Pre-registration now open for June 1st-3rd!

Dreamingfurther said:
Plus tbh we can REALLY use the numbers... :thumbsup:

Pfft, you worry to much, Chicago runs a great game with an average of 3-6 or 7 npcs? Besides in my day we had two npcs and had to run the '300 koboold spartans' mod in the rain, sharing a single spear rep, you kids don't know how good you got it.
"You can take our shinies! BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE OUR ABILITY TO SPEAK!"
Wait... wrong movie...
Any game, no matter how great is always better with more NPCs. Period.

Especially experienced ones who know the game and can really put up a good fight.
That may be true on the surface; but little or a lot, you just need to go with the hand you're dealt with while makin' a solid poker face.
I'm with DT on this one guys... Its mainly hard to do multiple things at once with few NPCs.

Also, remember that those NPCs work hard and need breaks now and then, more NPCs means more brake time, means more energy for when they are out.
By the way, the Google Earth address that was found for the site:

1538 180th Ave
Kanabec, MN 56358
But Icey your responsibility with the new bag of healing...
Only puppy dog eyes could get me to PC...
But Icey... you should do what you want... :p

Now will you PC? You know you want to
I will I will...wait I already am...Icey look at that face...
DracoIam said:
But Icey your responsibility with the new bag of healing...
as long as we dont follow through on the dispel scrolls, he has an apprentice that could lug it around while he's not here
He brings up a good point... I may just have Deomon carry it around :P

He's doing a pretty good job of nulling the puppy dog eyes...
Keep those pre-registrations coming in folks, you've got a nice long holiday weekend to submit your pre-reg!
Miss_Katira said:
I know you all missed mee... so I'll be at this event. ;D

And Just where is my pre-registration young lady?
Due to transitional life stuff, I will not be attending this event.
I am going to have to miss this one too. :( Unfortunately had some costly things come up and I can't afford to make it. I had so much fun the last time I PC'd, I really can't wait till I have the chance to do it again.
Taziar and I will be switching from PC to NPC due to life issues. Just means we get to beat up on familiar people :D
Noted and updated, that puts us at 52 people folks, and I'm missing quite a few of my favorite names, so get those pre-regs in and let's bust 60 this game! (or 70 if you want)