september faves

1) THE SITE!! i absolutly love it! thanks again brian and deb!
friday night
1a) becoming an npc
2) sneaking my way in the shadows up to the healers guild and seeing the red/green biata (sorry terrible with names) making his way alone up the field
i dont know how you didnt see or hear the 4 of us come up behind you, that was great
1)going out as a troll even though i got rolled by darius/ryan a few times it was still fun
3) listening to darius and ator fighting and trying not to laugh while im trying to keep count of my body reforming
3) the battle for the townsfolk to free sir.orin was a ton of fun. its great not having to really worry about dying. i go out, i try to surrvive long enough to do some damage, have some fun and then if i die, which will happen, i go back respawn and do it all over again!
4) lying in wait under a mask and props in npc camp trying to scare gary, failed but i did scare the crap outta kelly. :lol:
1) going out as a gnoll with the alchamy packets that was a lot of fun. paranoia gas poision woot
between the two of us, we parinoied sir wynn (got him a few times actually), vry and two more people who were in the field and as i was waiting to respawn, i looked and saw everyone in the field was like 15ft away from each other it was so awsome.
2) the large wave battle omgz that was great. especially when i did that long ball, over the head, stop the freakin mystic wood elf from casting that earth storm magic death packet hit.
3) learning that if i cast my magic laugh spell first and then cast magic death, instead of the other way around, that is so much better.

over all, i had a ton of fun, and this list wil probably be added to in later posts as other people remind me of stuff and what i really liked was being just not sick enough where i spent the whole week end in my tent. but now that its over, i find myself still sick but ill be allright, i had so much fun npcing that i think i just might do it again :eek: :D ;)
see, im all ready adding to it,
i forgot about the mod i was on, the wizard of oz
and being toto.
ryan going, "okay toto go through the hole and disable the extreamly complicated mechanical lock on the other side." dan goes, "toto, being very smart unlocks the door."
the flying monkeys rofl that was awsome though i spent it at the heel of kelly barking at them
that was great, and ryan if you hadent said that falling backwards was an accident, i would have tottaly belived that doing that move was on purpose. like it was all skill or something rofl.
Just a few, more later.

-Our first event back at the old site. It was like traveling back in time. The tavern looked amazing.

-Playing the fanatic Sadeen Moorian. They were the magic proof ninjas, if you recall. I think I almost converted Marcus. Next time Sean and I need fliers to hand out before the wave battle.

-The RP with the town as Mourgrymm. Sev did a great job, in particular, perhaps even induced a little shame.

-My birthday cake and celebration! Samara got the pumpkin yellow cake just right, and it's a tricky recipe. I was half afraid that I was going to be eating an egg flavored pile of mush. Thanks, darling!
In no particular order (Most of these will be from an NPC perspective)

1. Seeing everyone. Jeepers I love you guys!
2. Being able to NPC. I reeeeeeaaaaaally love it more than playing Tzydl. (But Tzydl has better clothes)
3. Sandy!!! I could squeeze her till her eyes pop out!! (don't worry Mark I won't, but she's so darned cute!)
4. everyone surrounding Bjorn screaming "ATOR GET OVER HERE AND KILL HIM!" Ator running to kill vampire "killing blow 1, KB 2, KB 3" Bjorn: "no effect, gaseous form" walks away all gassy like. It was like watching that twist at the end of The Usual Suspects. I was like WTH??????? NO WAY!!!!!!
5. Earth storm to the earlobe
6. Earth storm to the chin
7. Pizza Hut and the madness that ensued (those poor people)
8. What do you get when a Knocker knocks up a MWE? a pink bunny POOKAH!!! (KaiMun your baby is precious! and you're a beautiful mommy!)
9. The shouting match of Ator and Darius. I kept thinking I was going to get squeeshed.
10. Purple food is good (looking at Darius's hair) heyyyyy you're purple!
11. Nelly, ScourgeMun and RyAn all sitting next to each other like some sort of Grape Flavored set of triplets TOO CUTE!
12. Rachel "hiding/sleeping" in a rubbermaid box
13. Samara's smallness (No more teasing her for donating teeny items! there are teeny peeps that NPC)
14. Gary's creepy old manness (with the white beard and all!)
15. The long goodbye with kisses like the end of Casablanca. (You know who you are!)
16. Muggle T-shirt
17. Seeing someone wearing the leather vest I made that ROCKED (even though I didn't know the guy)
18. the wizard of Oz skit too cute!
19. turquoise haired samara...
20. THE TAVERN (whoah! sooooooo awesome!!!!!)
21. Parannoying everyone saturday morning....(note to gnoll self, don't parannoy your food it runs away)
22. getting my recently broken elbow slightly hurt again but talking myself out of the pain because i was having too much fun!
23. new boots saturday morning and the car ride with ben, walking into walmart in garb/npc clothes
24. hearing about Paladar's decision
25. Dan/Kelly/Me at NPC camp Dan: "Kelly, repeat after me...'I am Monster Desk'" Kelly: all sweet like "I ..Monster Desk" Dan: "SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!" Me: "own it girl! work it, work it!" Kelly: "I AM MONSTER DESK"
26. Mistress keely: "I don't know who you are but you may want to find a safer place to be, its about to get really dangerous here"
27. "SHUN ALL NON CONSTRUCTS/GOLLEMS" or whatever the panthergast said at the last battle...I was giggling with glee inside.
28. dropping like 5 magic items on the field over the weekend. I hope they all got found.
29. Tinker...dude...whoah....that costume/shield was...the bomb
30. Jeff and Nelly with helping clean up NPC camp at the end...WOW YOU GUYS ROCK!
31. Not having to pack everything up and take it away...WOW..DEB AND BRIAN ROCK!
32. Facing off with Wynn, Ben and I both being so tired we just sorta tried not to laugh at each other for a moment KNOWING we had to try to kill each other.
33. Chaos elemental sneaking up between the two building to split the town up during the last wave battle. SO RAD!
34. Trying to find gypsy garb for ScourgeMun's gypsy
35. Doug's excitedness at the end of the event and finding out Casey got a cool thing I still don't know what it was but I know there was extreme happiness.
36. Doug: "we don't wear hats that say LARPER" Me: "neither do....oh ...I just got this hat, I forgot"
37. HEAR no evil, SEE no evil, SPEAK no evil goblins Lariah: "I'm sorry about your disabilities but you're not a protected race here." Asmaranthus "Let's just kill them". Nicodemus "I'm not going to argue with that idea". Sun "I'll take you to a safe place where you will be protected" (Everytime I heard the word "disabilities" i nearly laughed and I couldn't)
38. Gary getting fishbowl ideas from a rubber skull
39. Jaimi's sexy lingerie
40. THE SITE!!! I didn't have to use my flashlight hardly at all!!!!
41. ZoniKar before he was a zombie. That was weird.
42. The entire NPC camp performing "Spaceballs" for me. Now I don't need to ever see it.
43. Learning about samurais from Steve. (Weird though)
44. Learning from Bill and ScourgeMun that there needs to be chocolate syrup at the Silver Scythe (thanks for the advice guys!)

More to come later. I should actually get some work done today HEHEHEH
Let's see . . . I know I'll forget some, but here it goes.

1. Being able to actually hurt things this weekend. Walking into battle swinging 2 silver and actually meaning it was awesome.
2. Being the sturdy shield for the Earth Storm Brigade. That was one of the most fun battles, simply because I was doing something useful. And, as I found out, my shield catches packets wonderfully.
3. Sunday afternoon, while the gnolls were out. There was a beautiful moment there:
Sir Wynn: "You're not a protected tribe, you should leave."
Gnoll: "But there's food here"
Sir Wynn: "True"
Other PC (sorry, don't remember): "I think it's talking about eating you, Wynn"
Sir Wynn: "Oh, right, didn't catch that."
Long, awkward silence ensues . . .
Gnoll: "So, yeah" (Moves into attack stance)
Me: (run run run run run) "0 Waylay!"
Gnoll: (crumples)
Best waylay moment ever.
4. Shun all non-constructs! Oh, how I wish that I weren't affected by that. Hmm . . .
5. Getting plot. Thank you, PCs and NPCs, for getting me involved in storyline stuff!
6. No one being able to remember my name. It was always "You! . . . Shield guy!" Or "You . . . Tinker-something!" I don't think I got called Kurguard more than three times that whole weekend.
7. Finding out that armor hurts. Yeesh. Oh, well.
8. Getting beat down after I rifted in Friday night. Run up to the undead, smack it around, PC turns around and starts attacking me. Awesome in a not-so-awesome way. I suppose I should be happy that I'm scary enough to provoke that kind of reaction. Funny as hell, though.
9. Oh, geez, the shield. I had a bunch of people say OOG "wow, that's awesome!" And a bunch of people say IG "look out, he's going to explode!"
10. Everyone going "So, do your devices actually do anything?" and Kurguard being reluctant to say ". . . no"
11. Going on the newbie combat mod and realizing that my tactics are just fine for combat . . . until I'm not fighting next to someone else with a shield. Also, stupid creatures swinging Body damage at me.
12. Same mod, going around and telling levels for balancing issues. Other PCs: "3" "2" "5" "3" Me: "12" and the googly eyes that followed.
13. I'm getting ready for bed Friday night, when a bunch of NPCs approach my tent.
Gary: "Is this tent locked or warded or anything?"
Me: "Nope, completely IG"
Gary: "Okay, I open it 1, I open it 2, I open it 3"
I get up, poke my head out of the doorway. Big, nasty group of undead is right there.
Me: "Hi?"
Gary: "What race do I see?"
Me: "Um . . . dwarf?"
Gary: "Okay." (Turns and walks away with all the undead)
Me: "O. . . kay?" (Goes back to sleep)
Love you so much, Gary! Thanks for not making me rez!
14. Favorite moment in a not-so-favorite way: spending the entire battle on the Plane of Life being Drained. It would go like this, exactly:
Me: (Walks to the front lines) "Bring it, undead!"
NPC: "Spellstrike Drain"
Me: "Taken. Anyone got a Purify?"
PCs: "Not for you we don't!"
Me: "Fine." (Goes and spends ten minutes waiting for Drain to wear off) "All right, this time I'm read-"
NPC: "Spellstrike Drain!"
Me: (pause) "Fine, taken, whatever. I'll just go sit in a corner."
15. I swear, the end of the Plane of Life battle looked just like a Scooby Doo cartoon. Skylar sprinting away quickly, with everyone else behind him.
Skylar: "Resist, Resist, Resist, Bane, Taken, Bane, Cloak, Resist, Resist, No Effect!"
PCs: "Yaah!" (Throws absolutely everything into Skylar that they can.)
16. The tavern. Holy CRAP that was amazing. That's the only tavern that I've seen actually be IG as much as the PCs.
17. "Guess what? Ivar proposed to Deborah! Guess what? Ivar proposed to Deborah!"
18. NPCs. You guys rock!

So, yeah. That's all I can remember for the moment. I'll probably see most of you this Friday!
Paul Vorvick (West Coast Paul)
So I'm tired, I ache all over, and I take that as a sign of a very good weekend. I'm sure most of you are just as sore right now. My brain is in no condition for work, so I thought I'd take a few moments to post some of my fav's. In no particular order, just how they come to mind....

1) Super secret spy squad. The four of you know who you are, you rock.

2) The ensuing flurry to get Keely, Pantzike, and Cerulean into the circle. Shoving them in with no explanation, Smara stuffed under my arm/cloak, and then being rather certain as we cross the threshhold that I've majorly screwed up and really have destroyed the world.

3) Getting to offically act as Sir Wynn's advisor.

4) MY MINION! Thank you Dan, Stacy, and the NPC who played her :D

5) Seeing Amy and Scott! And the crew getting together for Gary's B-day cake. Happy birthday again man.

6) Starting arguments with Sun and Keinan about stuffing spirits into objects.... then having the Saiden Moore do the We Do Not Believe bit was like having someone else put an exclamation point on the end of the argument for me. I really had no idea they were going to do something like that and it came right on the tail end of my discussion with Sun.

7) Feeling effective as a high teens templar but still having things out there I was scared of. Awesome job stat'ing the monsters throughout the weekend. Sean Metzler rocks like Patti Smith on closing night of CBGB's.... which is to say alot.


9) This one is I think my top favorite of the weekend and maybe of the season... After a hard fought victory over Skylar Saturday night, Plot dropped us a bone and said here's two ways this plot npc can help you wrap up that trouble with the Shards. The PC's took the night to think it over and on Sunday morning, as a group, said forget the solution plot just handed us, we have our own way to wrap this one up. We came up with our own plan, everyone was involved, everyone pulled it together, we did it using our own resources, and I think everyone noticed it went down pretty damn smooth. For that, you all freakin rock.

Much love to Gary, Dan, Sean, Doug, Kelly and everyone else on staff who put together a great weekend.

Pretty awesome weekend for my team. We weren't sure what to expect after the fiasco that was May, but ended up having an incredible time.

  • Barbarian frat house.

    Giving at least two Heroic Speeches (TM) over the course of the event.

    So. Many. Barbarian. Pantherghasts. Keep 'em coming!

    Draugr. Any time he shows up so that we can talk smack to each other, it's a great time. It'll be a shame when we finally destroy him. ;)

    "If you weren't brimming with Celestial power, I'd ask you to marry me."

    Plunging into a rift made by Void to save Crowe, and the unexpected reward that came two days later.

    "Ator, you're in the middle of the front line."

    Desperately seeking a certain ritual for 13 years, then getting both the scroll and catalyst in the span of 15 minutes.
Forgot one.

  • Keely: "We need an untainted Earth circle to use the Conjure Artifact ritual." Keely not-so-subtly glances over her shoulder at me.
    Ator: "Uhm, well..."
    Keely: "There's only ONE backlash on the scroll that can destroy your circle, and you know Sun has almost no chance of even flawing it."
    Ator: "Okay. We'll do it."
    Five minutes pass.
    Sun: "Okay, so actually there's TWO chances of destroying the circle, and ONE chance that it becomes Celestial. Also, there's a flaw that makes all items inside usable only by elves."
    Ator: "What?!"
Shane just reminded me of another fav....

Biata Pantherghast.

Messenger comes running in with a warning.... Amaranthus and I just shoot eachother a glance across the tavern and start shaking our heads. Then the one we get is way easier then we had actually prepared for. We look at eachother again and just shrug.
Shhh said:
Shane just reminded me of another fav....

Biata Pantherghast.

Messenger comes running in with a warning.... Amaranthus and I just shoot eachother a glance across the tavern and start shaking our heads. Then the one we get is way easier then we had actually prepared for. We look at eachother again and just shrug.

Yeah.... that was me... 40body swinging 4 normal pantherghast.. 1 phase... not a lot i could do, against you two
Mind = blurr, but I shall try:

Dispite my worries, being back at the old site was pritty cool. Got to hand it to everyone who went to clean up, you did a fantastic job.

The old tavern. So many good times.

Being asked so many times about what happened in ashbury and teh obliteration. I should have gotten them all together so I only had to tell the story once.

Talking to Joquin about anti-gryphon seige weapons and me getting investors for them.

Getting a preminition involving the dryads, then going to rescue them. Great mod with great RP durring and after.

More mentilist plot with Thalfidian's "message in a bottle" in pant's head. oog quote: I was worried we wouldn't have a biata to go and get it, but then we saw you drive up and were like, ok its cool, this mod WILL happen. I do love me my mind plot.

The anti-raiser. Cool idea. Amar dosen't like monsters but still a really neat thing.

As much fun as I had PC-ing my best moments came from the final wave battle for getting to be cast as Logan. so me and gary (retalion) are near the entrance to casie's cabin and people are all targeting gary. Me: "hold up boss let me open you a path.....laugh gas, laugh gas, laugh gas, laugh gas, laugh gas.....all set boss."

Retalion goes into cabin. me staring down jessie (kinen) and dan (southkin). Me: Hey retalion, how much for a merc golem?" Gary in a growling voice: "i'm busy" me: "ok...."

Almost getting dan in the woods. "I'm going to bag me a noble!!!!"

i am sure there are more but i need to get to work.
Jevedor said:
Shhh said:
Shane just reminded me of another fav....

Biata Pantherghast.

Messenger comes running in with a warning.... Amaranthus and I just shoot eachother a glance across the tavern and start shaking our heads. Then the one we get is way easier then we had actually prepared for. We look at eachother again and just shrug.

Yeah.... that was me... 40body swinging 4 normal pantherghast.. 1 phase... not a lot i could do, against you two

17th and 19th level templars who had preped for it. binding = yes.
oh yeah....

45. the new site is only 1 hour 15 mins from my house? yeah....that rocked...we had been on the road 1 hour last night and we were already in barre and i said "hey..this is closer than church on sundays!"
Deadlands said:
-The RP with the town as Mourgrymm. Sev did a great job, in particular, perhaps even induced a little shame.

Probably one of my favorite moments too, to be honest. Thank you for the sexy roleplay, Gary.

Other favs, which I will probably continue to add to since my brain is fuzzed:

- Spending the weekend with some of my favorite people, OOG and IG: Kainen, Joquinn, Ellry, Darius, Paladar, and Amaranthus. Good times had by all.

- Hot sauce roleplay moments with Gary (as a variety of NPCs), Amaranthus, and Darius respectively. I'm such a sucker for good roleplay.

- Rander the gnoll and his delicious undead slayer. Oh god, I want that thing for Christmas. Just put a flame aura on it and I'll be a happy panda.

- Finally, finally feeling a little bit more functional as a templar. Being one sword girl with a bunch of spells, but not as much as a normal scholar for my level, has been insanely frustrating, especially once I run through my spell column. But taking up shield made me a lot more effective and allowed me to get some stick jock out of my system. I like to swing pipe way too much.

Hopefully I'll see some of you crazy kids at Caldaria -- otherwise, I'll see you all next month.
What a wonderful weekend. I know I am not alone when I say that that site feels more like home than other sites. Where to begin...

-Only having 3 members of my team total. I love having all of us but it was a lot of fun with just Shane and Jamie.
-Trapping Melissa(tova), Jen(Sun), and Joe(Mori) in our circle for about an hour. And every time I would leave the field to go check on I would say "gotta check on the prisoners" and not one person questioned it.
-Being the only one for every ritual cast this weekend that had some form of a watch.
-After Joe and Jen had been in the circle for out 2-3 hours coming into the cabin to tell them Ator is resurrecting in the circle, he might not make it, and there was no one else here to let them out. Gottcha suckers!
-5 Barbarian Pantherghasts. I know I'm not a Barbarian but it was still awesome.
-Of course the Tavern. If you have never seen it before it is amazing. It is one of the best things about that site. And it looked so awesome with tall the spider webs when we first walked in.
-Finding the old town guard sash hanging up in the tavern and taking it. Then telling people I was an official member of the town guard as appointed by Baron Mason Stormblade.
-Ben(wynn) telling me out of game that some people actually believed that I was a member of town guard :D
-Shane and Gary yelling about Jutons and slavery. It was so awesome!
-Actually finally getting to say "we have too many magic weapons."
-The collective gasp when Shane was hit with the "17 massive."
-The official announcement of the title "Grand Master Healer." You can dispute it Craig!!!

That is about all for now. Brian and Deb are my heroes for letting us use the site again and for making us sweet stuff to use and I am sure for a great number of other reasons. It was great seeing everyone and I can wait to see you all next time...ect. ect. ect.
Deadlands said:
-My birthday cake and celebration! Samara got the pumpkin yellow cake just right, and it's a tricky recipe. I was half afraid that I was going to be eating an egg flavored pile of mush. Thanks, darling!

I will thank you to have more faith in my baking abilities next time! :p

- First and foremost, playing Cerulean. I had such a blast. From the first moments running into Casey till the last moments reuniting with Galloway, the RP was more than I'd even hoped for. She gets her own sublist of favourites:

* Medb and Kai sitting in the sun and telling faerie tales to keep her entertained
* Casey trying to look into her mind
* Wandering around under the protection of Tabin, listening to his stories trying to spark her memory
* Calling Amaranthus a gryphonling. Oops!
* Beating up Ator. "If you weren't celestial I'd ask you to marry me."
* Elry being sweet and friendly and secretly checking to see if she has a metabolism -- tricky!
* Recognizing Sun's face and not knowing why; all the RP that followed with her and Pantzike
* The obelisk failure. She can take a 50 vengeance, Tabin not so much...
* The Doom Brigade's attack and the ensuing chaos -- hiding in the woods under a cloak with Keely, then hiding under Nicodemus' arm/cloak and being hurried into the earth circle. Sorry Nic!
* Spending an hour lying on the wet ground freaking out/getting memory back with Keely and Sun murmuring encouragement and comfort (this was my favourite moment of the entire weekend, the RP was off-the-charts amazing)
* Speech of thanks and good luck to the town
* The final moments: Keely bringing her Galloway, private chats, goodbyes and thanks and reforming with the sword
* Basically, Keely is Cerulean's new bestest friend

- Screaming and cackling with Nellie during the opening encounter, and hearing later that people were actually scared.

- In NPC camp, Jeremy and me finding all the masks that looked like the Skylar mask and deciding to start an undead "I Heart Skylar" fanclub. Yes, we'll make T-shirts.

- The Banshee Sisters mod. I had no idea Kelsey and I could keep wailing for that long! The PCs were awesome, perfect RP. And getting to drain Lillian definitely made me feel like I'd won Alliance for the night. Four out of six, nom nom nom.

- Gary as Gandalf and all the creepy-old-man jokes in NPC camp.

- The Children of Autumn mod (except for my on-land belly flop, OW) and all the RP afterward. Asharah's growing frustration at the modern races' need to give everything eight different names.

- Playing Bjorn's children and trying to make our departure as heartbreaking as possible. Nellie: "Don't hurt daddy or we'll get you!" in her best nine-year-old voice.

- All things Kelly Curtin!

- End of the Plane of Life wave battle: all the NPCs are dead, Skylar's in his circle, all the PCs gather round thinking "it must be RP time!" In comes Sean, "no it ain't!", 10 berserk, 10 berserk, 10 berserk...

- Biata S&M addict. Yes it was my idea. Though it came up in a conversation with Jeff and Jesse, so you can blame them too.

- The tavern. That is one sexy tavern.

- Final wave battle: "Jesse you just hit me in the boob." "Oh, ok, sorry". Jesse proceeds to purposely hit me in the boob three more times. Jackass.

- Epic dinner. I swear that Pizza Hut lady was going to go postal.

More to come if I can think of any. Overall, an incredible event. Thanks to Gary and Kelly and Sean for awesome roles. Thanks to everyone who roleplayed with me, it's why I play the game. Also, yay for getting to work with my two closest people all weekend. NH rocks so hard.

See some of you in Caldaria!
In no particular order.

-18 IG years of holding onto the Oblito-Hammer and I finally lose it... in a shard of void. Well, that things gone. It was a good run, buddy. Time to get a new hammer. <moment of silence>


- <inner monologue> I'm out of healing... what do I have... Confine! Yes... no! I don't think I can confine tentacles!
- <waiting for mod group, and watching people pair up and get comfy, turning to Craig> Craig... Love me! <leaps into Craigs arms>
- being able to Paladin it up again, just in general. This character gives me the warm-n-fuzzies.
- Twig of Woe!
- Storming after one jerk of an undead into the woods alone, the undead turns to fight me laughing at me "With mystic force I pin you!" the undead begins to rip free "Activate turn undead!" the undead begin scrambling away and realises it is now stuck> "Go back to the grave, and stay there." <smite> (I love that trick, and thus, love my twig of woe)
- finally getting some loots. And BOY, did I get some loots.
- Ghost Metal Golem!
- as much as the reason for wearing it sucked, the eye patch was pretty awesome. Thanks Brian!
- Fairy Tale mod, AKA "Mud Wrestling Mod". That was a fun mod, Thanks for cause crit tackling me Torie, it made it more epic!
- Super Heroeing paralysed/prisoned people during the Morgrim(sp?) fight. I love me some endows and grabbing elves and running like you wouldn't believe.
- "Clandestine Dealings"
- Facing off against a race that Darius will NOT negotiate with, and getting to pound wave after wave and wave of them. Trolls. Thank you NPCs for dealing with my complete disinterest in speaking with you =)
- Ellry (sp?): I love your hair! How often do you do that to keep it so vibrant?!

That's all I can drag to mind right now.

I'm not going to lie, this was an amazingly awesome event!!!! There were so many fun moments from this weekend, and there is no way I would be able to think of all of them right now. I will think of more but here are some off the top of my head;

Probably the best thing about the weekend was being able to wield "Mama". This event was definitely geared more towards higher level characters (What with fighting Skylar, Vampires, etc.) but the magic sword definitely made me feel useful. I may not have had the lastivity of many other people, I was about to plow through quite a few undead. It definitely made my weekend (Emily, you rock!!).

THE SITE!!!!!!!!! 'Nuff said.

Friday night beating down the undead was awesome. I must have dropped at least 15 of those things with only needing my armor refitted twice. It was tons of fun.

The NPCs playing Barbarian children trying to get me to see "Daddy" was awesome. They seemed legit until I was told that Daddy was a Vampire. I'm so glad that I listened when advised to stay away from them.

Getting a paralyze poison right in the center of my chest from 20 feet away by Sean on Saturday and then being interrogated. Thank god someone noticed I dissapeared and went to investigate. Being alone with one other NPC guarding me in the woods really made me wish I had Waylay.

Speaking of Waylay, Tinker's amazing sneak attack on the Gnoll Sunday morning was awesome.

Being taught backstab by Sir Wynn and using Harpo as a stand-in for a monster was awesome. Also, being taught teacher by Pantzike but forgetting to get a teacher card wasn't as fun.

People starting to call me Vry more than Young Pup! I like the nick-name but it makes me feel much better being called my character's real name!

Utieties rubbing the Magic sword in Wolf's face and Wolf getting so upset is priceless.

The field battle on Saturday and being in charge of keeping the gatekeeper safe was fun. Until he got death'd, but hey, there were 5 undead surrounding him and I. Luckily, people had life spells handy.

The Lowbie mod with Rendar on Saturday night was so much fun, especially the roleplay that ensued after finding out that Tenderfoot (the tall Barbarian with glasses and curly hair) was a celestial caster. The roleplay with Tova in the Tavern was awesome.

Hanging out in the circle with the sleeping Dragon was awesome. And having the undead attack the dragon and not effecting him was hilarious, until I was stupid and left the circle and got surrounded by them.

Getting upset at the elusive undead late Saturday night. He kept going after the tavern and would run away when 2 or more of us would go after him. Eventually Darius pinned him and I beat him into oblivion. Another awesome moment from that; Casey walks out of the tavern with no weapons or spells and starts walking towards the undead. The undead freaked out and ran back into the woods, even though Casey couldn't do anything.

Owning Skylar in the face!!!! (you know it)

Following the Gnolls around for a half an hour on Sunday morning with Darius, waiting for them to either leave or attack someone. Being paranoid' twice and almost being attacked by Sir Wynn. That would have been a quick fight.

Wizard of Oz mod fighting flying blue monkies, Torrie has the Wicked Witch, and Darius dumping water on himself. 'Nuff said.

Beating on undead once again during the final wave battle on Sunday. With all the death spells being thrown I drank my reflect magic potion but of course, I never used it.

Only dropping 3 times during the whole weekend and never needing a life spell!! Although I was very close Saturday but thankfully Utieties is useful for something. ;)

Now the sad news. I don't believe I will be able to make it to the October event, as the people I would normally get a ride with down are hosting a Haunted House and normally I help out with that. As much as I REALLY want to PC again, I don't think I will be able to play next month unless I somehow can get a ride down. Even sadder, I just found out that the play I'm doing in school will be held the Thursday and Friday right before/during the November event. This does not mean that I'm guaranteed not to go, but if I do it won't be until late Friday night/early Saturday morning unless the date is moved around. I want to PC again at least once more this year, but I specifically really want to go to the October event because that site was simply and utterly amazing. If only some kind soul would be willing to travel up to upstate Vermont to get a 16 year old kid so he can play his new favorite thing in whole wide world!
Vry_Young_Pup said:
Beating on undead once again during the final wave battle on Sunday. With all the death spells being thrown I drank my reflect magic potion but of course, I never used it.

Dude, I want you to know that during that entire battle I was gunning for you. I was crunchy, you were lowbie, I hope I gave you a few good fights!
Vry_Young_Pup said:
I want to PC again at least once more this year, but I specifically really want to go to the October event because that site was simply and utterly amazing. If only some kind soul would be willing to travel up to upstate Vermont to get a 16 year old kid so he can play his new favorite thing in whole wide world!

Talk to Ryan. He should be coming.