happen
Kendra_1stBarb said:
Well never mind then. If people would like to hang out with us after the event at our place (in St. Paul) they are more than welcome to. We can have cake. It will only be a lie for me, don't worry.

Never mind? I was excited to have cake every event, don't you dare ruin this for me! :-p. If you look back a massive number of our events have had cookies, cupcakes, cakes, and other birthday things, we love celebrating!
I sooo should've waited til 11:59 to submit my pre-reg. But I felt like that would be mean. Officaly pre-regged. :)
My friend Ted Cincoski pre-regged shy of a week ago (I was with him at the time he did it). Just wanted to make sure it was counted.
I would've LMAO'd if you had tried pre-regging at 11:59, and then your computer froze. XP
Holy moly 65 people pre-registered! This is gonna be a crazy fantastic game!
Just realized the first three registered pcs are all gypsies...this makes me dance a bit. Guess there must be undead this weekedn :P ...