Ezri said:
If starting so low bothers you so much, NPC an event or two, make some packets, get some gobs and EARN more.
You can say that to me and it's no big deal. I have gobbies in multiple chapters and I know what to expect because I've been playing a while.
But I don't think there's a disclaimer in the rulebook that says if you start off with a 15 build scholar you are going to suck in combat so you'd better NPC for a while. A person might come to play and then realize that s/he can't really do anything in combat.
Robb Graves said:
why would we lose a player? if they don't like being weaponless, they can always go learn a weapon skill... yes if you blow your 7 spells or whatever the first night, you're out of them until Saturday night... so what? 1) scrolls 2) wands 3) role play.
I'm thinking of the player that likes being weaponless but who also likes combat. As for the scrolls and wands, newbies don't get those. They're not going to get them off of their kills since they don't have enough spells to kill anything anyway.
This leaves roleplay. Honestly people use this as an excuse far too often. Oh 6 hours of downtime? You shouldn't be bored - you should be roleplaying. Oh you blew your 7 spells and have 18 hours left till the next logistics? You have no excuse to be bored - you should be roleplaying. Roleplaying is great, but don't some people come to participate in combat?
Ezri said:
Why is this suddenly an issue? We've been giving people single weapons and twelve copper for almost 20 years. We all did it. When did the attitude of being entitled to things just for showing up start?
Why is the idea of giving celestial casters a wand suddenly an issue? Wands are new and I just thought about it.
20 years doesn't make it good.
Being entitled to what? A fun time? I just don't think a 15 build celestial scholar can come in game and have fun in combat. I do think they are entitled to some fun combat though - just for showing up (and paying money to play a game). That doesn't mean we have to give them a bazillion scrolls or 20 gold. I'd settle for 1 wand (they choose the element) and a warning that 15 build weaponless scholars suck early but get cooler later. And advice that when they run out of spells they should either sleep or roleplay or scavenge other people's kills or whatever.
Yes we all did it. When I started I was a fighter. And I was going on low level modules in the Brooklyn site. I had friends who were 5th and 9th level to help me out (they helped me build a character so I wouldn't be totally useless). My first weekend I was second level. It had a build cap around 90 something. By my second weekend I was 3rd level I think. I could shoot arrows for 6, swing my short sword for 3, and block with my spear or thrust for 2. It was hard. It was cold. It was no fun. Morganna threw an obliterate that hit someone near me but I had no idea what that meant. I almost quit Nero. If I had been a 15 build weaponless scholar that event I guarantee I would have quit.
jpariury said:
When we first started, my buddy was a elven scholar with polearm and read/write. Insane, I tell ya, insane.
Actually, that's probably a lot less insane than than pre reqs and 421.
Robb Graves said:
i have given reasons that have not been refuted by other than "but I want more free stuff™"
As far as I can see nobody said that. I honestly don't know where you got that but since I'm the one advocating for giving newbies a wand I have to assume you're talking about me. Honestly a 2 silver wand means very little to me. I'll be coming into game with plenty. That's my style.
Anyway, I've said my thing. If an owner sees this and cares they can bring it up on their boards. As I said it doesn't really effect me personally so I don't care all that much - probably not enough to keep going on this thread so don't be insulted if you brilliantly refute every point I've made and I don't reply. I'd just like to see all new players have fun and this is something I think is relevant.