Sound Off! Who's coming to the April event??!?

Looks like some of the Brooklyn boys that transplanted to NJ are coming......

<<< Looks like some of the Brooklyn boys that transplanted to NJ are coming...... >>>

Can they give Danny a ride? He needs one from NYC to the HQ event in April.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Hey... for those who are NOT totally hard core and prefer the comforts of a warm hotel room, I recommend this place:

Mastroserio's Inn Family Restaurant and Pizzaria
Montrose, PA
(570) 278-9284

You can get 2 double beds for 56.00/night. If you split that among 4 people it is 28.00 for the weekend.

The Innkeeper said that she has quite a few rooms available for the April 4-6 weekend, but I would make a reservation early in case they fill up.

From what another Alliance player said who stayed there last year--the rooms are clean but old. So you aren't getting a luxury suite here, but you get a warm bed, private bathroom and heated room. And I think the hotel is within 15 minutes of the site.

- J
I'm still tossing around the idea of coming down for the opener. It would mean having an event every weekend in April, and I'm not sure how much I feel like killing myself. But if I do, I'll be NPCing for you crazy folk.
<<< Mastroserio's Inn Family Restaurant and Pizzaria >>>

I have stayed here. It is indeed not a luxury room, but it's clean.

<<< I'm not sure how much I feel like killing myself. But if I do, I'll be NPCing for you crazy folk. >>>

Please NPC for us! :)

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
IvanDrake said:
<<< Mastroserio's Inn Family Restaurant and Pizzaria >>>

I have stayed here. It is indeed not a luxury room, but it's clean.

<<< I'm not sure how much I feel like killing myself. But if I do, I'll be NPCing for you crazy folk. >>>

Please NPC for us! :)

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

yeh npc then you dont have to kill yourself we can do it for you ;)
Rofl! If I don't make it for the opener, I'll definitely make it at other points in the season to NPC for you guys. I never miss an opportunity to share my PC thrashing love. <3
My Lord,

I will definitely be attending.

Brian Whitham
aka. Garathon Von Storm
<<< wow.. for that strange amalgamation of IG and OOG, i kick you off of team human. >>>

I therefore pull rank as a Senior Human (I'm older than you, so there!) and I officially re-instate Brian / Garathon on the human team......

.... unless by "my lord" he meant someone else..... then screw him!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Khorwyn Brey shall be in attendance, fully prepared to lead as many people off their trail as possible in the pitch blackness of night. Sounding off for the human brigade! :mrgreen:
I won't be there. You will all just have to make up your own PC stats and jot your tags on notebook paper.

Just kidding. I'll be there. :D
Looks like I'm coming to NPC for sure. Hurrah!

Three events in one month. I am going to die once May hits.
Ithica said:
WEll i am comming, but the Greek parade in NYC is that sunday and I was asked to march in it again in full Bronze. So im gonna leave my house drive 3.5 hours.. play nero friday night, play nero saturday day, leave late night, sleep in a hotel and then drive 3.5 hours to NYC to suit up and march.

And then the next weekend go to the CT event? :lol:
IvanDrake said:
I therefore pull rank as a Senior Human (I'm older than you, so there!) and I officially re-instate Brian / Garathon on the human team......

Hey, waitaminnit! I control the database. I get to decide who's human and who isn't. So, Eric, for overstepping your bounds I have just changed Ivan's race to MWE. Just try to repent now. :twisted: