Show off your costumes

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My dwarf: Morgan
Sean, Mark(Dab) won't shut up about that helmet.
That helmet is like half of his armor.

Ian 2014
I got some new armor and stuff. Hope to get new pics soon.
(Please excuse the sunglasses. After eye surgery a couple years back I developed a sensitivity to bright light. If anyone has a suggestion where I might find something that looks a bit less out of place, that would be great.)
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My new Gettysburg PC, played at HQ this past weekend!
My Mystic Wood Elf fighter from the Calgary (Canada) Chapter.
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Garridan during his brief time as a High Ogre.

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Yeah trying to fix that.
Looks fixed to me now.
Hello there, everyone. I'm pretty new to LARPing, but I've been working pretty hard on getting my costume just right. It's already gone through a couple versions.

This is my character Phillip of House Gunderson, but you may call him Twig. The photo on the left is the first version of the costume I actually used in a short teaser for a film project, and the photo on the right is the final version. Just wanted to see what y'all think.

Twig Costume change.jpg

Here's a link to that teaser I mentioned. Check it out if you'd like:

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