Seeking Information about "Knights" of Flynt


Members of the Ceriopolis,

It's my understanding that Flynt has been "knighting" individuals.

I would like information regarding the oaths their knights swear to, and whom is actually knighting these individuals. The title of Knight is an -extremely serious- title across Fortannis, and carries certain expectations.

I, personally, will not be acknowledging this title from Knights of Flynt, at this time, until I am convinced that Flynt is

1) a legitimate, sovereign location.

2) capable of producing Knights of achievement expected of Knights of Fortannis.

I appreciate any assistance that can be rendered in this matter. Please note that my position of this is a personal one, and not as a Dominus.

I believe you would need to talk to Dab, brother. I have heard exclamation that he is the King of Flynt? I know nothing more than that.

As Flynt is not a Kingdom, I do not think it can have a King.

It does not surprise me that Adventures are not interested in honoring the ranks and titles of others. In my travels it has been evident that people who find the life of adventuring suited to them often find any given reason that stands in opposition or inconvenience for them as an opportunity to exercise their great might to warp, bend, or break cultures or peoples where ever they travel.

While I believe that representatives of Flynt attended the summit held in Ceriopolis a declared themselves a sovereign nation it was the will of the Domini or at least a few of them not to recognize this claim. As such the Council of Dominus gave consideration to agents of the Savage Legion and acknowledged their rank and title only because it served the purpose of the Domini but the sovereignty of Flynt holds no merit to Ceriopolis and is thus ignored.

I wonder if the tales written in the chronicles about the Ceriopolis of old are already coming true. Many of those incarnations of the city lasted for hundreds if not thousands of years before collapse and ruin. Have we simply ignored the calling of this city to be better than we once were. We have already had agents and representatives of Ceriopolis run into conflict in the Elara and the Golden Empyrium who disagree, openly contest, or attack the peoples of their nations on their home soil. Yet we are very careful to not claim any true allegiance to Ceriopolis to simply note that we reside in the city that we are not citizens and as such absolve ourselves of the responsibility or burden of our actions on others.

By all means I encourage you to exercise your great strength Dominus Vitae and reach out to a nation, to Flynt, who claims sovereignty and place it under your thumb. Reject their persons of title. I am most certain that the other nations and peoples of Calliphestus would look to how you deal with the people who attended your summit. I just hope that we do not become the ire of one and all when we are willing to side and honor the Savage Legion over other more peaceful nations.

(This Dream is pushed far and wide, attempts to call the attention of other Peoples and Leaders of Calliphestus. There is an active attempt to not let the Savage Legion hear).
The very notion that Dab, or any other within the township of Flynt, has the audacity to attack the personal honor of those who have rightfully earned their title is as spectacular as it is insulting. I do not foresee any of those who have earned belt-and-spur to accept this grave affront to their personal honor without response. This move, and acceptance of at least one of their number, serves only to push towards physical violence against the citizenry of Flynt, something that any true Knight would seek to avoid.

A title does not make the individual, but through their actions confirms who they are. Anyone accepting of such a mockery of honor accepts that they have none, earning any reprisal visited upon them.

I would encourage the Domini and Equitem to bring any claimants up on charges of Fraud immediately, with the caveat that any who ask of forgiveness and remove themselves from Flynt and its ruinous leadership, forswearing any association and the persons or borders and begging forgiveness for what was certainly a mistaken action.

Any other action will assuredly be viewed as forfeiture of their life and willing acceptance of their true death.

By my hand and honor,

Eli'Razael Daeva'Sahkar Saephis
Knight to the Anazatae Empress
Viceroy of the Republic of Unending Night
Lord of Andar

Zeth is attempting to ascertain certain knowledge about Flynt. This is a personal endeavor, not one headed as Dominus Vitae. He is speaking openly and honestly about his stance on the title of Knight. Open attacks on this is not conducive to the discussion or enlightenment to be had.

I agree that someone who is going about awarding titles of renown upon people, without the proper authority, is a slap in the face to the Sirs and Dames of all lands. To have and hold a title such as Knight comes with the responsibility of upholding a certain degree of honor and courage. There is typically a code to follow, whether in your land of Knighthood or not.

Sir Eli,

I agree with your sentiment. Had I known previously that you were a Lord and a Knight, I would have addressed you properly. Please accept my apologies.

Equitem Aether Karzel.

Your posturing does not actually assist in resolving this matter. Additionally, you're in error regarding our recognition of titles. It is, in fact, common for adventurers to recognize titles and ranks from lands outside our own, though it's more a courtesy than anything, and generally not required outside of lands that those titles are meaningful towards.

This issue I have, and again, it is a -personal- issue, is that the title of Knight is one that has great meaning across Fortannis. Knights of our community earn that title through trials over great time, tested and retested again, and are expected to bear a burden of honor that -cannot- be so casually given. As Sir Eli has worded far more effectively than myself, to be given so great a title so relatively is an insult.

Do you have something to actually offer of substance that can be used to give merit to this title in Flynt? If you intend to simply be argumentative, you're wasting your time, and ours.

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I agree with your Lord Eli. I think that those who are Knights should find affront to this questionable upstart practice. But until you spoke out I have only heard protests from those who are low-born and without belt-and-spur. From those who attempted to distance themselves from their title.


Equitem Karzel I understand that it was noted as a measure of personal interest but the declaration to ignore the title until Dominus Vitae was satisfied with his inquiries is part of the problem. It begs the question what measure or purpose does a title hold if you can just claim, "I am acting personally rather than as a person of my rank." At that point you could take any action, violate your oath, and otherwise ignore the expectations upon you whenever it is inconvenient by simply saying it is a personal matter.


Dominus Viate, I am not posturing nor attempting to simply cause an argument. I found folly in your position and inquiry. As I mentioned to Equitem Karzel, I do not believe that you should be hand waving your position when dealing with such a potentially grave matter as the impersonation, acknowledgement, or rejection of those of title or other nations. I am fully aware of how titles work and the measure of effort and expectations placed on those who are Knighted. I personally question the merit of those who have been Knighted by Flynt. BUT as someone who is not a Knight it is not for me to find insult there. For someone who is not a Domini or an Equitem it is improper for me to seek to reject them. There is a bold difference between wanting to know more and providing that courtesy to Knights of another land and not acknowledging them until you are satisfied.

You are a Dominus of one of the eight houses. You are seen as such from first light till last, you are seen as a light in the darkness of the night. You, as well as others of position, do not get to decided when you are not acting in your capacity as a Dominus. Your oath does not begin and end at a whim. Furthermore your disregard for my concerns is troubling. How is it that you expect people to seek aid or comfort from you if you simply reject them at face value because you do not like what they say?

I as other expect something more. Dominus Vitae I expect your "service to bring virtue to this, our dark and terrible world."
I'll keep my response brief.

I asked a question.

You didn't offer anything valuable to the conversation. You continue to do so.

When I want advice as to how to govern, I'll ask people who've been there, and have done it. There are many who've earned my respect for their accomplishments in leadership, for their wisdom, and their insight.

You aren't one of them.


PS: If that's blunt, it's because I wasn't raised a "high-born." I don't have much patience for...all the extra nonsense.
Point of note, and this may be my last on this subject. Dominei do not have Oaths. They simply are the ones most exemplifying their house tenents. Their titles and laurels are not always recognized in other lands. They are fluid. They change on a whim we cannot predict.

Equitem have Oaths. We cannot shed them nor our belts when it is convenient. We are beacons who must always uphold our Oaths. Our personal matters must be put aside for our duty.

Thank you all for your time. Please, I ask if anyone has any more information about the township of Flynt and its authority to Knight people, speak up and bring further enlightenment to us all.

-Equitem Aether Karzel
Didn't we just obliterate the supposed Regent of Flynt for repeated treason and mass murder? I think that says all we need to know about the legitimacy of Flynt and their "nobles". Other then that I agree with what Eli has said about this. And further his call for the Domini too take action against these people on charges of fraud. And perhaps treason for the threats made against Ceriopolis in the wake of Roann's execution and sentence.

To address Zeth's question. I had heard that Roann as "Regent" of Flynt had knighted some people. But honestly I didn't give it a serious thought as most of things that came out of his mouth were misdirections, excuses, and lies. I suspect most of the stories of Flynt are just that, stories.

-Sir Tantarus, Equitem of Peace and Malice
My two copper,

I really don't care if Flynt has separated from us, as honestly we are a little messed up. They can be their own 'City-state' or whatever if they so choose, as long as they understand that any kind of action they take will not be backed by anyone but themselves unless they keep on good terms. Without the help of the Ceriopolis as a whole (ie good diplomatic relations), they are doomed to getting their citizens killed.

That said, good diplomatic relations start with things like not putting a known child killer in charge, and then defending the titles that said child killer handed out. Whether Roan was in his own mind or being controlled don't even come into this, his judgement was impaired. How can we say his reasoning for giving out titles he had no right to, wasn't just another aspect of his intent to cause chaos and hostility. So please, lets give those of Flynt the chance to step back a little and address this peaceably. Please, at the least think of the people of Flynt, as they will be the ones to suffer the most over this. Please just disavow the titles and lets move on to seeing what we can do to make sure places such as Flynt can stay safe and follow their own path in the coming days.

No title
Just reason
Teth is correct we need to worry about the people. I consider them victims in this to be clear. They are being taken advantage of by the "leaders" of flynt. They are scared and willing to give up alot for what they believe to be protection.

Also If Roann is around there and in a position of power none of them are truly safe. And we need to step forward and protect those people that are his potential victims. Even if they don't realize it and resist at first. I am sure if we go there and help them they will come around quickly. Also we don't even know what is really going on with this "kingdom" I doubt the farmers and refugees have strong feelings either way as long as they feel safe. This issue has been left unattended for far too long. Hopefully this can be resolved quickly and easily at this point.

Our overall efforts against the savage legion should help places such as this. But we can't allow random warlords to claim lands for themselves and take advantage of farmers and refugees to use them for their own goals and gain.

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If I may, seeing as this is clearly a discussion about me.

((Heavy sigh))

I will set aside my usual mask of humor to try and put out as many fires as I can here.

I apologize for any feathers I might have ruffled. I had no intent.

Dab himself has not knighted anyone.

As some of you may know I don't know much about Fortanis, or how things go around here, I do know that Dab has been taking care of the people of Flynt and I have been by his side for almost as far back as my memory serves, which admittedly is only just shy of a year.

Dab is Lord of Flynt. His people recognize him as such. Ask them if you wish. He is not king, nor does he claim to be, not to say he hasn't said it in the past with his emotions running high from announcing his desire for Flynts independence, he does not have that mindset now, nor has he tried to tell his people he is their king. He is their Lord and they respect him as such. As do I, which is why I have stood by his side since I met him. I have seen him do nothing without thinking about how it will effect his people. Every decision he makes. He puts his people before all else, which is why I will also gladly call him my Lord and serve him as such.

When Lord Flynt decided to take a short leave to talk with the other nations he left specific instructions to listen to Roann and that Flynt was in his care for his brief time away. I had not exchanged more than three sentences with Roann before this. To my perspective it was my Lord telling me to take instructions from his brother, which I was happy to oblige.

It is very clear that Roann is mental. He has more going on in there than I can imagine, as I became quickly aware in my brief time with him. Including but not limited to some sort of split personality disorder. It was clear that Dab was only thinking with his heart when he left Flynt in his brothers care.

While with "good" Roann we discussed Dab, Flynt, and the different roles each of Dabs companions played in helping Flynt. I explained what everyone's role was and how they helped Flynt specifically, then he turned to me and asked me what my role was. I told him that I had no solid role other than being Lord Flynts right hand, helping him with whatever he needed in order to help his people. He then told me to take a knee, and he knighted me.

This is clearly not how things are supposed to be done, as I am becoming aware. I'm not sure on the power Roann had as acting Lord in Dabs stead. I am not sure as to what one is required to do to earn the title of Knight in these lands. And to be honest, that is not important to me, nor is the title. If it pleases you, I will shed the title until such time I have earned it, in whatever way is proper in your society. It will not change anything other than how I introduce myself.

I still have sworn myself to Lord Dab Flynt, and sworn to protect the people of Flynt and do what is best for them. They are my priority.

Roann is dead.

I have been searching for where his body may have reformed, or where he may has resurrected, and have been able to find nothing. He is no longer a factor, and for that I am glad.

From what I have heard of Roann, he was a threat and it is for the greater good that he is removed from the picture. I am also saddened that my Lord may have lost his brother.

It concerns me that some of you will assume Roann will still have a position of power IF he returns. My duty is to protect Flynt and it's people, and if him being in Flynt makes it a target because people are on a witch hunt for Roann, then I will do everything I can to remove him from Flynt. May that being asking him to leave, informing those that are wanting him dead, or physically removing him myself.

As for the threats against the Cereopolis, Tantarus, I have heard nothing of this. If you could inform me of what you have heard I will do my best to speak with these people and calm them. As I know I personally showed, and I do apologize for, emotions were heightened at the Obliteration of Roann, so anything foul that may have been said may not have been genuine, but instead fueled by anger.

However you see Flynt, I want our relationship to be a peaceful one. I want nothing more than what is best for the people of Flynt, and while I may not hold any true noble title, I do know I have been with these people for long enough to have mutual respect with them, and for them, so please I encourage you to speak with me about this so we can find a peaceful solution.

Much Peace,
Tal-Herroth, concerned citizen of Flynt

Thank you for putting the well-being of the people of Flynt first in your actions.

I believe I'd like to organize a meeting between the Dominei and the representatives of Flynt sometime in July, to discuss the future of the individuals who live there. I know that you and Firion are such representatives, but I do not know who else is a member of Flynt in good standing with the Ceriopolis.

Please let me know if you'd be open to this conversation, and are willing to gather those who would also be such representatives.

I will assume the things I heard and was told about where said in anger and leave it at that. I hold no ill will toward Flynt or the people that live there. I only wish to make sure that the people their are safe from Roann's torture and mutilation. Roann is not dead, his body would have reformed in the Herald's circle of power at some point if that was the case. As long as Flynt is not hiding him or engaging in necromancy as it was rumored, then I will focus my attention else where.

But to be clear, if any of Roann's friends come for me. I will not show mercy. I did my duty for the Ceriopolis and it's people. Nothing more, nothing less.

-Sir Tantarus, Equitem of Peace and Malice
Yes, a meeting with the Domini is agreeable, I will speak with the others and we can figure out the specifics hopefully before next time we gather at The Cereopolis.

Roann may not be permanently dead, this is correct, but I have not heard from any of his former associates about him trying to get into contact with them or acquire any of his possessions. Until I have proof he is back I will believe that he has chosen not to come back yet. Flynt is safe from him, of that I give you my word.

Tantarus, Defending yourself is completely and entirely understandable, and any actions of rage taken towards you would be the actions of that one individual.

Much Love,
Tal-Herroth of Flynt
I would also like to know about these rumors of necromancy, as I have heard or seen no such thing.

Much Love,
Tal-Herroth of Flynt
Word was going around Necromancy was legal under the Flynt laws. Also Dab and others apparently used chaos magics in Ellara. Which is what perhaps started this rumor. No idea where it started, hope it is not true. Do you perhaps have a copy of the Flynt laws we can see?
I will do what I can to acquire them. I cannot say what happened in Ellara, as I have never been there. I can say that regardless of the laws, I know we do not practice necromancy in Flynt.

If it will put your mind to rest I will find a copy of the laws if possible and bring them to our meeting if it happens.

Much Love,

((OOG: I don't actually know if I'll be able to acquire a copy because I think that would be with Mark [Dab], who in now most likely on a boat in the middle of nowhere.))