[.11] Riposting Strike


So two questions on this: one (1) does this combination work and two (2) if it does how would the call go?
In creating a Rogue build I make a character with Evade/Dodge, Riposting Strike, Assassinate (3), Improved Assassinate (3), and Doom Blow. A *something* comes at me, I burn the Evade/Dodge and Riposte with a 100 Assassinate with the Doom carrier. Would the call be "Evade, Riposte, 100 Doom"?

As well Riposting Strike states that "...after using any Dodge, Parry, or Evade skill, immediately use any offensive per-day Martial or Stealth skill...". Would this mean that a Riposting Strike could be used after Dodging a spell? The skill text is unclear on this matter.

And finally there seems to be no declared cap on the number of times a Riposting Strike can be used in response to another Riposting Strike. Would this work under the current concept of a single return per person or could it bounce until one is out of uses?

Thank you kindly for your feedback!
You're miss understanding the intent. You don't call Riposte anymore. Instead you just get a free swing of a per day Martial or Stealth Skill.

So you get hit by 10 normal, you call evade, then you can follow up and hit anyone with in range with a doom strike. It does not

Because it isn't an auto hit, there isn't a need for a maximum number of times it can go back and forth. The person you hit can call a dodge, and hit you back with a doom strike. Since it requires a landed blow though, it doesn't have the problems you see with Bane. Also, you can redirect the attack. If you're fight a big bad guy, and he's got some goons around him. You can use your riposting strike to kill a goon that you know will take the doom strike.
Riposting Strike [Riposte] - 4 XP (Fighter, Rogue, or Scout), 30 XP in either Martial Skills or Rogue Skills (calculated separately) per purchase, Daily - the character may, once per Logistics period per purchase after using any Dodge, Parry, or Evade skill, immediately use any offensive per-day Martial or Stealth skill known and available without using a charge of that skill, ignoring any positioning requirement. This skill replaces Riposte, removing a common source of Holds on the field and giving some interesting flexibility where the character may (a) choose something more useful/applicable for the situation and (b) redirect towards an enemy who may be more susceptible to an attack.
The trigger to use the skill Riposting Strike is having used any Dodge, Parry or Evade.

The verbals would look something like this: "Evade! 100 Assassinate!" (With the Evade being used as normal and the Assassinate being free.)

I will ping @Polare for a ruling on whether other skills can be chained together during a Riposting Strike. (ie, can the rogue use both the Assassinate and, say, a Precise Strike for free? Is only the Assassinate free and the Precise Strike expended?)

I think Riposting Strike is super neat, as you can even use this on another target. You don't have to do it against the same creature that struck you.
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The trigger to use the skill Riposting Strike is having used any Dodge, Parry or Evade.

The verbals would look something like this: "Evade! 100 Assassinate!" (With the Evade being used as normal and the Assassinate being free.)

I will ping @Polare for a ruling on whether other skills can be chained together during a Riposting Strike. (ie, can the rogue use both the Assassinate and, say, a Precise Strike for free? Is only the Assassinate free and the Precise Strike expended?)

I think Reposting Strike is super neat, as you can even use this on another target. You don't have to do it against the same creature that struck you.

I want to do this in a big town fight, get hit, and then hit an NPCs ally with a berserking blow and just watch the chaos.
Yes. Berserking Blow looks like an incredible amount of fun. It really is too bad that I won't be able to use it 'cause I'm Sylvanborn. :(
Does a Rogue using a melee attack somehow need to teleport behind the target to use a Stealth skill, or does Riposting Strike allow them to deliver it from the front?
Does a Rogue using a melee attack somehow need to teleport behind the target to use a Stealth skill, or does Riposting Strike allow them to deliver it from the front?

I believe they'd be able to hit a different target from behind, use a thrown weapon OR perhaps the rogue skill that lets them use abilities from the front?
It is right in the description, which I posted:
Martial or Stealth skill known and available without using a charge of that skill, ignoring any positioning requirement.
Emphasis mine.
Does a Rogue using a melee attack somehow need to teleport behind the target to use a Stealth skill, or does Riposting Strike allow them to deliver it from the front?
The Riposte "ignores positioning requirements". Thus you would be able to hit from any angle regardless of requirements.

Thanks for the clarification Alkalin, I am interested to see if we are able to string together skills like Assassinate and Doom Blow in a Riposting Strike and if either of the skills would be used up in the process.

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It is right in the description, which I posted:

Emphasis mine.

This is what I get for not double checking the skill while at work. It makes the skill even better.
I am not a member of ARC, but I would suspect that if you chain together multiple skills after using your Riposte Strike that only one of them would be free. Anything else starts to drive right into Crazy Town.
I am not a member of ARC, but I would suspect that if you chain together multiple skills after using your Riposte Strike that only one of them would be free. Anything else starts to drive right into Crazy Town.

I would recommend prohibiting combinations with Riposte, as it’s simpler to add “a single offensive Martial or Stealth skill,” which I suspect is the intent of the skill, anyways.
Man that wording on riposte and related formals needs to be cleaned up. I have played for a long time, and read it a few times then had to ask what it did still. Honestly I like it is not a bounce effect now, but this is a very complex skill now. Almost just prefer to remove it at this point.
So just to confirm, It reads as:

Riposting Strike [Riposte] - 4 XP (Fighter, Rogue, or Scout), 30 XP in either Martial Skills or Rogue Skills (calculated separately) per purchase, Daily - the character may, once per Logistics period per purchase after using any Dodge, Parry, or Evade skill, immediately use any offensive per-day Martial or Stealth skill known and available without using a charge of that skill, ignoring any positioning requirement. This skill replaces Riposte, removing a common source of Holds on the field and giving some interesting flexibility where the character may (a) choose something more useful/applicable for the situation and (b) redirect towards an enemy who may be more susceptible to an attack.

So I can spell parry something and riposte into a Eviscerate if I have one still unused for the day? Because spell parry uses a parry in the process?
@Tantarus that actually reminded me to check on this, but last few packets you no longer had to use up a parry in order to activate a Spell Parry, which I loved. You just had to know Parry in order to use Spell Parry. Now I need to check if that's still the case or not.
@Tantarus that actually reminded me to check on this, but last few packets you no longer had to use up a parry in order to activate a Spell Parry, which I loved. You just had to know Parry in order to use Spell Parry. Now I need to check if that's still the case or not.
Spell Parry has changed back to it's current 1.3 implementation of needing to use a parry to activate the spell parry.
Eh bad change

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Considering the last version made it so you could only Spell Parry once before Meditating again, I think this is a fine change. It also puts it strictly into the Scout/Fighter/Spellsword territory as a ritual for them, which follows the paradigm of most of the rituals in 2.0.