Right Rob, thats the whole issue. Generally in my experiance the tag for these items (weapons, and rendered armor) has been the rep. Hopefully something more clear will come down on this from higher up eventually... =\
Dreamingfurther said:Yea but it really seems ******** that I would now "not be the owner" of the 400.00 or however many hundred dollar chainmail or plate mail I have bought and rendered. Just because I got an IG ritual cast on it.
I know the wording of the rulebook, I think what I, and other people are saying here is that it doesn't make sense in the case of exspensive armor. Maybe this needs to be changed in the new rulebook to exclude expensive armor reps specifically.
As it stands if someone tried to insist on walking away OOG with my masively exspensive (or time consuming) armor I would probably walk away with my armor first and leave that game entirely.
Aven said:So just consider that when you make your magic items. Perhaps you can make a cheap *** bracer that is part of a "suit" that is rendered and just have that item have the MI number. Thus that is the item that can be stolen and it is up to the "new owner" to rep the remaining points for the suit. I am not sure if that is allowed or not.
Fearless Leader said:However, some good points have been made in this thread and are being discussed by the Owners now.
Dreamingfurther said:As for breaching in general I believe that really has to stay. Otherwise there is no way that people will go through armor enough. And there is no way to show the wear and tear that armor gets as it is used and gradually breaks down. Suddenly there would be a huge armor glut in the system and the folks who used to blacksmith it are significantly hurt. I've played a game for a little bit in which there was no armor breaching. It didn't really work.
Dreamingfurther said:But why take away the few master blacksmiths ability to feel cool and useful by being able to make big suits of armor, by changing the rule and having armor not breach, and therefore never "run out"?