Show off your costumes

Another shot of Garridan the silent. We were in the faye realm and being attacked, I jumped around the corner and was blasted my and Enfeeblement spell. Dur!?

Next shots I post will be of him in his snazzy new armour.

I'm an Epic Armoury whore, lol.

In game I stole it off a Dark Elf. My other character actually. :roll:

hopefully the code will work. better late than never. this is Zimps without the New Ravenswood suitcoat. on warmer days i dont wear the upper coat i wear a black shirt with fur arms. then on REALLY hot days i cant wear the legs and were a pair of silk peasant knickers.

this is a better look of the legs. this was a lazy saturday so no mask, and i dont have that shield anymore. i upgraded. lol
MissDragGunn said:

this is a better look of the legs. this was a lazy saturday so no mask, and i dont have that shield anymore. i upgraded. lol

Those are sweet. I thought about doing something like that but I just don't think I could wear those in the rain we often get.
i couldnt see why you couldnt just when you do the under layer use a thin plastic vynl (sp) instead of silk and after the fur dries i like to use a dog grooming powder finishing spray and brush the fur with soft bristles to make it nice again.
Anazstaizia said:
Post of a picture of yourself (or your friends) in your alliance costumes!
I'm the one with the red skirt and gray bodice, the white veil is Tysa/Teadora, and the badass in plate is Vanessa/Ashlin.


Refitting armor... A major part of every battle.



Drunken Scholars happens more than one would expect.


My friend Ashlin looking suitably badass.

Really you looking very gorgeous in red skirt...
My wife and I with some friends from Alliance Calgary at GenCon.


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MaxIrons said:
My wife and I with some friends from Alliance Calgary at GenCon.

I met you guys there too!

I'm still salivating over the Tilted Kilt!
Yeah, I'm thinking of going with a kilt for the char I have in mind too... after all he's going to be from the "high lands". *ducks and dodges thrown objects*
Hmmm...gonna need a more sturdy corset for fighting in later. While the skull corset and the red top was smashing, that corset's zipper was malfunctioning. Very distracting while fighting.
Breten said:
Another shot of Garridan the silent. We were in the faye realm and being attacked, I jumped around the corner and was blasted my and Enfeeblement spell. Dur!?

Next shots I post will be of him in his snazzy new armour.


Your shield is looking beautiful and different like eagle.
As mentioned, here's a couple of Garridan in his armour, the second with Esme, the Gypsy Artisan. Apparently the buckles are supposed to be in the back as per the second photo, but it's way easier for me to put it on myself if the buckles are too the front.



I'm actually really excited about how my mystic's costuming came out! This is the first time I've gotten anything with boning to come out really well. The poofy portion of the sleeve comes off for when I don't want the full part on. I made the under dress short sleeved and in a sage green too. I'm going to be making bloomers to go under the dresses too soon but the look should be about the same!


Unfortunately I don't have a good shot of this at a game. This photo is from a convention I was at earlier this year. I am on the right in the white armor. I've fought in this at Alliance a number of times, but I haven't really worn it since I've gotten my Arcane Armor (and it's valued less than the Arcane Armor anyway).

This is my little group of adventurers, I'm the one on the left in the chainmail. All of the leather you see we made ourselves, we're quite proud of it all.
Robb Graves said:
is that a back scabbard??? looking good...
It is indeed! Here is an album of some of the back scabbard photos:

It has been changed somewhat from the photos you see there (namely the attachment over the hip has been made about 300x stronger) but the gist is the same.