M Marcena Paragon May 21, 2008 #41 Well, not literal intoxicates...the type if you drink enough you RP drunkenness anyway.
M Marcena Paragon May 22, 2008 #43 Hah! Then we'll celebrate with a barrel of bloodwine! Hmm....I gots IG posting to do now!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal May 22, 2008 #47 I'd first need to decide if I liked either of them enough to make that happen. The answer is probably no.
I'd first need to decide if I liked either of them enough to make that happen. The answer is probably no.
Mairead Specialist May 23, 2008 #49 Chicken Scavy-not a Biata... Tieran doesn't like Anyone... Blood wine is considered 'icky' by some.
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 23, 2008 #51 bloodwine is deadly???? why's that????? please don't say FOIG...i don't wanna drink something and die
bloodwine is deadly???? why's that????? please don't say FOIG...i don't wanna drink something and die
Tzydl Zhitelava Exemplar May 23, 2008 #53 okay but if tzydl dies and i use up one of my stones i may hunt you down and give you a noogie.
Mairead Specialist May 23, 2008 #57 Resist? Or could you wrap your innards in Cling Film and seal yourself off that way? (hehehehehe)
Mairead Specialist May 23, 2008 #59 Umm... Magical Clear Wrapping Buffers?! with a Render Indestructable on it so your belly wouldn't consume it. ?????
Umm... Magical Clear Wrapping Buffers?! with a Render Indestructable on it so your belly wouldn't consume it. ?????
M Marcena Paragon May 23, 2008 #60 But bloodwine is deadly to non-biata...I think I'll just forego it, then. I don't wanna race change for a drinking contest!
But bloodwine is deadly to non-biata...I think I'll just forego it, then. I don't wanna race change for a drinking contest!